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宣讀經文 歷代上 29:10-13 所以,大衛在會眾面前稱頌耶和華說: 耶和華─我們的父,以色列的神是應當稱頌, 直到永永遠遠的! 耶和華啊,尊大、能力、榮耀、強勝、威嚴都是你的;

宣讀經文 歷代上 29:10-13 所以,大衛在會眾面前稱頌耶和華說: 耶和華─我們的父,以色列的神是應當稱頌, 直到永永遠遠的! 耶和華啊,尊大、能力、榮耀、強勝、威嚴都是你的; 凡天上地下的都是你的; 國度也是你的,並且你為至高,為萬有之首。 豐富尊榮都從你而來,你也治理萬物。 在你手裡有大能大力,使人尊大強盛都出於你。 我們的神啊,現在我們稱謝你,讚美你榮耀之名!. 報告事項 1. 樂理 及鍵盤課程 9/14 開始每週日 PM6:00-7:30 快樂學打擊課程 9/14 開始每週日 PM7:30-9:00 ( 除連假外 )

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宣讀經文 歷代上 29:10-13 所以,大衛在會眾面前稱頌耶和華說: 耶和華─我們的父,以色列的神是應當稱頌, 直到永永遠遠的! 耶和華啊,尊大、能力、榮耀、強勝、威嚴都是你的;

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  1. 宣讀經文 歷代上29:10-13 所以,大衛在會眾面前稱頌耶和華說: 耶和華─我們的父,以色列的神是應當稱頌, 直到永永遠遠的! 耶和華啊,尊大、能力、榮耀、強勝、威嚴都是你的; 凡天上地下的都是你的; 國度也是你的,並且你為至高,為萬有之首。 豐富尊榮都從你而來,你也治理萬物。 在你手裡有大能大力,使人尊大強盛都出於你。 我們的神啊,現在我們稱謝你,讚美你榮耀之名!

  2. 報告事項 • 1. • 樂理及鍵盤課程9/14開始每週日PM6:00-7:30快樂學打擊課程9/14開始每週日PM7:30-9:00 • (除連假外) • 適合願意學習音樂的大家課程共12堂,每次1.5小時(總時數18小時) • 學費(依人數而定):1600$(18位學生)、2400$(12位學生)、3600$(8位學生) • 預繳報名費:500$ 其餘學費於課程第一堂繳納 • (每堂費用2400/人數*12堂課) • 樂器自理,如欲採買或租借於上課時提出。 • 歡迎來電詢問 • 報名專線:02-2367-7576、0983-690-780 (李幹事)地址:台北展翔教會(台北市汀洲路三段127號)

  3. Starting 9/14, Mercy will offer the following classes on Sundays (except on holidays) 6: 00-7: 30pm Music theory and keyboard 7: 30-9: 00pm Percussion -Suitable for anyone willing to learn music; 12 courses total, each 1.5 hours (total time 18 hours) -Tuition (dependent on number of students): $1600 (18 students), $2400 (12 students), $3600 (8 students) -Advance registration fee: $500 (remaining balance due on first day of class) -Please bring your own instruments, or you may purchase/lease for use during class. Registration/Inquiries: Contact Ping at 02-2367-7576 or 0983-690-780 Address: EN Church Taipei (No. 127, Ting Zhou Road, Section 3)

  4. 2. 9/27下午兩點半,聖經茶會“舊約聖經的故事”暨有獎徵答 (請先預習“認識聖經的八堂課”之第三課) 歡迎男女老少踊躍報名,一起來聽故事,玩猜謎,寓教於樂! 3. 9/15(週一)、9/29(週二)下午3:00-4:30 英文講座-跨文化視野學程 Cross Cultural Awareness可以提升自己以美式英文夠通、表達自己想法的能力 台北市雲河街92號 靈友堂教會社區關懷協會

  5. 4. October 4, 2014 Saturday Daan Park Sports Day 1pm Kickball Challenge on Aroma Church in Ximending We will meet at our usual spot, close to the City Library on JianGuo South Rd. All are welcome!!

  6. 健康的信仰The Healthy Faith

  7. Colossians 3:12-13 • Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; • Bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.

