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info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk Enterprise Java Beans An Overview of Enterprise Bean World info@quontrasolutions.co.uk
www.quontrasolutions.co.uk info@quontrasolutions.co.uk EJB Introduction • The EJB component are server-side components that encapsulate application behavior such as business logic and persistence code. • There are three types of EJB components: session beans, message-driven beans, and entities. info@quontrasolutions.co.uk
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk • Session beans and message-driven beans are used to implement business logic in an EJB application, while entities are used for persistence. • EJB components reside inside the EJB container. • Together, the components, or EJBs, and the container can be viewed as a framework providing services. info@quontrasolutions.co.uk
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk EJB with Annotations • Metadata annotations are used to preconfigure the EJBs by specifying the type of services to add when the container deploys the EJBs. • Annotations are used to specify the type of the EJB component and to specify the services. info@quontrasolutions.co.uk
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk Layered architectures and EJB • In a layered architecture, components are grouped into tiers. • Each tier in the application has a well-defined purpose. • Each layer delegates the work to a layer underneath it. • EJB allows to build applications using two different layered architectures: the traditional four-tier architecture and domain-driven design (DDD). info@quontrasolutions.co.uk
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk Traditional four-tier layered architecture
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk Traditional four-tier layered architecture • The presentation layer is responsible for rendering the graphical user interface (GUI) and handling user input. • The presentation layer passes down each request for application functionality to the business logic layer. • The business logic layer is the heart of the application and contains workflow and processing logic. • It models the distinct actions or processes the application performs. • The business logic layer retrieves data from and saves data into the database by utilizing the persistence tier. • The persistence layer provides a high-level object-oriented (OO) abstraction over the database layer which typically consists of a relational database management system (RDBMS).
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk Traditional four-tier layered architecture • EJB provides support for implementing the business logic and persistence layers. • Session beans and message-driven beans (MDBs) reside in and use the services in the business logic tier while entities reside in and use services in the persistence tier. • The traditional architecture undermines the OO ideal of modeling the business domain as objects that encapsulate both data and behavior. • It focuses on modeling business processes instead of the domain tending the business logic to look more like a database-driven procedural application than an OO one. info@quontrasolutions.co.uk
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk Domain-driven design (DDD) • DDD emphasizes that domain objects should contain business logic and should not just be a dumb replica of database records. • The domain objects are known as entities in EJB 3. • The entities defined by EJB 3 Java Persistence API (JPA) support OO features, such as inheritance or polymorphism. • Entities are used to model domain objects, including modeling state and behavior. info@quontrasolutions.co.uk
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk EJB3 Features • Ease of use: It doesn’t demand that to understand the theoretical intricacies. • Integrated solution stack: It offers seamless integration with other J2ee technolgies and a complete stack of server solutions, including persistence, messaging, lightweight scheduling, remoting, web services, dependency injection (DI), and interceptors. • Open Java EE standard: EJB 3 has an open, public API specification and is developed by the Java Community Process (JCP).
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk EJB3 Features • Broad vendor support: EJB is supported by a large and diverse variety of independent organizations. • Stable, high-quality code base: a relatively stable code base that has lived through some of the most demanding enterprise environments. • Clustering, load balancing, and failover: EJB application servers have a proven track record of supporting some of the largest high-performance computing environments. info@quontrasolutions.co.uk
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk EJB Types • Each bean type serves a purpose and can use a specific subset of EJB services. • The purpose of bean types is to safeguard against overloading them with services that cross wires. • Session beans and message-driven beans (MDBs) live and managed by the container, and are used to build business logic. • Entities are used to model the persistence part of an application and persistence provider manages entities. • A persistence provider is pluggable within the container and is abstracted behind the Java Persistence API (JPA).
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk EJB3 API Organization info@quontrasolutions.co.uk
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk Session Beans • A session bean is invoked by a client to perform a specific business operation. • A session bean instance is available only for the duration of a “unit of work” and does not survive a server crash or shutdown. • There are two types of session beans: statefuland stateless. • A stateful session bean automatically saves bean state between client invocations. • A stateless session bean does not maintain any state and models the application services that can be completed in a single client invocation. • A session bean can be invoked either locally or remotely using Java RMI. • A stateless session bean can be exposed as a web service.
