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Our goal was to leave the original CDA lesson and find ways to add new up to date items. Rewrite CDA Lessons . Tammy Anderson, CTE teacher West Lake Junior High, Granite School District Debi Lewis, Counselor West Jordan Middle School, Jordan School District
Our goal was to leave the original CDA lesson and find ways to add new up to date items.
Rewrite CDA Lessons • Tammy Anderson, CTE teacher West Lake Junior High, Granite School District • Debi Lewis, Counselor West Jordan Middle School, Jordan School District • Amy Roberds, CTE teacher Riverview Junior High, Murray School District • Mike Wood, CTE teacher Timberline Middle School, Alpine School District • Sherry Marchant, USOE
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #1The Dream using Utah Futures • Original: • Additional: Interest Profiler on www.UtahFutures.org • Introduce Utah Futures to 7th grade students.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #2The World of Work • Original: World_of_Work Slideshow. Point out the eight program pathways of CTE. • Additional: Nine to Five video, Heigh ho from Seven Dwarfs, and Posters, videoes and flyers • Discuss how in just a few years students will be entering the world of work. If they are going to make their dreams come true, they must understand how to succeed in the working world.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #3What’s My Line? • Original: The Real Game Occupation Profiles • Additional: There are different Occupational Profiles than the Real Game. • Discuss with the students any frustration they may experience with the occupation they get today, because they will be stuck in it for only a few days. The more they learn from this activity about the various factors related to an occupation, the happier they will be with the occupation they choose for themselves later in life.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #4Reality Check • Original: • Additional: Introducing Reality Check on Utah Futures. • Updated the Monthly Budget and Expense sheet • Discuss new financial terms and show students how to budget their finances when they enter the world of work.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #5Balancing Life Roles • Original: Balancing all of the different items; basketball, book, and cell phone. Make listings labeled “Now” and “As an Adult,” then list activities for each of the areas under each heading. • Addition: After creating the lists, you may choose to show the following clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVGtIDdC0nw The clip is named Violet and Helen Parr Music Video. • Discuss with the students how Elastigirl is balancing the roles of mother, wife, and superhero all at the same time. Brainstorm how students can balance their roles in their lives better.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #6Occupations Brainstorm • Original: • Additional: Dr. Seuss “Oh the places you’ll go” • Assignment: have students do a free-write on the careers they see themselves working in when they are 15, 20, 25 and for the remainder of their lives. Discuss how their jobs and careers will most likely change several times as they get older.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #7Connecting Personality to Pathways • Original: Talk about the different characteristics and traits that make up a person’s personality. Divide into teams and have them place their cards under the correct heading. • Addition: Show a new video segment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LdXVreJ07U This video is titled RIASEC at work- Match Your Personality to Careers. • After viewing the video, give each group one minute to discuss and make any changes they want in the location of their cards. Doer Thinker Creator Helper Persuader Organizer
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #8Identifying Abilities and Talents • Original: • Additional: Giraffes can’t dance book. • Discuss how everyone has talents, values, and abilities. The idea is to help students recognize their abilities are different from others, but no less important or necessary.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #9Understanding Learning Styles • Original: Use the PowerPoint. Discuss the different learning styles. • Addition: show this video clip entitled Find Out Your Learning Styles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Jwz_h0zXsY • This clip is meant to be an exaggerated, yet fun way for students to see how each learning style is unique. It acts out a mystery within a school involving Dr. F and the Superhero Learners. Verbal Linguistic, Mathematical/Logical, Visual/Spatial, Bodily/Kinesthetic, Musical Rhythmic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #10Recognizing Values and Career Preferences • Original: • Additional: Big Points game • Discuss with students how to become aware of and prioritize the values they feel are important to them now and will help them develop a career plan that will be more satisfying and rewarding.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #11Discovering Career Interests and Career Pathways • Original: • Additional: IDEAS assessment on UtahFutures.org and Matchbox cars • Discuss: the idea that when making decisions they have a lasting effect, so we want to make good choices.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #12Nontraditional Careers • Original: • Additional: Hershey chocolate game • Compare a Hershey’s chocolate bar and career choices. Would you rather have more enjoyment in a job? Would you rather have higher pay in a job? Would you rather have more opportunities for growth, etc.?
