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The future of marketing and the power of youtube. Setting the industry standards. QQTube provides a complete digital marketing experience Know More https://www.qqtube.com<br><br>With a network of viewers and an independent delivery platform, QQTube has led the market in YouTube views and social media services since 2013. In such an advanced market, our services are constantly evolving and improving - thereu2019s always something new to try! Get the benefits of real-time innovation with QQTube - skip the middleman and purchase straight from the source! We strive to offer high-quality services, affordable

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  3. ABOUT US With a network of viewers and an independent delivery platform, QQTube has led the market in YouTube views and social media services since 2013. In such an advanced market, our services are constantly evolving and improving - there’s always something new to try! Get the benefits of real-time innovation with QQTube - skip the middleman and purchase straight from the source! We strive to offer high-quality services, affordable pricing, faster delivery, and a user-friendly website experience.

  4. Our network of services allows us to provide you with the highest quality at the lowest prices - and we’re always working to improve! You’ll never be bored with the amazing range of services we offer here at QQTube, and if there’s a service we don’t offer we encourage you to reach out and make a suggestion. Unlike many of our competitors, we want to give you exactly what you want at the highest standard of excellence.

  5. We want your brand to succeed in this content-saturated market, and we will do everything possible to meet your needs at the highest standard of excellence. With a team of expert in-house Developers and knowledgeable Customer Support Specialists on 24-hour standby, we can confidently say we have the best services and customer support in the industry! So simplify success with the best - choose Quality with QQTube!

  6. THE IMPORTANCE OF YOUTUBE LIKES & COMMENTS While many viewers remember to subscribe to a channel that they enjoy, or to leave a comment on a video that sparks their interest, not many viewers will remember to leave that ever-valuable “Like” on your content. In fact, even if you remind them, viewers might not always take the time to leave a thumbs up, especially if not many other people have done so already. So how do you strengthen your content and build your viewer’s trust at the same time? By building a foundation of Likes!

  7. Without a significant amount of Likes on a video, it might seem to viewers as if your traffic is unnatural and discourage them from participating in the conversation around your content. The more positive feedback that your video already has, the more likely it is to receive even more positive feedback, boosting your video’s ranking and increasing the likelihood of your content reaching YouTube’s Trending page.  Along with Likes, comments are another important element of boosting a video’s popularity.

  8. While many content creators opt for disabling the comments section in order to avoid unpleasant arguments or rude comments, most video authors understand the importance of starting a conversation with their viewers. When your viewers can tell you what they do or do not like, you can craft your content to provide them more of what they want, and less of what they don’t!

  9. Comments can help to promote a video by leading back to another video featuring similar content, or they can show other viewers that the content in the video that they’re currently watching (or loading) is worth their time, encouraging their fellow viewers to stay and increasing your channels watch time as a result. Making sure that the feedback is balanced - with the majority being positive, and a few comments suggesting changes or critiquing your work - will ensure that viewers feel that their opinions are heard and that they are free to express themselves to you.

  10. For the same reason that buying Likes is necessary, it’s also important to build a foundation of positive comments for your video content. While it’s easy to get lost in all the hustle and bustle of internet marketing - not to mention the confusing combination of clicks, visits, hits, posts, and follows required to achieve success - it doesn’t have to be complicated. This is why building a foundation of Like and Comments is so important. YouTube’s search algorithm analyzes your content, your audience engagement, your keywords, subscribers, comments, and more - so make sure you have all your bases covered!  Using the right tools can make a world of difference - so what are you waiting for, it's time to go viral!

  11. AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT 101 What’s a successful brand without an audience? Loyal, enthusiastic customers and fans are what social media is all about, but when you’re first starting it can be difficult to know where to begin. Knowing the right questions to ask and how to respond to feedback is an important and necessary aspect of any social media presence. Even if you’re a long-time user of social media, you can still improve your methods of communication in order to grow your online community even further. Here’s how to gain (and maintain) a community around your brand.

  12. CREATE A WELCOMING ENVIRONMENT Viewers don’t want to comment on a video that no one else has commented on - it gives the impression that your content isn’t worth discussing. Even worse, it can sometimes make viewers feel like you don’t welcome other opinions on your video. Build up a foundation of viewer engagement through subscribers, likes, comments, and comment likes in order to encourage new audiences to participate.

  13. START A CONVERSATION So now that you’ve built up a foundation of subscribers, likes, comments, and comment likes, it’s time to keep the conversation going. Many YouTubers end their videos by asking their audience a question, and encouraging them to comment below with their answer. This ensures that your viewers have an idea of what to say, rather than forcing them to come up with their own questions, comments, or ideas. Ask your audience about their experiences, opinions, and struggles - you’ll be surprised by how many will respond! Be sure to keep the questions relevant to your content.

  14. ONLINE ETIQUETTE Interacting with your audience can be tricky, especially if you begin receiving negative or offensive comments on your videos. It’s important to consider every comment as feedback on your content. Good or bad, a comment is valuable to your brand. Respond to every comment as if you were responding to a friend - be relaxed, friendly, and kind. If a commenter expresses that they disliked your content, ask them why - you’ll find that many times they can provide you with valuable feedback that you can use to improve and grow. Of course, offensive or violent comments should be removed and reported. Another fun way of interacting with your audience can be done through shoutout campaigns. At the end of each video, you can display the top (or favorite) comment from your previous video, and give a shoutout to the viewer who posted it. This will provide your viewers with a reason to comment - free exposure is always a great motivator! STAYING POSITIVE Interacting with your audience can be tricky, but done correctly you can see some amazing results. Don’t worry if your channel engagement starts off slow - everything is a learning process and we are all beginners when we start out. Stay consistent, positive, and friendly and you’ll be sure to see your channel grow over time. While you wait, why not create a welcoming channel by building up a foundation of subscribers, views, likes, comments, and more!

  15. CONTACT US 24 Hour Customer Support Wind, rain, or shine, we're here for you everyday 365 days of the year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Who else can say that they're only a couple keyboard clicks away from being connected to a reliable customer service representative that will fix their problem in the shortest amount of allotted time? No one! We provide an unbeatable customer service experience and will work to solve every single one of your problems until you, our customer, are completely satisfied. WWW.QQTUBE.COM

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