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<br>To resolve this question of peoples that how Ayurvedic kidney treatment works for kidney disease patients naturally.<br><br>
6/26/2019 How Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment Naturally works on the patients? 26 Jun 2019 Ayurvedic kidney treatment naturally cure of the kidney disease patients KIDNEY DISEASE [Total: 0 Average: 0/5] To resolve this question of peoples that how Ayurvedic kidney treatment works for kidney disease patients naturally. Kidney disease is an acute condition in which kidneys lose their core capacity to sift waste from the blood. The kidneys are two-bean liked organs that are made up of a number of filters called nephrons. The job role of nephrons is to filters extra waste and harmful material out of the blood and make urine. Healthy kidneys clean half a cup of the blood every minute and eliminate the excess in the form of urine. The urine then excreted by the kidneys flows from the kidneys to the bladder through a pathway called ureters. The bladder, ureters, and your kidneys together hook up to constitute the important part of the urinary tract system. Reasons why having kidneys is important Apart from performing some filtration work, the kidneys also work to maintain acid and balance in the body. The acid your kidneys regulate is a by-product of the cells and tissues in the body. The salts, water, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and sodium are also balanced in the required amount by your kidneys. Without this acid and base balance, nerves and muscles may not work efficaciously. The other jobs that your kidneys perform for you are: Make hormones for the production of red blood cells Regulate blood pressure Maintain the health of your bones and keep them strong The filtration process of the kidneys Each of the kidneys is comprised of sets of filtering units called nephrons that are present in millions. These nephrons further include filters, called the glomerulus and tubule. The function of nephron is to sieve blood while tubule helps in the removal of wastes and keeping the needed substances in the blood. Waste or fluid that is extracted from the blood gets eliminated in the form of urine by the kidneys. https://www.ayurvedickidneycare.com/kidney-disease/kidney-treatment-naturally 1/7
6/26/2019 Ayurvedic kidney treatment naturally cure of the kidney disease patients What is kidney disease? Kidney disease means kidneys have got sick to perform filtration and the required work needed for the proper functioning of the body. As you know, the filtration work of the kidney is done by glomeruli; any damage to them makes your kidney weakened to work. You are more at risk of kidney damage if your body is supporting conditions that may harm your kidneys, such as diabetes or blood pressure. Renal failure is the last stage of chronic kidney disease and denotes complete failure. Who are at the risk of kidney damage? People who are at the risk of kidney damage may have one or more health conditions that pressurize the kidneys. These health conditions may include: Diabetes High blood pressure Glomerular disease Polycystic kidney disease Other diseases Diabetes and kidney disease The high sugar level in the blood can cause a problem with the blood circulation within the kidneys or part of the filtering units of the kidneys. Within two to five years of diabetes diagnosis, your kidneys start to lose their function. High blood sugar in the blood is bound to decline your kidneys, heart, and liver health. Many researchers have proven that almost 1 in 3 adults with CKD have diabetes. High blood pressure and kidneys High sugar levels in the blood can cause a problem with the blood circulation within the kidneys or part of the filtering units of the kidneys. Within two to five years of diabetes diagnosis, your kidneys start to lose their function. High blood sugar in the blood is bound to decline your kidneys, heart, and liver https://www.ayurvedickidneycare.com/kidney-disease/kidney-treatment-naturally 2/7
6/26/2019 Ayurvedic kidney treatment naturally cure of the kidney disease patients health. Many researchers have proven that almost 1 in 3 adults with CKD have diabetes. Glomeruli disease Within the glomeruli, the blood is cleansed for purification. Glomeruli disease means kidney’s filters are damaged to work like a sieve. When having glomeruli disease, kidneys start to accumulate waste in the blood, leak protein, and other important nutrients into the urine. The fluid retention brings in various complications in the body, such as swelling in the hands and ankles and puffiness of the eyes. Polycystic kidney disease PKD causes cysts to develop in the kidneys which may over time get filled with blood and other harmful fluid. The presence of cysts inside the kidneys enlarges them, and do not let them work as they need to. A person with Polycystic kidney disease may have acquired it from birth, but signs and symptoms appear as the patient reaches late stages. The chances of having kidney disorders increase as you age and the longer you have been facing these above-mentioned complications. What are the symptoms of kidney disease? Early stages of kidney disease do not reflect any physical signs on the body. You may feel fine in the early stage of kidney damage. This is because our kidneys have a greater capacity to function even when there is mild damage. People who are born with one single kidney remain healthy and do not feel any complexity leading a normal life. As kidney disease progress to late stages, the indicative signs may become apparent to the patient. But don’t wait for the signs to appear, if you have one or more health conditions that may affect your kidneys, make sure to diagnose yourself twice a year. The symptoms that may appear in the body are Swelling in the hands or feet: When your kidneys are not able to get rid of extra waste, fluid retention causes swelling on the face, hands, ankles, and inflation around the eyes. This happens because of mineral accumulation in the blood which may cause edema. Fatigued body: Our kidneys produce hormones called erythropoietin needed to form oxygen- carrying red blood cells in the body. RBCs transport oxygen to various body parts while https://www.ayurvedickidneycare.com/kidney-disease/kidney-treatment-naturally 3/7
