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Robert Sternberg. Cognitive Psychologist 1949 - Present. Education 1972 - Yale University, B.A. in psychology 1975 - Stanford University, PhD Career 1968 – 1969 - The Psychological Corporation, Research Assistant 1970 - 1970 - Educational Testing Service, Research Assistant
Robert Sternberg Cognitive Psychologist 1949 - Present
Education • 1972 - Yale University, B.A. in psychology • 1975 - Stanford University, PhD • Career • 1968 – 1969 - The Psychological Corporation, Research Assistant • 1970 - 1970 - Educational Testing Service, Research Assistant • Career at Yale University • 1970 – 1975 - Office of Institutional Research, Research Assistant • 1975 – 1980 - Department of Psychology, Assistant Professor • 1980 – 1983 - Associate Professor • 1983 – 1986 - Professor • 1986 – 2005 - IBM Professor of Psychology and Education • 2000 – 2005 - Director, Yale Center for the Psychology of Abilities, Competencies and Expertise • Concurrent Career Experiences • 1986 – 1989 - Consultant, The Psychological Corporation • 1993 – 1994 - Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, School Department • 1993 – 1994 - Harcourt Brace Educational Development Group • 1994 – 1996 - Harper Collins College Division (1994-1996) • Present Career Experiences • 2003 - President of the American Psychological Association • 2005 – present - Tufts University, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences (2005-present) • 2006 – present - Director, Center for the Psychology of Abilities, Competencies and Expertise
Distinguished Awards • 1985 - Distinguished Scholar Award, National Association for Gifted Children • 1987 - Outstanding Book Award, American Educational Research Association • 1989 - Award for Excellence, Mensa Education and Research Foundation • 1999 - James McKeen Cattell Award, American Psychological Society • 2002 - Listed as one of the "Top 100 Psychologists of the 20th Century" American Psychological Association • 2003 - E.L. Thorndike Award for Achievement in Educational Psychology
http://wms.indiana.edu/ip/intell/sternberg1_def.wmv • Follow link to a recorded interview and transcription of Robert Sternberg explaining his view of intelligence.
Major Contribution -Triarchic Theory of Human Intelligence • Formulated from Sternberg’s belief that intelligence is derived throughout a lifetime by an individual as he handles environmental changes. • Theory composed of three subtheories: 1. Componential 2. Experiential 3. Practical
ComponentialThis subtheory relates to an individual’s ability to make decisions. • Componential comprised of: - Metacomponents - used in problem solving and decision making. They tell a person how to act. - Performance components – the basic processes that let a person carry out actions dictated by metacomponents. - Knowledge-acquisition components – used to obtain new information. They decide what information is relevant to sustain.
Componentialin Context of Analytical Intellect • Sternberg (1997) recognizes the breadth and depth of intellect. • He believes that people can have the ability to solve problems. • Within the componential subtheory, analytical thinking is prevalent. • However, if a person only has this type of analytical intellect, they may not able to create ideas of their own. • Implication for Education – in education, this is the type of intellect is tested more. A student who may test very well, may lack a level of creativity needed to formulate unique ideas.
ExperientialThis second subtheory focuses upon how well a task is performed with relation to how familiar it is to a person. • Sternberg (1984) further clarified this subtheory by defining the following two components of task execution: 1. novelty - A novel situation is one that has a person confronting a new and inexperienced situation. 2. automation - this is a situation that a person has performed numerous times and can be done without much thought. Sternberg (1997) believes that being adept at one component does not ensure adeptness in the other. • Implication for Education – a student who is able to routinely perform multiplication facts may not be able to transfer that information to an unfamiliar word problem.
Experiential in the Context of Synthetic Intellect • Sternberg sees this component as synthetic intellect. • It can be seen in creativity, intuition and in the study of arts. • Implication for Education: Students with this type of intellect are not often seen as high scorers on assessments. Their type of intelligence can not be sufficiently measured through the use of standardized testing.
PracticalThe third subtheory relates intelligence to the external world of the individual. • Sternberg specified the three classes of acts involved in practical intelligence: • environmental adaptation • selection • shaping • This subtheory supports the belief that throughout a person’s life, the adaptations made to his environment, the shaping of thought caused by these adaptations, and the selection of relevant information as it relates to meeting the person’s needs and goals, culminates into a type of intelligence known as “street smarts.”
Practicalin the Context of Intellect • This type of intellect demands that a person apply analytical and synthetic skills to experiences (Sternberg, 1984,1997). • People who have practical intellect are able to succeed in any situation (Sternberg 1984,1997). • Implication for Education - a student who lacks analytical and synthetic giftedness, may continue to succeed in a learning environment because he is able to adapt to numerous situations and use the skills he has to his best abilities.
Conclusion • In combination, the three subtheories provide a foundation for characterizing the nature of intelligent behavior in the world (Sternberg, 1984). • Implications for Education: the three subtheories also help specify the kinds of tasks that are more and less appropriate for the measurement of intelligence (Sternberg, 1984).
References • Sternberg, R. J. (1984). What should intelligence tests test? Implications of a triarchic theory of intelligence for intelligence testing, Educational Researcher, 13,1. • Sternberg, R. J. (1985). Beyond IQ: A Triarchic Theory of Intelligence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. • Sternberg, R. J. (1997). A triarchic view of giftedness: Theory and practice. Handbook of Gifted Education. • Sternberg, R. (2007, July 25). Human intelligence. Retrieved March 15, 2009, Web site: http://www.indiana.edu/~intell/sternberg.shtml