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Emergency Medical Information Card Located Underneath. Name / Nombre : Name goes here Citizenship / Ciudadanía : United States of America / Estados Unidos City and State / Ciudad y Distrito : City and State goes here Birth Year / Año de nacimiento: 19XX
Emergency Medical Information Card Located Underneath Name / Nombre: Name goes here Citizenship / Ciudadanía: United States of America / EstadosUnidos City and State / Ciudad y Distrito: City and State goes here Birth Year / Año de nacimiento: 19XX Blood type / Tipode sangre: Blood type goes here Medical Conditions / Condiciones médicas : None / Nada Medications / Medicamentos: None / Nada Allergies / Alergias: None / Nada Medical Insurance / SeguroMédico: Company / Empresa: Insurance company goes here Phone # / Teléfono #: 1-888-888-888 Policy # / Pólizade Seguros #: 1234567890 Emergency Contact / Contacto de Emergencia: Name / Nombre: Next of kin goes here Citizenship / Ciudadanía: United States of America Phone # / Teléfono #: 1-888-888-8888 Phone # / Teléfono #: 1-888-888-8889 Emergencias Médicas Identificación situadodebajo Emergency Medical Information Card Located Underneath Name / Nome: Name goes here Citizenship / Cidadania : United States of America / EUA City and State / Cidade e Estado: City and state goes here Birth Year / Ano de Nascimento: 19XX Blood type / TipoSanguíneo: Blood type goes here Medical Conditions / Condições Médicas: None / Nada Medications / Medicamentos: None / Nada Allergies / Alergias: None / Nada Medical Insurance / SeguroMédico: Company / Companhia: Insurance company goes here Phone # / Telefone #: 1-888-888-888 Policy # / Apólicede Seguros #: 1234567890 Emergency Contact / Contato de emergência: Name / Nome: Next of kin goes here Citizenship / Ciudadanía: United States of America / EUA Phone # / Telefone#: 1-888-888-8888 Phone # / Telefone#: 1-888-888-8889 Emergência Médica Informações Localizadodebaixo