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Pedagogical/professional resources. committees PWR library pwrfaculty.org (admin) pwrfaculty.net (resources) Norlin – rhetoric & composition journals/websites mentors Small Group Feedback & Universal Observation “water cooler” conversations. CU Resources.
Pedagogical/professional resources committees PWR library pwrfaculty.org (admin) pwrfaculty.net (resources) Norlin – rhetoric & composition journals/websites mentors Small Group Feedback & Universal Observation “water cooler” conversations
CU Resources What to do when you’re concerned about a student: “Assisting the Emotionally Distressed Student” .pdf on our site and at: http://www.colorado.edu/mentalhealthresources/index.html
External Resources: Rhet/Comp • CU’s Rhet/Comp faculty resource page: http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/pwr/index.htm • Purdue Owl: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/ • U of Wisconsin/Madison WC: http://writing.wisc.edu/
Professionalization Teaching portfolio: • Teaching philosophy/narrative (grounded in pedagogical theory) • Syllabi • Assignments • Evaluations (student and peer)
Small Group Feedback pilot program fall 2011 and fall 2012 evaluation/revision spring 2012 classroom interviews conducted in the fall all faculty who are teaching participate asking 2 questions: 1. What are the strengths of this class for you? 2. What are your suggestions for improving this class? designed to find out what we can do early in the semester to improve student learning
Universal Observation peer observation conducted in the spring all TT and instructor-level faculty are required to participate lecturers are invited to participate GPTIs are required to participate but observe each other format = lesson plan, observation, report by observer, reflection by instructor, meeting reports & reflections go into personnel files
Teaching Portfolio The teaching portfolio has been identified as a continuing professional development tool that provides a method of linking self-development with enhanced teaching and learning practices. Indeed, colleges and universities . . . have implemented the teaching portfolio as a method to judge teaching performance for promotion and tenure. McColgan & Blackwood
Teaching Portfolio: Definitions an educator’s personal collection of factual accomplishments and strengths in teaching McColgan & Blackwood conveys the quality and scope of an individual’s teaching McColgan & Blackwood an autobiography of personal growth Jarvinen & Kohonen documentation over time describing the full range of your abilities as a college teacher Urbach
Teaching Portfolio: parts personal material, such as personal reflections and statements of teaching responsibilities; material from others, such as peer and student evaluation; and products of teaching and student learning McColgan & Blackwood
Teaching Portfolio: parts CV - with a special section dedicated to pedagogical activities. Personal reflection regarding teaching and learning or “teaching philosophy” – 1/3/5 pages A description of what the lecturer has achieved demonstrated through 4-5 examples Relates to the second part of the portfolio Makes evident that the teacher has reflected on teaching over a period of time and has made the effort to implement his or her ideas in practical teaching. Andersson & Roxa
Teaching Portfolio: parts Urbach’s seven dimensions: What you teach Content overview: syllabi, assignments, conceptual map of major topics, samples of study guides, student performance samples that illustrate how you teach Changes in your teaching and courses Rigor in your academic standards Student impressions of your teaching and their learning Your efforts at developing your teaching skills Assessments of your teaching by colleagues
Teaching Portfolios: Lund Lund University in Sweden wanted to change the paradigm from teaching to the scholarship of teaching. Created a “pedagogical academy” to certify teachers who attain “excellent teaching practice” [ETP] – must apply for admission and successful completion results in a certificate, a salary increase, and increased funding for the teacher’s department. The following criteria are specific to Lund University, but are also indicative of how teaching portfolios are assessed in higher education.
Teaching Portfolios: Lund Lund’s assessment criteria: (1) the applicant bases his/her work on a learning perspective; (2) the personal philosophy of the applicant constitutes an integratedwhole, in which different aspects of teaching are described in such a way that the driving force of the applicant is apparent; (3) a clear development over time is apparent—the applicant should, preferably, consciously and systematically, have striven to develop personally and in pedagogical activities; (4) the applicant has shared his/her experience with others, with the intention of vitalizing the pedagogical debate; (5) the applicant has co-operated with other lecturers in an effort to develop his/her teaching skills; (6) the applicant is looking to the future by discussing his/her future development, and the development of pedagogical activities.
Teaching Portfolios: PWR Instructors We call them “Reappointment materials” Self assessment of teaching and service (i.e., Personal Statement) Current FRPA VITAE Syllabi and Assignments for the review period Supplemental Materials Non-Peer Review Committee colleague observation letters Student letters solicited by the candidate Copies of publications Classroom interviews conducted by FTEP (see VCAC checklist) Selected assignments demonstrating pedagogical approach See VCAC Checklist at http://www.colorado.edu/facultyaffairs/atoz/ofaindex.html
Teaching Portfolios: PWR Instructors Standard of Review = Meets Normal Expectations Typically, this means demonstrated excellence determined by a comparative ranking of FCQs in the program and university; compliance with CCHE transfer articulation and fulfillment of course objectives, as reflected in syllabi; commitment to the missions of the program and university, as reflected in syllabi; demonstrated currency in the field of Rhetoric and Composition and related fields; pedagogical relevance to the college experience and missions of the university.
Teaching Portfolios: PWR Lecturers PAST – no standardized criteria PRESENT – we look at teaching materials class observations FCQs FUTURE – developing something more formal
What’s next? evaluate the sessions pilot program should we continue? how can we improve? Weeks 8-15 classroom observations & reports open office hours for Lonni and Kathy – any thing you need, come ask