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School District of Mauston

School District of Mauston. 2014-15 Budget. Fund 10 General Fund. Balanced Budget at $16,529,480 Fund Balance $3,966,851 or 24% of Fund 10 Expenditures (Sale of Tech Ed House - $169,767) (Close Out of Fund 73 Trust - $61,562) (High Deductible Insurance Savings - $111,128)

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School District of Mauston

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Presentation Transcript

  1. School District of Mauston 2014-15 Budget

  2. Fund 10General Fund Balanced Budget at $16,529,480 Fund Balance $3,966,851 or 24% of Fund 10 Expenditures (Sale of Tech Ed House - $169,767) (Close Out of Fund 73 Trust - $61,562) (High Deductible Insurance Savings - $111,128) (Open Enrollment - $166,773)

  3. Why Do We Have a Fund Balance? • Avoid excessive short term borrowing • Be able to make unforeseen one time expenditures • Enhance bond rating How Large Should It Be? From the DPI: “An amount sufficient that short term borrowing for cash flow could be avoided and would also allow the district to set aside sufficient assets to realize its longer range goals.”

  4. Grants 2013-142014-15 Youth Apprenticeship - $19,305 Youth Apprenticeship - $16,677 Carl Perkins - $16,899 Carl Perkins – $16,899 Rural Low Income Achievement Grant - $30,946 OMS Taste Testing Grant - $1,200 Native American Grant - $6,071 Native American Grant - $10,932 2 Smarter Lunchrooms Grants - $1,000 2 Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Grants - $29,733 2 Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Grants - $ 30,090 Montessori Charter School Grant - $150,000 Second Harvest Grant $2,500 Total = $106,811 Total = $225,441

  5. Fund 21Special Projects Fund Donations for 2013-14 Approved at Board of Education Meetings $31,885 Plus Donation of School Sign by Booster Club for $30,000

  6. Funds 38 & 39Long-Term Debt Balance as of 6/30/14 - $12,635,000 Paid Off: Technology Loan - $24,704 and Tractor Loan - $20,000 One Payment Left in 2014-15: WRS Unfunded Liability - $150,000 New Loans: Technology Loan - $170,000 and Booster Club Sign - $30,000 Bond Issues Paid Off In 2020 - $12,285,000

  7. Fund 50Food Service Fund Deficit - $67,968 Only $670 Left in Fund 50 Fund Balance

  8. New In Food Service New Rule for Smart Snacks Effective 7/1/2014: Fundraisers must meet the federal guidelines during the school day. Community Eligible Provision (CEP): Eligible if District or School 40% Direct Certification

  9. School Wellness Policies Minimum Requirements: • Include goals for nutrition promotion and education/physical activity. • Include nutrition guidelines to promote student health and reduce childhood obesity. • Permits parents, students, staff, professionals and public to develop, implement and review policies. • Informs and updates public. • Checks periodically for compliance.

  10. After School Snacks and Summer Meals 2013-14 9,774 snacks given away since Nov. LOOKING FOR VENDING MACHINE 2013-14 Summer meals served- 12,822 Breakfast – 3,423 Lunch – 9,399 Last year – 10,627 Meals

  11. What’s New2013 Wisconsin Act 20 $150 Per Pupil Aid (Outside the Revenue Cap) Community Program and Services Fund (Fund 80): Pre-Audit of Fund 80 for the Audit Fund 80 Expenditures Must be Audited by Independent Audit Firm Strongly Encourages Districts to Post Fund 80 Information on Website

  12. Affordable Care Act Regulations Still on Hold! The District is Preparing: All employees on the same health plan now.

  13. Membership Head Count is UP Programs Contributing: JEDI – Online Virtual School iLEAD Open Enrollment

  14. Open Enrollment 2012-13 In - $471,985 Out - $482,547 Net – ($10,562) 2013-14 In - $520,031 Out - $330,214 Net - $189,817

  15. Equalization Aid Actual 2013-14Projected 2014-15 $8,231,565 $8,895,901

  16. Tax Levy 2014-15 Fund 10 $5,150,666 Fund 39 $2,418,813 Fund 41 $ 75,800 Fund 80 $ 87,278 TOTAL $7,732,557 (Down -7.56%)

  17. Property Values/Mil Rate Property Value Estimate Put Together By Baird: (Up 4.1%) Fall 2013 Actual - $623,035,818 Fall 2014 Estimate - $648,690,561 2013-14 Mil Rate - $13.43/$1,000 2014-15 Mil Rate - $12.41/$1,000 Taxes on property valued at $100,000 would be $1,241.

  18. Questions?

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