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The Shack By William P.Young. William P. Young. - He was the oldest of four, born May 11th, 1955, in Alberta, Canada. - He always loved to write, whether it was songs, poetry, short stories or newsletters.
William P. Young - He was the oldest of four, born May 11th, 1955, in Alberta, Canada. - He always loved to write, whether it was songs, poetry, short stories or newsletters. - The Shack was a story written for his six children, with no thought or intention to publish. - Now it’s a #1 New York Times Bestseller
Protagonist Mackenzie (Mac) is the main character in the book. He lives in Eastern Oregon and he considered himself a religious man but had a lot of anger towards god and cant forgive because of the things that have happened in his life.
Antagonist The Kidnapper He was a twisted tormented person. He only took kids under the age of 10 and would leave behind a red lady bug pin. Every dot on the lady bug represented a child he has taken & murdered, Macs daughter Missy was number 5.
Favorite Character ♦ My favorite character in this book would have to be Mac because you learn so much about him and what he’s going through.Your sympathetic for the challenges he goes through.
Least Favorite Character ♦ The Kidnapper obviously, he is a murderer and ruined the families of the children he took and killed.
Exposition • Mac takes his 4 children camping over Memorial weekend to spend some quality time with them. • Mac’s son starts to drown after falling out of a boat in the lake, Mac runs to go help him and in the process his youngest daughter Missy who’s 5 goes missing.
Rising Action • People saw a green ford pickup drive off with a young girl inside. • Police find the ladybug pin and link it to the “Ladykiller” • Authorities find the truck in an old worn down shack up Wallowa Mountain in Oregon. • Missy’s red dress she had been wearing was soaked in blood inside.
Climax • After a year since Missy’s Murder, Mac receives a letter in the mail that says to meet him at the shack next weekend and is signed by Papa. • He goes to the shack in the middle of dead winter not knowing who he’d find there. • Mac falls asleep & is freezing when he awakes to god.
FallingAction He goes on a hike and gets to see his daughter one last time. He forgives himself and learns to live his life and not be so depressed.
Resolution ♦ Mac ends up forgiving god, his abusive & alcoholic father and ultimately the killer/kidnapper of his daughter Missy. ♦ Mac gets to see Missy one last time and understands why things happened the way they did.
Setting -The book takes place in the present day, in Oregon. -This is important because it shows you that anything can happen at any given moment without you expecting it.
Theme • Forgiveness and Understanding
Rating I would rate this book about a 7 or an 8
Child Abduction • About half of the kidnapped children in the U.S are 4 to 11 years old. 74% of them are girls. • The FBI receives more than 2,000 missing child reports every day. That means 2,000 yesterday, 2,000 today and 2,000 tomorrow. • According to the Vanished Children's Alliance, every 40 seconds a child disappears or is kidnapped in the United States. (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 2005)
Child Abduction by a stranger • Child Abduction by a stranger usually ends badly. Most of the kids aren’t prepared for the reality of "stranger danger" and, therefore, tend to trust unknown adults. • Each year, approximately 58,000 missing children are abducted by non-family members. Typically, strangers who kidnap children commit their crimes with the intent to harm their young victims. • In nearly 80 percent of non family child abduction cases, the victim is sexually assaulted or physically abused by the perpetrator. (children, 2006)
E! Investigates Media video (E! Investigate: Jaycee Dugard, 2010)
Facts about child abduction • In around 75% of all murder-abductions, the child is believed to be dead within 3-6 hours of the abduction. • They estimate around 20 failed attempts for every successful abduction. • Seven in ten children will walk away with a stranger despite being warned, according to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. (Studies,1997)
Why do we care? • It terrorizes society • Takes away your freedom • Kidnapping is a ripple effect on emotions with the family onto friends then into society • Having someone you know being kidnapped can ruin your life. • Kidnapping can cost a large amount of money for search & rescue, private individuals trying to help, tax payers and court.
Stolen Kidnapping Poem
How to prevent kidnapping • You should always know where your kids are going & who they’re going with. • Don’t leave with people you’ve never met, especially when your alone. • Keep your doors & windows locked (our child safe, 2010)
Works Sited • children, N. c. (2006). child-abduction. Retrieved from Charity guide: http://www.charityguide.org/volunteer/fewhours/child-abduction.htm • E! Investigate: Jaycee Dugard (2010). [Motion Picture]. • National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, t. F. (2005). Retrieved from soldiersandkids: http://www.soldiersandkids.com/childkidnappingfacts.htm • our child safe. (2010). Retrieved from ourchildsafe: http://www.ourchildsafe.com/ • Programs, S. P. (2006). Retrieved from keepyourchildsafe: http://www.keepyourchildsafe.org/abduction-murder.asp • Studies, T. N. (1997). CHILD ABDUCTION STATISTICS. Retrieved from lost children: http://www.lostchildren.org/STATISTICS.htm • web designer. (2010). Retrieved from missing children: www.missingchildren.com • Young, W. P. (2008). The Shack.