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The Role of Innovation in the Hungarian University System. …no Past, only Present and Future… Dr. István Bilik. Some data about Hungarian Higher Education. There are 25 Universities and 47 Colleges, among them -there are 18 state UNI and 14 state COL -there are 5 Church-UNI, 22 Church-COL
The Role of Innovation in the Hungarian University System …no Past, only Present and Future… Dr. István Bilik ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
Some data about Hungarian Higher Education There are 25 Universities and 47 Colleges, among them -there are 18 state UNI and 14 state COL -there are 5 Church-UNI, 22 Church-COL -there are 2 private-UNI, 11 private-COL The Nr of students is about 430thousand. The Bologna-type of four-cycles (SCHE, BSc, MSc, PhD) education starts from 1st September, in an ascending line. Theoretically all four degres can be obtained at every HEIs (based on the free signal of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee and of the newly established Hungarian Rectors’ Conference). ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
On the contrary the Government knows that innovation is a key issue in increasing the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy, there are about one million enterprises in Hungary, but very few of them carry on innovative activity. • What is the reason of that? ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
Measures taken by the Government for developing the innovation activity are Hungarian Innovation League(1996) creating the R+D Innovation Foundation (0.25% of yearly turnover of enterprise + public contribution on the same amount, in 2003) Act of Innovation (2004) National Research and Development Office (2004) R+D Innovation Council (2004) League of Innovative Enterprises (2006) comprehensive attempts to create a nation-wide innovation network ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
Innovation Centres ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
Future of Hungarian Innovation /2/ Regional Organisation for Innovation (involving Universities or belonging to HEIs): • Debrecen – Debrecen U. • Győr Széchenyi U. • Miskolc – Miskolc U. • Tatabánya • Veszprém – Pannon U. • Eger • Pécs – Science U. • Budapest – Technical U., Medical U. (1st spin-off), Eötvös L. U. • Szeged – Science U., HAS Res. Center of Biology ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
Future of Hungarian Innovation /3/(obstacles, Parragh, 2005) • not enough source at Enterprises for Innovation • general and not earmarked financing of research • R D is not equal with Innovation (Innovation needs R D) • there is not a Nation-wide scientific-innovation policy • 2/3 of Innovation Fund used for general financing of State HEIs (because of underfinancing) • GDP for R D only 0,89% (decreasing from 2002) • very low rate of graduated in science and technology • there is not organised interest for innovation activity • preferation of applied research activities • from 1000 employed 3-4 researchers ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
Definition of the Concept (only from 1983~ ‘new production’) innovation: -a new or significantly improved production technology -a new or significantly improved methods or supplying services and of delivering products the course of innovation: →University→spin-off →enterprise source of →Research Inst.→spin-off →enterprise new ideas→Enterprise→exp. dept. →own. enterprise ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
About innovative enterprises(spin-offs in Hungary) Definition: a small enterprise, established for utilisation at UNI or at Public Res. Inst. originated intellectual property Situation: lot of newly formed intellectual properties, utilisable research results but -not enough high motivation -lack of managing competencies -lack of confidence -lack of host/parent institutes (joint) interests, -no stimulation from state, from parent instittutional side -lack of financing conditions (assuring the space, the infrastructure, incubation and contracts of utilisation) ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
Spin-off’s in Hungary Some obstacles: -low-paid scientists -more subjects than researchers (20.000 manpower/ 27.000 subjects) -single-handed battle -lack of team-works -shared financing between HEIs and Hungarian Academy of Sciences -select of researchers not efficient: -researchers’ subjects instead of subjects researchers -finished and marketable products are not the final aim ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
Lisbon Strategy /2000. March/ in Hungary 1st January 2004 Research and Technology Innovation Fund(Act) 1st January 2005 Act for Innovation Results of Summing up Innovation among Enterprises (2003) -19% of total Enterprises *> 50 employees 17% *>250 employees 41% -type of innovation *only product 47% *only procedure 13% *product+procedure 23%*unfinished 17% -driving force of innovation:increasing social demands ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
The Sphere of Enterprises in Hungary Nr of registered Firms » 1 million Nr of active Firms ~ 0,85 million from this ~ 1 thousand big Companies, while the othersare SMEs from the SMEs ~ 65% act under pressure (1-2 persons) able to be innovative: few thousands ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
Manpower degree of Supply(source: Hungarian Innovation League statistics, 2002) ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
Expectations of Enterprises for Innovation from different Organisations(Econ.Res. Inst. 2002) ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
Handover of Research Results (Econ. Res. Inst. 2002) ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
Creating an Organisations for Developing the Innovation: The Central and SE-European Innovation Area (2004)(G. Fayl – U. Fayl, 2004) • CEIA will lead to more dynamic progress towards a knowledge-based economy and society. • CEIA will contribute to produce high knowledge-content goods and services, rather than a cheap labour-cost, will raise confidence in the Region and attract further foreign and domestic investments. • CEIA try to activate the knowledge producing HEIs in developing their innovation efforts. • CEIA try to promote direct and non-political dialogue in the region – fort he regional stabilisation ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
Creating an Organisations for Developing the Innovation (2): The Central and SE-European Innovation Area (2004)(G. Fayl – U. Fayl, 2004) • CEIA promotes direct co-operations between regions, offering a more active and better competitive participation in the globalisation process • CEIA enhanced the importance of co-operations among regions, with some illustrative examples in Central European HEIs: Kosice-Krakow-Miskolc, Cluj-Debrecen-Oradea, Arad-Beograd-Novi Sad-Szeged-Timisoara, Koper-Ljubljana-Maribor-Pécs-Zagreb, Bratislava-Győr-Komarno-Sopron-Vienna • CEIA would suggest the widening the transfer of expertise from neighbouring regions, notable Austria, Germany, Greece and Italy • CEIA later would support some joint projects will include regions of other parts of SE-Europe (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro) ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
Creating an Organisations for Developing the Innovation (3): The Central and SE-European Innovation Area (2004)(G. Fayl – U. Fayl, 2004) CEIA consists of two organisations: Consortium: -open, non-legal framework -formulating policy and strategic advice -promote networking among HEIs, regional offices, research institutes, innovation centres, industry -participating of 17 organisations of various size Associations: -independent legal entity (registered in 2004, Budapest) -monitor public calls (EU, national, other) providing financial support for joint transregional projects -organise international meetings about regional innovation initiatives, strategies and policies ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
Members of CEIA • Budapest Uni. of Technology and Economics • European Academy of Science and Art • Expansion: Human Advisor Ltd • Hungarian Rectors Conference • Hungarian EU Project Office • Innostart:National Center of Business and Innovation • Hungarian Innovation League • HAS World Economy Research Center • HAS Reseach Institute of Sociology • HAS Center of Regional Research • Fundation of Science and Technology • Budapest Business School • University Miskolc • League of Industrialist ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
Future of Hungarian Innovation /1/ Speed of Innovation in European Countries *closing up: SLO, H, P, CZ, LTV, GR, Cyprus, Malta *lagging behind: Estonia, Esp., BG, PL, SLOV,RO, TR *closing up 20 years: H, SLO *on the top: SCH, FIN, Sweden, DK, D *EU USA more than 20 years *National Economical Efficiency is a function of development of innovation ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006
Thanks for your kind Attention ELUE - Rome 31 May 2006