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ENHANCING ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS, PUBLIC SAFETY & DISASTER RESILIENCE – THROUGH STREAMLINING AND EFFECTIVE USES OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Presentation by Robert Wible, Secretary to the National Partnership to Streamline Government Building Regulatory Process Coalition Meeting

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  1. ENHANCING ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS, PUBLIC SAFETY & DISASTER RESILIENCE – THROUGH STREAMLINING AND EFFECTIVE USES OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Presentation by Robert Wible, Secretary to the National Partnership to Streamline Government Building Regulatory Process Coalition Meeting Quincy, MA November 28, 2006

  2. ENHANCING COMPETITIVENSS, PUBLIC SAFETY & DISASTER RESILIENCE OUTLINE • Shared needs for greater efficiency caused by major forces impacting both construction and building regulatory community • Partnership initiatives addressing those forces • Possible actions to assist Massachusetts

  3. COMPETITIVENSS, PUBLIC SAFETY & DISASTER RESILIENCE • PERSPECTIVE FROM THE NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP TO STREAMLINE GOVERNMENT / ALLIANCE FOR BUILDING REGULATORY REFORM IN THE DIGITAL AGE • Public/Private Partnership of Associations & Government Agencies – established July, 2001 • NGA, NACo, Mayors, NASCIO, Federal Agencies HUD, DOE, NIST, GSA, NSF… • AIA, NAHB, AGC, BOMA, APA, ULI …. • Share best practices to enhance public safety, competitiveness by increasing effectiveness and efficiency of government oversight of construction process through streamlining and use of I.T.

  4. COMPETITIVENSS, PUBLIC SAFETY & DISASTER RESILIENCE National Partnership/Alliance Mission “Enhance nation’s public safety, disaster resilience and economic competitiveness through streamlining the nation’s regulatory process to make it more effective and efficient.” Making state and local government regulations more effective and efficient – not regulatory abandonment

  5. STREAMLINING –THE NEED Six Forces Transforming Both The Construction Industry And Way State And Local Governments Regulate Drawn from “Architectural Security Codes and Guidelines” – new McGraw-Hill publication

  6. STREAMLINING –THE NEED SIX TRANSFORMING FORCES • Demographic – aging population & immigration • Environmental – energy costs, resource depletion & global warming • Technological – rapid changes & new technologies • Economic – changing role of nation in global economy • Reduced Resources – demands for downsizing and increased efficiency in government & private sectors • Public Safety - greater demand, natural disasters and terrorism

  7. STREAMLINING –THE NEED A BRIEF LOOK AT FOUR OF THOSE FORCES • Environmental • Technological • Economic • Public Safety

  8. STREAMLINING –THE NEED • Environmental • Global Warming • Need to reduce greenhouse gases /support green technologies and construction & sustainability • World supply of oil and natural gas • Replace with alternative fuels and increase energy efficiency • Water and other resource conservation • Waste disposal

  9. STREAMLINING –THE NEED • Technological • Increased pressure on speed to market of new technologies e.g.- nanotechnologies / biomedical-mechanical • Continuing rapid change in information technologies & demand for interoperability – BIM, SMARTcodes –ICC • Aging infrastructure – roads, rails, bridges

  10. STREAMLINING –THE NEED • Economic • Global economy • “The World Is Flat” – T. Friedman • Jobs and skills going off-shore • Growing economic competitiveness • region as well as within world • Attract new and keep existing businesses in state/community • build at less cost/waste – “faster, better, safer” • Ability to absorb and recover from disruptions

  11. STREAMLINING –THE NEED • Public Safety - Greater demand after 9/11 and Katrina for: • Keeping our infrastructure secure from future terrorist actions • Better preparation for, response to and more rapid recovery from large scale disasters.