  8. 歌羅西書Colossians2:20-23 • 你們若是與基督同死,脫離了世上的小學,為甚麼仍像在世俗中活著、服從那「不可拿、不可嘗、不可摸」等類的規條呢? 這都是照人所吩咐、所教導的。說到這一切,正用的時候就都敗壞了。 這些規條使人徒有智慧之名,用私意崇拜,自表謙卑,苦待己身,其實在克制肉體的情慾上是毫無功效。 • If you have died with Christ to the elementary principles of the world, why, as if you were living in the world, do you submit yourself to decrees, such as, “Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch!” (which all refer to things destined to perish with use)—in accordance with the commandments and teachings of men? These are matters which have, to be sure, the appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of the body, but are of no value against fleshly indulgence.

  9. 宗教是精神的鴉片spiritual opium • 信宗教vs 信真理 faith in religion vs. faith in the Truth • 拜山寨神vs 拜真神 Worship artificial God vs. worship the true God

  10. 人最可怕的時候,莫過於他們自以為有理, 而且對此毫不懷疑之時—— 勞倫斯-普司特(南非探險家及作家) Nothing is more terrible about men when they are so convinced about what they think to be right, and have no doubt about it.

  11. 我們信的不是基督教,是基督耶穌是主 What we believe in is not Christian “religion” but “Jesus is Lord”. 宗教是人造神,真理是神啟示人 Religion is man creating God; truth is God revealing Himself to man.

  12. 你們若是與基督同死,脫離了世上的小學, 為甚麼仍像在世俗中活著、服從那「不可拿、不可嘗、不可摸」等類的規條呢? 這都是照人所吩咐、所教導的。 說到這一切,正用的時候就都敗壞了。 這些規條使人徒有智慧之名,用私意崇拜,自表謙卑,苦待己身,其實在克制肉體的情慾上是毫無功效。 If you have died with Christ to the elementary principles of the world, why, as if you were living in the world, do you submit yourself to decrees, such as, “Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch!” (which all refer to things destined to perish with use)—in accordance with the commandments and teachings of men? These are matters which have, to be sure, the appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of the body, but are of no value against fleshly indulgence.

  13. 宗教就是Religion is: 1.世上的小學 the elementary principles of the world – 2.規條主義 legalism- 3.人所吩咐、所教導的 commandments and teachings of men -

  14. 4.徒有智慧之名 have the appearance of wisdom - 用私意崇拜 self-made religion (2) 自表謙卑,苦待己身 self-abasement and severe treatment of the body (3) 在克制肉體的情慾上是毫無功效 of no value against fleshly indulgence

  15. 我們謹慎分辨:自己信的是真理,還是自己/人的宗教。We need to discern whether we believe in the truth or man-made religion.

  16. 耶穌最大的敵人是宗教,宗教的靈 Jesus' greatest enemy is religion, religious spirit. 我們一定要在教會中,謙卑學習 We need to humble ourselves to learn the truth in the Church。 真理是立方體要接受/嘗試用他人的角度, 你認識神才能完全 You need to learn from others' perspectives of God, to enrich your understanding of God。

  17. 真理是個立方體Truth is like a cube not a plane:

  18. 健康的信仰就是要真,必須是從天上來的啟示。健康的信仰就是要真,必須是從天上來的啟示。 Healthy belief needs to be true, revelation from Heaven. 真理才能叫人得自由;謊言卻是捆綁人。 The truth sets us free, while lies binds. 所以,宗教是捆綁人的, 聖經的真理才是神的啟示,是叫人自由的! Therefore, religion binds. Only biblical truth sets people free.

  19. 宗教是人造神,真理是神啟示人 Religion is man creating God; truth is God revealing Himself to man.   分辨宗教與真信仰:真愛、信心、與降服神 To discern true faith from religion: true love, faith and Lordship 人最有力量的時候,莫過於他們堅信真理, 而且對此毫不懷疑之時 Nothing is more powerful about men when they are so convinced in the truth, and have no doubt about it.

  20. 應用問題Application questions 什麽是宗教What is religion? 什麽是健康的信仰 What is healthy faith? 你的信仰健康嗎 Is your faith healthy?你的信仰有什麼不健康的地方呢What are the unhealthy parts in your faith?你的信仰是以神為主呢,還是以你為主 Is your faith centered in God, or in yourself? 你今天學到什麼?What have you learned today? 你是否有什麼疑問?我們可以如何為你禱告Do you have any questions? How could we pray for you?

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