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V ocabulary

V ocabulary. Group 14. strew stroo. V gather To scatter or spread At the daycare center, the toys were strewn around the play area. repel ree pel. V gather 1) To drive away, 2) to discourage, or 3) to disgust

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V ocabulary

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocabulary Group 14

  2. strewstroo V gather To scatter or spread At the daycare center, the toys were strewn around the play area.

  3. repelreepel V gather 1) To drive away, 2) to discourage, or 3) to disgust The purpose of a raincoat is to repel rain and keep the wearer dry.

  4. possesspuhzes V gather To own, get, or gain control over In the movie, The Exorcist, the main character was possessed by demons.

  5. custodykuhstuhdee N gather Charge and control over The lost child remained in the custody of the security guard until his parents came to get him.

  6. attainuh tain V gather To gain, reach, or get Sometimes it is difficult to attain your goals even if you try very hard.

  7. abandonuh ban duhn V gather 1) To give up, 2) to leave completely, or 3) to act without restraint When the storm damaged the ship beyond repair, the crew and passengers were forced to abandon the ship.

  8. accumulateuh kyumyuh late V gather To gather or collect Since he would not restrain his spending, his debts accumulated until he had to declare bankruptcy.

  9. sneersnir V criticize To make a mocking face The members of the popular crowd sneered at everyone they considered inferior.

  10. degradedi grade V criticize 1) To demote, 2) to corrupt, or 3) to lower in self esteem As a consequence of his big mistake, Darrin was degraded from assistant supervisor level 1 to employer level 3.

  11. scoffskahf V criticize To insult or mock The animal rights activists scoffed at the idea that there could be any valid reaction to use animals in product tests.

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