  12. STREAMLINING –THE NEED • Lessons from Katrina & Other Disasters: - Need for uniform statewide building codes, certification & training for code officials - Need for upgraded code provisions for wind and water penetration - Need for regional and not just statewide mutual aid agreements for building departments/contractors as well as first responders - Need for backup statewide permit & plans review

  13. STREAMLINING –THE NEED • Blue Cascades III Exercise in Pacific NW (3/06) - Secure database for first responders of as built designs • Identify and pre-certify construction industry from outside region to support first responses • Recovery - use of information technology speed damage assessment and permit issuance • Uniform building permit forms statewide, common inspection systems to provide backup support

  14. STREAMLINING –THE NEED • Relevance to Commonwealth: - Year 5 of 15-20 year more intense hurricane cycle - Winter storms - Potential terrorist targets - Smaller geographical area from which to draw resources in large scale event - 80% of all small businesses fail if closed for 3 weeks

  15. STREAMLINING –THE NEED • For Past 10 Years These Forces Have: • increasingly impacted how we build and regulate construction • stimulated new products & technologies • added national initiatives to identify and reduce unnecessary costs and inefficiencies

  16. CONNECTING SYSTEMS – NATIONAL INITIATIVES NEW INITIATIVES • Greater Code Uniformity • ICC • Research on more effective and efficient building design & construction materials, processes & technologies • NIST /GSA /Colleges & Universities • New Information Technologies and Interoperability • 3D & 4 D design • GIS • Wireless Technologies • RFID • Web-based services

  17. CONNECTING SYSTEMS – NATIONAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVES TO ADDRESS THESE FORCES • New Organizations/Initiatives to Promote More Effective and Efficient Construction, Building Operation & Regulation - U.S. Green Building Council -FIATECH • IAI • PATH • buildingSMART • Alliance for Building Regulatory Reform in Digital Age / National Partnership to Streamline Government

  18. CONNECTING SYSTEMS – CONVERGENCE OF INITIATIVES THE NEED FOR CONVERGING EFFORTS: • Each of these initiatives and organizations generally address one or more but not every segment of: • construction industry • construction process • technology • level of government • or even different governments within same state / region

  19. CONNECTING SYSTEMS – CONVERGENCE OF INITIATIVES RESULTING IN: a general lack of cohesive approach that recognizes, supports, encourages coordination and where appropriate integration of these initiatives. CASE IN POINT - BIM & REGULATORY SYSTEM

  20. CONNECTING SYSTEMS – CONVERGENCE OF INITIATIVES As Virtual Design & Construction, and greater demand for disaster resilience increase they meet a regulatory system where: • Less than 10% of building departments use IT • Less than 1% building departments accept electronic plans submittals • Even smaller number of jurisdictions conduct electronic plans reviews – even then for only certain portions of buildings

  21. CONNECTING SYSTEMS – CONVERGENCE OF INITIATIVES • CREATING CHOKEPOINTS IN THE ROAD TO THE FUTURE – The Building Regulatory Process At Virtual Design Conference, December, 2005 at GSA: • 3D/4D project in Silicon Valley had to print out and provide shop drawings for project • Currently no interoperability in building department data between jurisdictions & between jurisdictions and construction – slowing disaster response and recovery

  22. COORDINATING ACTIONS TO LINK INITIATIVES • PROPOSED COORDINATED ACTIONS NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP AND MASS BRP COALITION: • Coordinate Coalition objectives for needed changes/streamlining of building regulatory process with Partnership products/services • Joint educational efforts for actions that can be taken now to build stakeholder support for streamlining building regulatory process & greater use of IT • Joint support for streamlining grants to state and local governments & for other initiatives: BIM, buildingSMART, SMARTcodes

  23. COORDINATING ACTIONS TO LINK INITIATIVES • NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP PRODUCTS OF RELEVANCE TO MA BUILDING REGULATORY PROCESS COALITION: • Model procurement requirements – How to procure • Listing of software and jurisdictions using – Learn from the lessons of others • Surveys • Use of IT & Cost/Benefit • ROI Reports to support funding • 3 ½ month ROI for jurisdictions of all size

  24. COORDINATING ACTIONS - PARTNERSHIP & MASSACHUSETTS • NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP PRODUCTS: • 2006 CD-ROM Report to Governors, Mayors, Counties with all streamlining tools that have reduced regulatory costs by 60% • DOE/PNNL interoperability for RESCheck & COMCheck tools • Template for “Introduction to Building Codes” – A State specific publication - to build stakeholder support for change

