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Explore the increasing trend of food poisoning outbreaks and the acceptance of genetically modified (GM) food. Discuss the measures to prevent food poisoning and the government's role in ensuring food safety.
Thursday File – 星期四檔案 Food Poisoning + GM Food ≠ Food Safety By 3B Group 3
Congee Hijack
According to the survey by Centre for Food Safety, we know that the trend of outbreak of food poisoning is increasing.
Some people may think the measures are not effective. Is it true? That is what we want to explore and discuss.
Food poisoning & Genetically modified(GM) food Trend Discuss Opportunities Challenges
-Should we also take part in preventing food poisoning?-Should we accept genetically modified(GM) food?
Definitionof food poisoning • Illnessresults from the consumption of food • (因進食而導致的疾病) • NOT always caused by poisons • (不一定由毒藥引起)
Characteristicsof food poisoning Usually mild, but sometimes deadly illness. Common symptoms(特徵): 1.Stomach aches(腸胃痛) 2.Vomiting (嘔吐) 3.Fever (發燒) Can result in long-term (長期) diseases and death.
Causesof food poisoning Usually arises (起因於) from: Storage Sources: Bacteria (細菌) Viruses (病毒) Parasites (寄生蟲) Improper food preparation handling
Definition of genetically modified food Foods produced from genetically modified organisms that have alternative DNA through genetic engineering.
GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s. Common GM food: wheat corn soybean
Producing Process Producing Process Producing Process Taking DNA from one organism Modifying it in a laboratory Inserting it into the target organism's genes Producing new and useful traits. Taking DNA from one organism Modifying it in a laboratory Inserting it into the target organism's genome Producing new and useful traits. Taking DNA from one organism Modifying it in a laboratory Inserting it into the target organism's genome Producing new and useful traits.
Malachite green(孔雀石綠) Incidents in 1997-2007 Cholera (霍亂) 97-98 Ciguatera fish poisoning 99 Cockles (海扇類) (雪卡毒) 05 06 Sudan Red (蘇丹紅)
Government’s measures in 97-07 Ciguatoxin (雪卡毒) testing Food surveillance programme 99 00-01 06 Food safety plan
Place: Near City One Railway Station Near City One Railway Station
Questionnaire-Food poisoning A. Personal information: Sex: □ M □ F Age: □ 11-18 □ 19-24 □ 25-60 □ over 60 Education Level: □ Primary □ Secondary □ University or above B. Opinion: 1. Identify the following situations if it leads to food poisoning: a. eaten cross-contaminated food from buffet dinner Yes /No b. eaten unsterilized ice cream Yes /No c. eaten pesticidal vegetables Yes /No d. drunk broken can of juice Yes /No e. eaten use-by package food Yes /No 2. Are you worried about HK’s food safety? □ Yes □ No 3. If yes, why are you worried? □ Lack of governmental surveillance □ Lack of confidence □ Others:_______________________________________ 4. What do you think the most serious event is in recent 10 years? ________________________________________________ 5. In recent 10 years, have you/ your family had food poisoning? □ Yes (Types:________________________ ) □ No 6. Do you think the measure taken by the government is efficient? □ Yes □No (Why? ___________________________) 7. What do you suggest the government should do to solve the problem of food safety? (You may tick more than once) □ Enhance examination □ Regular inspection □ Reinforce education □ Stricter laws □ Regional cooperation □ Others:____________________ Thank you!! SAMPLE
1.Identify the following situations if it leads to food poisoning: a. eaten cross-contaminated food from buffet dinner (進食生、熟食物交互污染的自助餐) b. eaten unsterilized ice cream (進食未經消毒的雪糕) c. eaten pesticidal vegetables (進食有農藥的蔬果) d. drunk broken can of juice (飲用罐頭崩毀的果汁) e. eaten expired package food (進食過期的包裝食品) ■ Yes ■ No
■ Yes ■ No What does it shows? All correct !!!!!!!! • Some people thinks that eating pesticidal vegetablesis not count as food poisoning. • Public’s knowledge about food poisoning is overall passed.
4) What do you think the most serious event is in recent 10 years? What does it shows? Eating cross-contaminated food from buffet dinner has the deepest image in public.
5)In recent 10 years, have you/ your family had food poisoning? What does it shows? NOT many cases of food poisoning are happened.
6) Do you think the measure taken by thegovernment is effective? What does it shows? • The government needs to improve although she is doing well now. • The government should face and avoid the problem at once or it’s too late.
7) What do you suggest the government should do to solve the problem of food safety? What does it shows? • Enhance examinationis the best way to solve the problem and in addition to stricter laws. • General public thinks that there’s just a little help with regional cooperation.
Summary • Public knows well about the food safety and having a right concept in food safety. • The execution timeis too long. • The government should enhance examination and stricter laws in order to solve the problem of food safety.
The trend for food poisoning outbreak is increasing in recent years. However, it decreasesa lot in 2007. (Source: Food and Environmental Hygiene Department)
What opportunities do we have on food poisoning ? • Chance to review the measures taken. • Chance to educate citizens to raise their awareness of food safety. • Publication
What challenges are we facing on food poisoning ? • Not much food processing factories have adopted Food Safety Plan. • The prevention of food poisoning of owners/managers of food businesses is very passive.
What can we do to solve the problem? • Managers: • Understand their responsibility of ensuring food safety. • Government: • Take part in the partnership with the food industries. • Provide training opportunities to food industries. • Highly encourage management of food premises.
How could citizens prevent food poisoning? • Always bealerted about the hygiene. • Clean equipments and utensils regularly. • Wash handsbefore preparing food and after going to toilet. • Have good temperature and time control in food premises.
What opportunities do we have on Genetically Modified Food ? • Increase in crop yields and the tolerance of crops. The process characteristics The sensory attributes of food Improve The nutrient composition of crops
What challenges are we facing on Genetically Modified food ? • The balance of ecosystemsmay be disturbed. • People may worry about eating food containing a gene which they would not eat due to religious, health reasons. • The voluntary labeling system is completely failed.
What can we do to face the challenges? • Conduct field trials • Strengthen biotechnological research • Guarantee food safety
What can we do to face the challenges?(2) • Safeguard the consumer rights • Establishing a well-defined mandatory labeling system for GM foods.
Thursday File - 星期四檔案Food Poisoning + GM Food ≠ Food Safety The End The end