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Radiative B Decays (an Experimental Overview). E.H. Thorndike University of Rochester CLEO Collaboration. FPCP May 18, 2002. The Observables. Rates for exclusive decays. eg, B g K * (892) g Rate for inclusive decay b g s g ( actually B g X s g ) CP asymmetry, inclusive decays
Radiative B Decays (an Experimental Overview) E.H. Thorndike University of Rochester CLEO Collaboration FPCP May 18, 2002
The Observables • Rates for exclusive decays. eg,BgK*(892) g • Rate for inclusive decay bgsg (actuallyBgXsg ) • CP asymmetry, inclusive decays • CP asymmetry, exclusive decays • Photon energy spectrum in inclusive decays BgXsg • Same observables for bgdg
What do you learn? • Rate for exclusive decays • Experimentally easiest. • BgK*(892) g first penguin seen(1993). • Form factors not known, so not good for “New Physics”. • Rate for inclusive decays • Loops, w &t, so sensitive to other heavy things in loop (i.e. “New Physics”) • Reliably calculated with SM and with “New Physics” ] excellent for revealing or limiting “New Physics”. • CP asymmetry • Expected to be very small in SM. • 10-20% in some “New Physics”. • Inclusive more reliably calculated than exclusives, but if big in either, New Physics.
What do you learn? – cont’d • Photon energy spectrum in bgsg • Insensitive to New Physics (bgsg is 2-body, a line) • Depends on quark mass and Fermi momentum • Can give B light cone shape function (useful for obtaining |Vub| from bguln inclusive). • Can help determine HQET OPE expansion parameters (needed for obtaining |Vcb| from bgclninclusive). • bgdg • Initial interest will be in determing |Vtd| (but watch out for long distance effects, and for additional CKM factors from c - and u - quark loops).
The Experimental Problems • MUST suppress continuum. • MUST subtract continuum. • To push spectrum down below 2.2 GeV, must handle backgrounds from other B decay processes.
Outline for Rest of Talk • Branching Fractions for Exclusive Decays • Branching Fraction for Inclusive Decays • CP Asymmetries • Photon Energy Spectrum • bgdg
B gK*g (BaBar) • Run I (22.7 M BB) H Tanaka Moriond 2002
BgK*gBranching Fractions (All numbers, X10 -5)
BgK*2(1430) gBranching Fractions • Other Exclusives (Belle) B+gK+p-p+g 2.4+ 0.5 + 0.3 x 10-5 K*op+g 2.0+ 0.65 + 0.2 x 10-5 K+rog 1.0+ 0.5 + 0.25 x 10-5 K+p-p+g (NR) < 0.9 x 10-5
Continuum Suppression forInclusives -CLEO • Leptons:If event has lepton (e or m), use qgl , El for additional continuum suppression. • Weight: For each event with a high energy g, determine probability that it is b gs g, rather than continuum background. Weight each such event, according to probability. • Event shape variables: R2, S^ , R’2, cosq’, cone energies within 20o, 30o of g direction and -g direction. Into neural net, 8 inputs, 1 output. • “Pseudoreconstruction”: Search events for combinations of particles that look like B->Xsg. For Xs use K+ or Kos, and 1-4 p (at most 1 po). • Calculate • If event has c2B<20, use c2B , |cosqtt| for additional suppression.
CLEO, PRL 87, 251807 (2001) • Photon energy spectra (weights per 100 MeV) • Top shows the On Y(4S) and the scaled Off-resonance spectra. • Bottom shows the difference and the spectrum estimated from B decay processes other than bgsg and bgdg.
Theory Buras,Misiak, et al Hep-ph/0203135 B( b gsg) 2.2 GeV CLEO ‘95 ALEPH ‘98 ?? GeV 2.2 GeV Belle ‘01 2.0 GeV CLEO ‘01 x10-4
CP Asymmetry • NOTE sign convention • FOLLOW sign convention (so far, everyone seems to have.) CLEO, ‘01 Inclusive -0.079+0.108+0.022 (0.965A(bgs g)+0.02A(bgd g))
Photon Energy Spectrum- the B Backgrounds • g’s from poggg, hggg, that have escaped the po/h veto. • The big one (90% of total). • Measure po, h yields, treating po (h) as if it were a g, all cuts as for bgsg analysis. Use Monte Carlo to determine po/h veto efficiency. • g’s from other sources • wgpog, h’ grog, radiative ydecay, rgpg, a1gpg, final state radiation. bg u processes, bg sg processes. • They’re small, and with modest effort to have Monte Carlo event generator ok, one can trust the Monte Carlo. • Klong, interactions in calorimeter. • Determine contribution from lateral distribution in calorimeter (E9/E25).
CLEO (PRL 87, 251807 (2001)) Observed laboratory frame photon energy spectrum (weights/100 MeV) for ON minus scaled OFF minus B backgrounds, the putative bgsg plus bgdg signal.
Moments of the Spectrum • CLEO obtains moments in the B rest frame, for Eg(rest frame) > 2.0 GeV: • HQET plus OPE allows inclusive observables to be written as double expansions in powers of as • and 1/MB to order boa2s and 1/M3B • C2 and C7 are Wilson coefficients and bo is the one-loop QCD b function. The 1/M3B parameters are • estimated from dimensional considerations to be (0.5GeV)3. • Using the first CLEO obtains • The expression for the second moment converges slowly in 1/MB, and so CLEO made no attempt to extract parameters from it.
B g lightquark shape function, SAME (to lowest order in LQCD/mb) for bgsgaB g Xsg and bgulnaB g Xuln. Bg Xsg (hadron level) bgs g (parton level) Convolute with light cone shape function. bgu ln (parton level) Bg Xu ln (hadron level)
bgdg • So far nothing on inclusive. Only upper limits on exclusives. • Expect B(Bgr+g) = 2 x B(Bgrog) = 2 x B(Bgwg) Branching Fraction Upper Limits (10-6) BaBar limit by far the bestc [(1-r)2+h2]1/2 < 1.6 (Tanaka, Moriond ’02) Still, not an improvement in limit on |Vtd| over that from Bs- s mixing.
Summary and Conclusions I • bgsgExclusive branching fractions. • Not of great fundamental interest, but by identifying a larger fraction of the makeup of Bg Xsgdecays, one will reduce some systematic errors on the branching fraction for the inclusive process bgsg. Belle progress on this front. • bgsg inclusive branching fraction. • Experiment agrees with SM theory, places strong restrictions on New Physics. • But really only one good measurement. Babar and Belle should get to work! They will need to: • Accept photons down to 2.0 GeV, or lower. (2.2 GeV is no longer good enough) • Take a reasonable amount of data below the Y(4S) resonance. (continuum subtraction MUST be done with DATA.)
Summary and Conclusions II • CP asymmetry • No hint of a non-zero value. • Limits place weak restrictions on New Physics. • Plenty of room for improvement. • Asymmetry for inclusive wanted (Babar, Belle??) • bgsg photon energy spectrum • Has helped provide precise determination of |Vcb| from the inclusive semileptonic decay branching fractions, and (more important) a good determination of |Vub| from the lepton endpoint yield in bgu ln, with DEFENSIBLE ERRORS. Will be key for future determinations of |Vub| from inclusive bgu ln. • Improvements in spectrum very desirable. • bgdg • So far, nothing on inclusive, only upper limits on exclusives. • Not yet an improvement in limit on |Vtd| over that from mixing. • Stay tuned.