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2 nd Grade Meet the Teacher and Orientation. August 17, 2011. 2 nd Grade Team Members. Jessica Hartwig Carly Bertrand Vanessa Masson Misty Pressler Trisha Seals Karla Teague. Reading. Reading is an essential life skill. Second graders are still learning to read . Guided Reading
2nd Grade Meet the Teacher and Orientation August 17, 2011
2nd Grade Team Members Jessica Hartwig Carly Bertrand Vanessa Masson Misty Pressler Trisha Seals Karla Teague
Reading Reading is an essential life skill. Second graders are still learning to read. Guided Reading Independent Reading Shared Reading Read Aloud In addition to the instruction at school, students are asked to spend at least 60 minutes reading at home each week Monday through Thursday. Reading logs are due Friday and are 10% of your child’s reading grade.
Language Sentence structure Capitals and punctuation Parts of speech Handwriting Writing Process Poetry Figurative Language
Spelling Spelling and Dictation Tests will be given every Friday. Please help your child prepare for the test throughout the week. Homework will be sent home Monday night and is due Tuesday.
Math Telling time to 5 minutes Addition and Subtraction to 20 from memory Fact families Estimation Money Addition and Subtraction with regrouping Geometry Fractions Place Value Patterns
Science Vertebrates Insects Forces Sound Weather
Social Studies Community Famous Americans Geographyand Map Skills Patriotic Symbols Elections Landforms Cultures
Late Work Students must turn in assignments by due date. Assignments that are late will have 10 points deducted per day. After 3 days the student will receive a zero. Homework Lab will be assigned if a student has 3 incomplete assignments
Progress Reports and Report Cards Report cards will be issued each six weeks. Progress Reports will be sent home midway through the grading period for all students. Both Report Cards and Progress Reports should be signed and returned.
Student Planner Your child needs a student planner. Your child will record all homework in his/her planner daily. I may also write notes in your child’s planner and feel free to write a note to me in your child’s planner. Please check and sign your child’s planner daily. Return the planner each day in your child’s backpack. You may purchase a planner for your child for $3.
Homework Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday. Your child should record his/her homework in their planner daily. It is important that your child studies his/her math facts and spelling, as well as reads every night. Students will be assigned Homework Lab after 3 missing and/or incomplete assignments
Discipline Plan The following Responsible Choices are the school rules/expectations: Respect all people and property Listen to and follow directions Practice safety Be on time and have necessary materials Students who receive 3 or more marks in 1 day or 5 or more marks in 1 week will be assigned After School Detention.
Daily Take Home Folder Please check your child’s folder each day. Initial on their conduct sheet to indicate that you have looked at the contents of their folder, including their conduct sheet.
Tuesday Folders Every Tuesday your child will bring home his/her graded work. Please review the contents with your child. Be sure to sign the signature page. No signature will result in a mark on your child’s conduct sheet under “Demonstrates Organizational Skills.” Please sign and return any failing papers, grades below a 70.
Lunch and Recess Lunch 11:20 – 11:56 Only parents and grandparents are allowed to eat with the students. Please look for the “lunch visitors” form the first week of school. This form needs to be filled out and returned to school. Check with your child’s teacher for specific lunch time Recess 2:10 -2:30 Students should be dressed appropriately for the weather. During the winter, make sure your child brings a labeled coat, gloves, etc. A child may miss recess due to homework and/or class work not being completed.
Friendly Reminders Water bottles with a sports lid are allowed in second grade. (Water only!) Healthy, non-messy snacks are allowed. No spoons please. When your child’s method of transportation changes please send a written note to school. If you child is going to be a car rider at any time this year you will need to have a car rider number and tag. (available in the front office) Toys stay at home. Cupcakes may be passed out during recess in honor of birthdays (2:10-2:30). Please read KISD policies concerning student dress code.
Friendly Reminders continued… If your child requires medicine to be taken at school, it must be taken to the nurse in its original container. She will give you the necessary paperwork to complete. No medicine will be given to your child without signed permission. Our school nurse this year is a LVN who will be supervised by a RN.
Thank you for your continued support! 2nd Grade Teachers MCE