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk Message-driven beans (MDB) • MDBs process the business logic. • Clients never invoke MDB methods directly. • MDBs are triggered by messages sent to a messaging server, which enables sending asynchronous messages between system components. • MDBs are typically used for robust system integration or asynchronous processing. info@quontrasolutions.co.uk
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk Entities • Entities are the Java objects that are persisted into the database. • Entities model lower-level application concepts that high-level business processes manipulate. • Entities are OO representations of the application data stored in the database and hence survives container crashes and shutdown. • JPA entities support OO capabilities, including relationships between entities, inheritance, and polymorphism. info@quontrasolutions.co.uk
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk The EntityManager • The JPA EntityManager interface manages entities in terms of actually providing persistence services. • The EntityManager interface reads the ORM metadata for an entity and performs persistence operations. • The EntityManager knows how to add entities to the database, update stored entities, and delete and retrieve entities from the database. • JPA provides the ability to handle lifecycle management, performance tuning, caching, and transaction management. • JPA provides a specialized SQL-like query language called the Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL) to search for entities saved into the database.
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk Java EE container with EJB info@quontrasolutions.co.uk
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk EJB container & Persistence Provider • The EJB container: The EJB container transparently provides EJB component services such as transactions, security management, remoting, and web services support. • In EJB 3, the container provides services applicable to session beans and MDBs only. • The persistence provider: JPA provides persistence services such as retrieving, adding, modifying, and deleting JPA entities when you explicitly ask for them by invoking EntityManager API methods. info@quontrasolutions.co.uk
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk EJB services
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk Hello World in EJB3 • package ejb3inaction.example; • public interface HelloUser { • public void sayHello(String name); • } • package ejb3inaction.example; • import javax.ejb.Stateless; • @Stateless • public class HelloUserBean implements HelloUser { • public void sayHello(String name) { • System.out.println("Hello " + name + " welcome to EJB 3!"); • } • } info@quontrasolutions.co.uk
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk Features of EJB3 • Simplified programming model: EJB 3 enables to develop an EJB component using POJOs and POJIs that know nothing about platform services. • Annotations instead of deployment descriptors: EJB 3 allows us to use metadata annotations to configure a component instead of using XML deployment descriptors • Dependency injection vs. JNDI lookup: JNDI lookups have been turned into simple configuration using metadata-based dependency injection (DI). E.g. @EJB annotation injects EJB into the annotated variable. • Unit-testable POJO components: EJB 3 components are POJOs, and can be easily be executed outside the container using testing frameworks such as JUnit or TestNG.
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk Simplified persistence API • EJB 3 manipulates metadata-based POJOs through the EntityManager interface and avoids carrying burden of remote access. • Standardized persistence: EJB 3 solidifies automated persistence with JPA providing robust ORM configuration, JPQL standardizing divergent OR query technologies and EntityManager API standardizing ORM CRUD operations. • The cleanly separated Java Persistence API: JPA a cleanly separated API running outside EJB container. • Better persistence-tier OO support: EJB 3 entities have robust OO support as they are POJOs and JPA ORM mapping scheme is designed with OO, JPQL supporting OO as well.
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk EJB 3 Metadata Annotations • Annotations “attach” additional information (attributes) to a Java class, interface, method, or variable. • An annotation is a special kind of interface, it must be imported from where it is defined. • EJB 3 allows to override annotations with XML deployment descriptors where appropriate. • A deployment descriptor is simply an XML file that contains application configuration information. • Deployment descriptor entries override configuration values hard-coded using annotations into EJB components.
info@quontrasolutions.co.uk www.quontrasolutions.co.uk Common metadata annotations
Dependency Injection • Goal of dependency injection (DI) is to make component interdependencies as loosely coupled as possible. • One component calls another component or resource only through an interface. • The DI is JNDI lookup model reversed. • In previous JNDI lookup model, the bean explicitly retrieves the resources and components which are hard-coded in the bean. • In DI, the container reads the target bean configuration and gets the beans and resources needed by bean and injects them into the bean at runtime. • It lets the container deal with the complexities of service or resource instantiation, initialization, sequencing, and supplies the service or resource references to the clients as required.
