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The U.S. Economy Productivity Monetary Policy

The U.S. Economy Productivity Monetary Policy. J. Alan Day alan.day@tdbanknorth.com TD Banknorth Wealth Management Group. Disclaimer.

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The U.S. Economy Productivity Monetary Policy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The U.S. EconomyProductivityMonetary Policy J. Alan Day alan.day@tdbanknorth.com TD Banknorth Wealth Management Group Trumbull, Connecticut

  2. Disclaimer The comments made today are mine and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and viewpoints of my colleagues at TD Banknorth and TD Banknorth Wealth Management Group Trumbull, Connecticut

  3. The U.S. Economy Resilient Powerful Job Creator Productive Trumbull, Connecticut

  4. Resilience Natural disasters Energy prices Trumbull, Connecticut

  5. Supply and Demand Trumbull, Connecticut

  6. Real Gross Domestic Product http://mam.econoday.com Trumbull, Connecticut

  7. Employment http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf Trumbull, Connecticut

  8. Outsourcing/Offshoring • A mainstay of resource management in today’s economy. • Not detrimental as evidenced by the employment data • No longer a blue collar risk; rather a risk most of us face Trumbull, Connecticut

  9. Risks Geopolitical Misguided action from Congress The Fed overshoots The dollar Trumbull, Connecticut

  10. Productivity It’s not everything, but in the long run its almost everything! Trumbull, Connecticut

  11. Productivity Ahmad Hosseini – Sonoma State University “Productivity is the ratio of output to input; i.e., the efficiency and effectiveness with which resources – personnel, machines, materials, facilities, capital, time – are utilized to produce a valuable output.” www.sonoma.edu/busadmin/hosseni Trumbull, Connecticut

  12. Productivity http://mam.econoday.com Trumbull, Connecticut

  13. Productivity andRisk Management Risk management is the ability to minimize the adverse effect or effects of a possible loss by measuring the financial consequences of a loss occurring and using controls to minimize actual losses or their financial consequences. Risk management is one way we can use our resources in an efficient and effective manner in the production of valuable output. Trumbull, Connecticut

  14. Productivity The demographics of New England tell us that state and local government need to get on the productivity bandwagon! Trumbull, Connecticut

  15. Productivity Will solve the demand side of the energy situation when we put more fuel efficient engines in automobiles. Trumbull, Connecticut

  16. Productivity Individual motivation is essential in the advancement of our productivity endeavors. Trumbull, Connecticut

  17. The Fed • Ben’s in charge • Have we reached a neutral funds rate? • Perhaps we will find out today at 2:15 PM. • Perhaps the statement will allude to less removal of past policy accommodation to a more leaning into the wind scenario. • Remember – price stability – it’s the key to the long term expansion of the economy. Trumbull, Connecticut

  18. GDP Deflator http://mam.econoday.com Trumbull, Connecticut

  19. J. Alan Day TD Banknorth Wealth Management Group 1-800-889-1153 ext 5535 alan.day@tdbanknorth.com Trumbull, Connecticut

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