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BY: A lison J anvier. PURGATORY & LADDIE. Vocabulary. Purgatory.
BY: Alison Janvier PURGATORY & LADDIE Vocabulary
Purgatory Aconditionorplacein which thesoulsofthose dying penitentarepurifiedfromvenialsins,orundergothetemporalpunishmentthat,aftertheguilt of mortalsinhasbeenremitted,stillremains to beenduredbythesinner. *Purgatory is a noun. *The origin is 1175-1225 middle English, medieval Latin, and Anglo-French.
Purgatory Synonyms: Antonyms: *Bottomless pit *Utopia *Everlasting fire *Heaven *Lower world *Dystopia
laddie Ayounglad; boy.A familiartermfora male. *Laddie is a noun. * The origin is old English Hladan
laddie Synonyms: Antonyms: *Boy *girl *lad *lassie *man