Using Stateless Session Beans • Stateless session beans are used to model actions or processes that can be done in one shot. • @Stateless—The @Stateless annotation tells the EJB container that declared Bean is a stateless session bean. The container automatically provides such services to the bean as automatic concurrency control, thread safety, pooling, and transaction management. • @Local—The @Local annotation on the interface tells the container that the implementing EJB can be accessed locally through the interface. Alternatively, when marked with @Remote annotation, remote access through the @Remote annotation is provided under the hood by Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI).
Stateless session bean sample code • import javax.ejb.Stateless; • import ejb3inaction.example.persistence.Bid; • @Stateless • public class PlaceBidBean implements PlaceBid { • public PlaceBidBean() {} • public Bid addBid(Bid bid) { • System.out.println("Adding bid, bidder ID=" + bid.getBidderID() • + ", item ID=" + bid.getItemID() + ", bid amount=" • + bid.getBidAmount() + "."); • return save(bid); • } …. • } • ... • import javax.ejb.Local; • import ejb3inaction.example.persistence.Bid; • @Local • public interface PlaceBid { Bid addBid(Bid bid); }
Stateless Bean Client • public class PlaceBidServlet extends HttpServlet { • @EJB • private PlaceBidplaceBid; • public void service(….) { • Bid bid = new Bid(); • bid.setBidderID(bidderID); …….. • placeBid.addBid(bid); • } • } • When the servlet container sees the @EJB annotation as servlet is first loaded, it looks up the PlaceBid EJB behind the scenes and sets the placeBid variable to the retrieved EJB reference. • If necessary, the container will look up the EJB remotely over RMI by running the client in the application client container. • The application client container is a mini Java EE container that can be run from the command line
EJB 3 dependency injection Vs JNDI • The @EJB annotation makes the container “instantiate” the placeBid variable with the EJB named PlaceBid before the variable is available for use. • JNDI is the container registry that holds references to all container-managed resources such as EJBs. • Clients gain access to session beans like the PlaceBid EJB directly or indirectly through JNDI as follows: • Object ejbHome = new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/PlaceBid"); • PlaceBidHomeplaceBidHome = (PlaceBidHome) • PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ejbHome, PlaceBidHome.class); • PlaceBidplaceBid = placeBidHome.create();
Using stateful beans • Stateful session beans guarantee that a client can expect to set the internal state of a bean and count on the state being maintained between any number of method calls. • The container ensures that a client can reach a bean dedicated to it across more than one method invocation. • The container ensures that bean instance variable values are maintained for the duration of a session without your having to write any session maintenance code. • In a stateful bean, the data the user enters at each step can be cached into bean variables until the workflow completes.
Statefulsession bean sample code • import javax.ejb.*; • @Stateful • public class PlaceOrderBean implements PlaceOrder { • private Long bidderID; • private List<Long> items; • private ShippingInfoshippingInfo; • private BillingInfobillingInfo; • public PlaceOrderBean () { items = new ArrayList<Long>(); } • public void setBidderID(Long bidderId) { this.bidderId = bidderId; } • public void addItem(Long itemId) { items.add(itemId); } • ….. • @Remove • public Long confirmOrder() { • Order order = new Order(); order.setBidderId(bidderId); • order.setItems(items); order.setShippingInfo(shippingInfo); • order.setBillingInfo(billingInfo); saveOrder(order); • billOrder(order); return order.getOrderId(); • }
Remove Annotation • The @Remove annotation marks the end of the workflow modeled by a stateful bean. • The container is told that there is no longer a need to maintain the bean’s session with the client after the confirmOrder method is invoked. • If the container is never told what method invocation marks the end of the workflow, the container could wait for a long time until it could safely time-out the session. • Since stateful beans are guaranteed to be dedicated to a client for the duration of a session, a lot of “orphaned” state data is consuming the precious server resources for long periods of time.