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #1321st Century Career Skills • Original: 21st Century skills relay • Additional: Updated different components of the 21st Century skills relay game. • Emphasize that in the workplace of the 21st century, people usually work in teams, allowing them to use the strengths and knowledge of each team member to accomplish the job that needs to be done.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #14Understanding Group Behaviors and Attitudes • Original: Designing a t-shirt in teams. • Addition: Optional Video Clips (Preview any videos before showing any to the class.) • Great Teamwork Video - Very Fun to Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRZnTfRingg • Teamwork funny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qzzYrCTKuk&feature=related • Funny video :Team Work loL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_Psl0nFEzw&feature=related • Team Work - Birds or People? Find Out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF80RqLkl6E • The Avengers - Teamwork... kinda. (Blu-Ray) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-RZLLsqW88 • Marvel's The Avengers - Teamwork featurette – Official https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnuDsHREp78 • Thiên Thủ Quan Âm (Thousand Hand Guan Yin) http://www.youtube.com/embed/7vs-H7xLnrs?rel=0
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #15Developing Positive Employment Traits • Original: • Additional: I Love Lucy video • Discuss the fact that employers look for people who have the skills and personal traits necessary for success on the job. They cannot afford to have employees who have not prepared themselves.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #16Increasing Career Options Through Education/Lifelong LearningUtahFutures Activity • Original: Giving students the Edge ppt. • Additional: Computer lab: Into Careers Web-based CIDS • Discuss what the students want to be when they grow up, the careers they are interested in, and the Bobilator Decision Sheet. • Students should be encouraged to begin exploring and planning for possible occupations and post-secondary education programs
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #17Searching for Occupations • Original: • Additional: Computer Lab with access to Utah Futures and use reflection cards. • Discuss: The SEOP/PCCR conference process.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #18Making Informed Career Choices • Original: Chip Activity. Students choose as many colored chips out of a bag as fast as possible. • Addition: M&M game. Students will have several opportunities to guess how many M&M’s are in the jar. They will guess by themselves, in a group of 4, then in a group of 8. Groups must agree on number. • Addition: The Price is Right Activity: Divide into teams of two to three people. They will guess the price of 12 different items. Groups must agree on price.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #18Making Informed Career Choices Madagascar 3 Europe’s Most Wanted • 1:56 to 5:15 Alex the Lion is making a wish – he was passively sitting waiting for the Penguins to come and rescue them. Alex became assertive and decides to rescue themselves and go find the penguins. • 26 to 26:42 Vitally aggressive doesn’t want anyone to join the circus. • After each clip ask the students if they saw passive, assertive, or aggressive behavior during the movie clips. Discuss the merits of assertive behavior. • Discuss why it is important to use an assertive decision-making style when selecting classes, participating in school, and finding a career. Let students know that all 8th graders will create a four-year plan for high school next year (R277-462). Help students understand that the decision they make now will influence what they do in the future.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY #19aPlan for College and Career Ready • Original: Meet with 7th graders and go over Plan for College and Career. • Addition: Jeopardy game
Choose category and value Respond with correct question
Affording College Going to College Transition from High School to College Planning for College Extra-curricular Activities College and Career Exploration College and Career Assess-ment College and Career Admission 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Final Jeopardy
Going to College for 100 Answer: My Dream Return
Going to College for 100 Question: What motivates me to go to College? Game
Going to College for 200 Answer: Every Student Return
Going to College for 200 Question: Who can go to College? Game
Going to College for 300 Answer: Education Return
Going to College for 300 Question: What gives us the opportunity to earn more money? Game
Planning for College for 100 Answer: 27 credits Return
Planning for College for 100 Question: How many credits do I need to graduate from High School? Game
Planning for College for 200 Answer: Specific, Measurable, Action Oriented, Realistic, Time Bound Return
Planning for College for 200 Question: What is a SMART goal? Game
Planning for College for 300 Answer: Concurrent Enrollment & AP classes Return
Planning for College for 300 Question: What are college level classes we can take in high school? Game
Extra-curricular Activitiesfor 100 Answer: Reality Check Return
Extra-curricular Activitiesfor 100 Question: What gives us the opportunity to experience real life income and expenses? Game
Extra-curricular Activitiesfor 200 Answer: Choosing Electives like music or art Return
Extra-curricular Activitiesfor 200 Question: What I can start doing today to start working towards College/Career? Game
Extra-curricular Activitiesfor 300 Answer: CTSO’s Return
Extra-curricular Activitiesfor 300 Question: What are organizations we can be involved in to learn leadership skills? Game
College and Career Explorationfor 100 Answer: Personality type Return
College and Career Exploration for 100 Question: What influences job satisfaction? Game
College and Career Explorationfor 200 Answer: Utah Futures Return
College and Career Exploration for 200 Question: Where I can find current College and Career information? Game
College and Career Explorationfor 300 Answer: Online classes Return