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201 4. VM. Work s hop. Thank. you!. Dorm Room checkout. •. Ch e c k -out tim e : 1-5 PM. Return to dorm registration check-in/out desk…. Room/closet keys - in b r o w n e n v e l op e t h e y c ame in (if y ou h a v e i t) Bedding Remove trash from room Aggie Onecards
2014 VM Workshop Thank you!
Dorm Room checkout • Check-outtime:1-5 PM • Return to dorm registration check-in/out desk… • Room/closet keys - in brownenvelopethey camein (if you haveit) • Bedding • Remove trash from room • Aggie Onecards • Keep them as a souvenirif you wish, or …discard them at home (they are active until 7PM) • We only pay for what was used
A final THANKS to all our sponsors,without whom this VM Workshop would not be possible! Please stand to be acknowledged.
SpeakerAcknowledgements Sincerethanks toallthe speakersatthe VMWorkshop, whohave investedtheirtime preparingsessionmaterials forthis workshop, andtravelinghereto present them. Especially: • RichardLewisof IBM,whoalreadyhada calendarso full of otheractivitiesthat each day’s entryprobablyrequiresseveralpages,stillmanaged to preparenotone,but TWOmulti-hourLIVE LABsessions!Andthenbrought allthoselaptops anda couple large boxesof labparticipantmaterials. • Our futurespeakers.Yes… YOU! We’re avery friendlyaudience. PleaseDOgive serious considerationto preparinga session to deliver yourselfnext year! Speakers please stand to be acknowledged Speakers: Pleasee-mail your session materials to: presentations@vmworkshop.orgThey willbepostedontheweb sitenext week, or sooner..“itdepends”(sm)BillBitner
VolunteerCommitteeAcknowledgements Sincerethanks to all members of theVM Workshop VolunteerCommittee,whohave dedicatedcountless hoursof personalandbusinesstimeto ensure thebest“up close andpersonal”,andlowestpossiblecost,technicaleducationconferencearound.The VM Workshop is now the largest conference world-wide focusedexclusively on z/VM and ‘Linux on System z’!! Andthanksto members whocouldnotbepresent inpersonthis year dueto other commitments! They continuedto workontaskswhileknowingthat theywouldmiss outon all thefun! VolunteerCommitteemembers standand beacknowledged!And a special recognition of VM Workshop Chairman 2015/2016 … Eric Schuler-Dalverny Volunteers, please stand to be acknowledged.
WhyIsn’tthisthe “z/VMWorkshop”, or the “‘Linuxon System z’ & z/VM Workshop”? Answer:Homageto ourpredecessors! Herearepagesfrom the previousworkshops.Notethat someofthese meetings predate theexistenceofthe WWW,andthus donot have live websites. No VMWorkshopswere heldbetween1998and 2011. 14 1990 June 12-15IndianaUniversity-PurdueUniversity, Indianapolis,Indiana 13 1989 June 13-16KansasStateUniversity,Manhattan,Kansas 121988July19-22Michigan StateUniversity,EastLansing, Michigan 111987June 2-5BrighamYoungUniversity,Provo,Utah 10.51987 Feb. 23-27AsilomarStatePark,CA 101986June 3-6 UniversityofKentucky,Lexington,Kentucky 9 1985June4-7Kansas StateUniversity,Manhattan,Kansas 8 1984May30-June1Kansas StateUniversity,Manhattan,Kansas 7 1983June7-10 Wichita StateUniversity,Wichita, Kansas 6 1982June9-11 Wichita StateUniversity,Wichita, Kansas 5 1981JuneWichita StateUniversity,Wichita,Kansas 4 1980? 3 1979AugustCornellUniversity,Ithaca, NewYork 2 1978August UniversityofMaine, Orono,Maine 1 1977 Universityof Waterloo,Waterloo,Ontario 26 2014 June 26-28North Carolina A&T State University 252013 June 20-22 Indiana University-Purdue University , Indianapolis, Indiana 24 2012 June 27-30UniversityofKentucky,Lexington,Kentucky 23 2011 July28-30OhioStateUniversity,Columbus,Ohio ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22 1998 June9-13MaristCollege,Poughkeepsie,NewYork 21 1997 June 10-14McGillUniversity,Montréal,Québec 20 1996 June 25-29UniversityofKentucky,Lexington,Kentucky 19 1995 June 14-17WichitaStateUniversity,Wichita,Kansas 18 1994 June7-11UniversityofNotreDame,NotreDame, Indiana 17 1993 July20-23 MichiganStateUniversity,EastLansing, Michigan 16 1992 June 16-19UniversityofArkansas,Fayetteville 15 1991 June4-7UniversityofKentucky,Lexington,Kentucky
2015VM Workshop… Whereto next? We will recordyour opinions for the 2015 VM Workshop site now. Possiblelocations include universitiesin theareas of: • GeorgeMasonUniversity,Washington,DC(many nearby governmentsites) • WestVirginia • Ohio • Pittsburgh You may also vote online from the link: 2015 Workshop location Site Survey on the VM Workshop 2014 home page.
Comments, suggestions, complaints, questions, other? Hopeyou had a Terrific Learned, Laughed, Week: Loved(z/VMandLinuxonSystemz)
So what’s reallyugly? Ugly Hawaiian Shirt Contest
Ugly Hawaiian Shirt Contest
Dorm Room checkout • Check-outtime:1-5 PM • Return to dorm registration check-in/out desk… • Room/closet keys - in brownenvelopethey camein (if you haveit) • Bedding • Remove trash from room • Aggie Onecards • Keep them as a souvenirif you wish, or …discard them at home (they are active until 7PM) • We only pay for what was used • Have asafetrip home!