Beans producing JMS Message • @Stateful • public class PlaceOrderBean implements PlaceOrder { • @Resource(name="jms/QueueConnectionFactory") • private ConnectionFactoryconnectionFactory; • @Resource(name="jms/OrderBillingQueue") • private Destination billingQueue; • @Remove • public Long confirmOrder() { • Order order = new Order(); • order.setBidderId(bidderId); • order.setItems(items); • saveOrder(order); • billOrder(order); • return order.getOrderId(); • }
Beans producing JMS Message • private billOrder(Order order) { • try { • Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection(); • Session session = connection.createSession(false, • Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); • MessageProducer producer = • session.createProducer(billingQueue); • ObjectMessage message = session.createObjectMessage(); • message.setObject(order); • producer.send(message); • producer.close(); • session.close(); • connection.close(); • } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }
Beans producing JMS Message • The @Resource annotation is much more general purpose and can be used to inject anything that the container knows about. • The name parameter values specify what resources are bound to the EJB’s environment naming context.
Message-Driven Beans • @MessageDriven( activationConfig = { • @ActivationConfigProperty( • propertyName="destinationName", • propertyValue="jms/OrderBillingQueue") } ) • public class OrderBillingMDB implements MessageListener { • public void onMessage(Message message) { • try { • ObjectMessageobjectMessage = (ObjectMessage) message; • Order order = (Order) objectMessage.getObject(); • try { • bill(order); notifyBillingSuccess(order); • order.setStatus(OrderStatus.COMPLETE); • } catch (BillingException be) { • notifyBillingFailure(be, order); • order.setStatus(OrderStatus.BILLING_FAILED); • } finally { update(order); } • } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } • }
Message-Driven Beans • MDBs are not guaranteed to maintain state. • The @MessageDriven annotation makes the container transparently provide messaging and other EJB services into a POJO. • The activation configuration properties nested inside the @MessageDriven annotation informs MDB about the JMS destination to receive messages. • MDBs implement the javax.jms.MessageListener interface which is used by container to invoke the MDB. • The onMessage method defined by the interface has a single javax.jms.Message parameter that the container uses to pass(forward) a received message to the MDB.
EJB3 using JPA • The JPA EntityManager interface defines the API for persistence while JPA entities specify how application data is mapped to a relational database. • The @Entity annotation signifies the fact that the Class is a JPA entity. • The @Table annotation tells JPA that the JPA entity is mapped to the corresponding SQL table • The @Column annotations indicate which Entity properties map to which SQL table fields. • The field mappings could have been placed directly onto member variables exposed through nonprivate access modifiers. • The @Id annotation marks the corresponding property as the primary key for the Bid entity. • The @GeneratedValue allows to automatically generate the primary key when the entity is saved into the database.
JPA Entity • @Entity • @Table(name="BIDS") • public class Bid implements Serializable { • private Long bidID; • private Long itemID; • @Id • @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) • @Column(name="BID_ID") • public Long getBidID() { return bidID; } • public void setBidID(Long bidID) { this.bidID = bidID; } • @Column(name="ITEM_ID") • public Long getItemID() { return itemID; } • public void setItemID(Long itemID) { this.itemID = itemID; }
Using the EntityManager • The JPA EntityManager performs saving of the entity into the database by reading ORM configuration and providing entity persistence services through an API-based interface. • The manager reads the ORM mapping annotations like @Table and @Column on the entity and figures out how to save the entity into the database. • The EntityManager is injected into the PlaceBid bean through the @PersistenceContext annotation. • The unitName parameter of the @PersistenceContext annotation points to the persistence unit of application. • A persistence unit is a group of entities packaged together in an application module.
Using the EntityManager • The save method of EntityManagerpresists the data into the database issuing an SQL statement to insert a record in DB. • public class PlaceBidBean implements PlaceBid { • @PersistenceContext(unitName="actionBazaar") • private EntityManagerentityManager; • ….. • private Bid save(Bid bid) { • entityManager.persist(bid); • return bid; • } • }
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