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Writing Center Scheduling App Progress Report

Writing Center Scheduling App Progress Report. Robin. Overview of Project. Web application that utilizes a optimization engine to create writing center weekly schedule BIGGEST CHANGE: using SCIP rather than COIN-OR (ease of execution) Change in requirements document

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Writing Center Scheduling App Progress Report

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Writing Center Scheduling App Progress Report Robin

  2. Overview of Project • Web application that utilizes a optimization engine to create writing center weekly schedule • BIGGEST CHANGE: using SCIP rather than COIN-OR (ease of execution) • Change in requirements document • Takes an LP file as a parameter and runs optimization on that file

  3. Client Feedback • Very happy with progress thus far • Requested additional requirements: • Administrator able to view tutor’s shift preferences after they are submitted • Additional fields in form: cell phone number, class, major/minor • Tutors able to view other tutors’ information

  4. Design Overview • HTML front-end, PHP/MySQL back-end • Tutor form: upon submitting preferences, data is put into tutor table and shifts table on writing database • Administrator page: upon choosing to create schedule, model is written to LP file, and SCIP is executed with the file; solution is piped to output.txton server

  5. Design Overview • Output file is parsed and data put into tutoring table and reception table (data includes student id number and shift number) • Data is used to populate an HTML table formatted as a schedule (schedule page) • Administrator page: upon choosing to clear data at the end of the semester, all info in database tables and files removed from the server

  6. Implementation Progress • Last semester, wanted to: • Handle scenario where tutor submits a form with two choices listed as the same shift • Handle scenario where tutor submits a form a second time • Figure out how to get model into optimization engine

  7. Implementation Progress • Finished writing program that will write the LP file when prompted by administrator • Wrote code to run SCIP with newly-generated LP file • Wrote program to parse output file and store data • Added capability to clear all data at the end of the semester

  8. To Do • Take student and shift information from database and build HTML table schedule • Synchronization: put a lock on the insertion of data into tutor table when schedule is being created • Security: more secure access to administrator page • Clean up code • Make web UI look nicer

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