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Research Infrastructures in Horizon 2020

Research Infrastructures in Horizon 2020. Philippe FROISSARD Deputy Head of Unit Research Infrastructures Unit European Commission – DG Research & Innovation. Research Infrastructures.

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Research Infrastructures in Horizon 2020

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  1. Research Infrastructuresin Horizon 2020 Philippe FROISSARD Deputy Head of Unit Research Infrastructures Unit European Commission – DG Research & Innovation

  2. Research Infrastructures • Research infrastructures are facilities, resources and services that are used by the research communities to conduct research and foster innovation. Major scientific equipments Knowledge-based resources e-infrastructures

  3. Why an EU approach forResearch Infrastructures? • To address collectively the complexity and cost of the design and development of new world class research infrastructures • To open access to the research infrastructures existing in the individual Member State to all European researchers • To avoid duplication of efforts and to coordinate and rationalise the use of these research infrastructures • To trigger the exchange of best practice, develop interoperability of facilities and resources, develop the training of the next generation of researchers • To connect national research communities and increase the overall quality of the research and innovation • To help pooling resources so that the Union can also develop and operate research infrastructures globally

  4. FP7 support to RIs: €1,525 million • Spread over 332 projects • High focus on Networks of RIs: €686M • Development of new RIs: €350M • Development of e-infrastructures: €413M

  5. FP7 support to RIs: 5205 participations • Predominantly to the benefit of organisations located in EU MS • 5 core Western European countries: DE, UK, FR, IT, NL (about 65% of the funding) • About 300 participations from Third countries: Russia (RIs); US and India (eRIs)

  6. FP7 RIs: participations in EU Member States

  7. FP7 RIs: users benefitting from transnational access Normalised data with size of scientific community shows TNA benefitting mostly to users from EU smaller countries and newer MS(data end 2012)

  8. Participation of WBC in FP7 RI activities

  9. Horizon 2020– Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020) Excellent science • European Research Council • Future and Emerging Technologies • Marie Sklodowska Curie actions • European Research infrastructures (including e-infrastructures) – 2.488 M€ Industrial leadership Societal challenges • Health, demographic change, wellbeing • Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine -maritime research, bio-economy • Secure, clean and efficient energy • Smart, green, integrated transport • Climate action, resource efficiency, raw materials • Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies • Secure societies • Spreading excellence & Widening Participation • Science with and For Society • Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (ICT, space, nanotechnologies, advanced materials and advanced manufacturing and processing, biotechnology) • Access to risk finance • Innovation in SMEs

  10. Research Infrastructures in Horizon 2020 1. Developing the European RIs for 2020 and beyond • Developing new world-class RIs • Integrating and opening national and regional RIs of European interest • Development, deployment and operation of ICT based e-Infrastructures 2. Fostering the innovation potential of RIs and their human resources 3. Reinforcing European RI policy and international cooperation

  11. A Coherent Toolbox of Activities EU Structural Funds & National Funding Concept Preparation Implementation Operation ESFRI & Other World Class RI (OWCRI) of pan European interest Integrating Activities Design Study Preparatory Phase Support to Implementation & Operation Individual projects - Clusters Innovation & Human resources Policy support actions – International Cooperation

  12. Research Infrastructures – Calls 4 Calls - 22 topics in total • Developing new world-class Research Infrastructures • Integrating and Opening RI of European Interest • e-Infrastructures • Support to Innovation, Human resources, Policy and International cooperation

  13. Call 1 - Developing new world-class RI 4 topics • Design studies • Preparatory Phase of ESFRI projects • Individual implementation and operation of ESFRI projects • Implementation and operation of cross-cutting services and solutions for clusters of ESFRI and other relevant RI initiatives

  14. Call 2 - Integrating and opening RI of European interestIntegrating Activities To open up key national and regional research infrastructures to all European researchers and to ensure their optimal use and joint development: Three mandatory components: • Networking; • Transnational / Virtual Access; • Joint Research Activities for the improvement of RI services. Emphasis on management efficiency, innovation capacity (technology transfer, participation of SMEs, instrumentation development), international dimension, management of generated data…

  15. Call 4 - Support to Innovation, Human resources, Policy and International cooperation 8 topics • Innovation support measures (RTD) • Innovation procurement pilot on instrumentation (RTD) • Human Capital of research infrastructures (RTD) • New professions and skills for e-infrastructures (CNECT) • Policy measures for research infrastructures (RTD) • International Cooperation for research infrastructures (RTD) • e-infrastructure policy and international cooperation (CNECT) • Network of national contact points - NCP (RTD)

  16. International Dimension • Broadening the participation in ESFRI projects, increase interoperability (INFRADEV) • Facilitate participation of existing national RI from third countries in Integrating Activities (INFRAIA) • Open transnational access to third country researchers (up to 20%) (INFRAIA) • Dedicated support actions to foster international cooperation with strategic partners (US, Canada, Russia, ENP, WBC, Africa...) and within global fora (GSO)

  17. WBC initiatives in Horizon 2020 for RI • Background: FP7 policy support actions for mapping (INCO-NETs), policy fora and events (SEE Ministerial Conference organised by UNESCO in Nov 2012) • One topic published on international cooperation for RI (INFRASUP-6, closure 2 Sept 2014): "Support multi-lateral cooperation with European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) countries and Western Balkan Countries. The proposal will aim at developing regional roadmaps of research infrastructures jointly with stakeholders and policymakers and help them develop closer cooperation with research infrastructures of pan-European interest through training, data management and trans-national access."

  18. Future perspectives • Preparation of the WP 2016-2017: consultation with stakeholders (ESFRI, e-IRG, EAG…) • "Enhance openness and the global character of RI to enable Europe to play a leading role in science and innovation"

  19. Thank you for your Attention!

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