  25. COORDINATING ACTIONS - PARTNERSHIP & MASSACHUSETTS • Guides: - Elected Officials – 8 pages –Why Streamline? Benefits - HUD 83 page Streamlining Guide (Nov 06) – Includes chapter on benefits of I.T./Streamlining to disaster response and recovery

  26. COORDINATING ACTIONS - PARTNERSHIP & MASSACHUSETTS GUIDE TO EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT BUILDING REGULATORY PROCESSES THROUGH STREAMLINING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COVERS: Why and what is streamlining? – Not regulatory abandonment Benefits of streamlining and using I.T. – Better service to customers, reduced regulatory costs, enhanced and more effective enforcement Step by Step Process – 5 Steps

  27. COORDINATING ACTIONS - PARTNERSHIP & MASSACHUSETTS • SIGNIFICANT BENEFITS TO JURISDICTIONS OF ALL SIZES - STREAMLINING & I.T. - Savings to construction industry in costs of up to $100,000/day in delays – keeps business in town - Reduce time in reg process by 60% - Handle increased workloads with same staff - Provides jurisdiction with mechanism to share data across multiple agencies – increasing effectiveness & efficiency of government services

  28. COORDINATING ACTIONS - PARTNERSHIP & MASSACHUSETTS • GUIDE – 5 STEPS TO STREAMLINING: - 1. Assessing the Need & Identifying Stakeholders in your community – Educating & gaining their buy-in - 2. Identifying Resources - 3. Preparing building regulatory process for change- Process re-engineering / working with sister agencies

  29. COORDINATING ACTIONS - PARTNERSHIP & MASSACHUSETTS • GUIDE – 5 STEPS TO STREAMLINING (continued) - 4. Hardware and software selection - 5. Putting it all in place – actions to accomplish EXAMPLES OF SAVINGS/EFFICIENCIES/BEST PRACTICES FROM JURISDICTIONS INCLUDING: Los Angeles, CA Chicago, IL Fairfax County, VA Polk Co, FL Milpitas, CA State of Oregon State of Florida

  30. COORDINATING ACTIONS - PARTNERSHIP & MASSACHUSETTS • PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS OF RELEVANCE TO MASSACHUSETTS: • High level National Streamlining Conference – January 10-11, 2007 at NAHB in Washington, D.C. Program for corporate CEOs, construction community, elected & building officials, to set path for focused 5 year campaign to enhance effectiveness and efficiency of building regulatory process through streamlining and use of information technology.

  31. COORDINATING ACTIONS - PARTNERSHIP & MASSACHUSETTS • Partnership Projects of Relevance to Massachusetts: - Assisting states & their localities by conducting streamlining workshops – OR, CA, LA - Assisting states prior to disaster in identifying and streamlining reducing rules, regs., processes and procedures to speed response and recovery - Assisting in building regulatory process re-engineering - Assisting in interoperability of disaster response/recovery databases

  32. COORDINATING ACTIONS - PARTNERSHIP & MASSACHUSETTS • How can National Partnership be of assistance ? - Develop stakeholder materials – “Introduction to Mass Building Regulatory System – Benefits of Streamlining” - Guide/Streamlining training - Disaster resilience – identify rules, regulations, processes & procedures (state & local) that impede disaster response/recovery

  33. PROPOSED COORDINATION - MASS & NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP • THANK YOU FOR OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE THESE THOUGHTS • Available here to answer questions & provide more information on National Partnership/Alliance

  34. PROPOSED COORDINATION NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP AND MASS BUILDING REGULATORY PROCESS COALITION A CLOSING THOUGHT “ The best way to predict the future is to design it” - Buckminster Fuller This is precisely what the Coalition & the National Partnership are trying to do – let’s do it together!

  35. FOR MORE INFORMATION • VISIT THE NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP WEBSITE: www.natlpartnerstreamline.org • Write or Call: rcwible@comcast.net, 703-568-2323 • Read articles in U.S. Mayor, State Government News & “Architectural Security Codes & Guidelines” McGraw-Hill THANK YOU

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