6/26/2019 Ayurvedic kidney treatment naturally cure of the kidney disease patients removing carbon dioxide from the blood. In the absence of an adequate number of RBCs, the body may feel weak and timid to sustain life. Dry and Itchy skin: Mineral deposition also causes dry and patchy skin when having chronic kidney disease. Even after applying moisturizer, the skin may appear stiff and dry; it is an indication of kidney damage. Nausea: Waste build-up in the blood makes you nauseous and do not allow the body to tolerate food. However, this symptom should be taken into consideration along with other signs. More or less urination: As kidneys are solely responsible for making and eliminating urine, the absence of healthy kidneys creates problems for the patients. The frequency increases or decreases severely depending upon the condition or stage of kidney disease. Blood in the urine: The presence of protein and blood in the urine is the easiest way to know that your kidneys are not working healthily. This happens on account of damage filters that pass out even large molecules of protein and blood cells along with the urine. Foamy urine: Protein in the urine appears like a scrambled egg that makes urine foamy or sparkling. Tests available to diagnose kidney damage Timely detection of kidney disease is crucial for taking action at the early stages. Early detection will also help to avert the progression of kidney disease and avoid the need for dialysis. As kidneys clean blood and make urine out of the waste fluid, the blood tests and urine tests help to check the functionality of the kidneys. These may include: Album to creatinine ratio: Albumin is a type of protein that is found in the blood but since unhealthy kidneys cannot excrete it out, the presence of albumin is an indication of kidney damage. Albumin to creatinine ratio or UACR is the ratio of albumin with respect to creatinine, a chemical waste that should be in your urine. UACR less than 30 mg/ gm says your kidneys are healthy. Blood urea nitrogen or BUN: Urea nitrogen comes from the breakdown of protein in the food you eat. To check the BUN level, blood is analyzed and if the BUN level exceeds the range 7 to 19, it indicates decreasing kidney function. eGFR: The glomerular filtration rate tells how well your kidneys are eliminating waste and harmful substances from the blood. EGFR is the rate of filtration of blood by the kidneys. EGFR greater than 90 indicates your kidneys are not working healthily as supposed to. https://www.ayurvedickidneycare.com/kidney-disease/kidney-treatment-naturally 4/7
6/26/2019 Ayurvedic kidney treatment naturally cure of the kidney disease patients Preventive measures to take care of your kidneys Kidneys are one special organ that may heal itself when having they are mildly damaged. But if you have already reached the late stage of CKD, it is important to assure that you are onto the right medications and taking care of your kidneys with a better renal diet and lifestyle modifications. At the time of kidney disease, it is necessary to be selective when picking up the nutritional choice for your meals because a renal diet plan contributes a lot when healing your kidneys. Following preventive measures will also help: Regulate your blood sugar level as this may further damage your kidneys Control your blood pressure by practicing stress removal therapies Stay fit and fine Aim for a healthy weight Sleep is necessary Drink at least 7 to 8 glasses of water to make your kidneys functional Restrict smoking if you are an active smoker Do not take over the counter medications without asking your doctor Monitor your kidney’s health at least twice a year Take Ayurvedic medicine for kidney damage instead of allopathic About Ayurveda Ayurveda is an ancient science that hails from India only. It is a 5000-years old system of healing malfunctioned body parts with herbs. It would be difficult to expect life if Ayurveda were not there in our lives as a blessing. Ayurveda emphasizes mind, body, and soul to cure diseases. According to Ayurveda, the imbalance in the body is what promotes any disease. Thus, the aim of Ayurveda is to optimize health by way of balancing the elements of the body and not to oppose the disease. For a specific type of disease, there are many herbs and spices available that can improve the health of the organ associated with that disease. Although Ayurveda has its roots in India, the ayurvedic treatment is widely accepted across the globe because of its impeccable results. https://www.ayurvedickidneycare.com/kidney-disease/kidney-treatment-naturally 5/7
6/26/2019 Ayurveda and life energy Ayurvedic kidney treatment naturally cure of the kidney disease patients As per Ayurveda, if your mind, body, and soul are in harmony your health is optimized. But when there is disharmony in this balance, you ought to get ill. Seasonal, climatic conditions, emotions of the person, and genetic effects are also taken into concentration in the imbalance of these vital elements. The five basic elements that we humans are made up of are fire, earth, air, space, and water. These basic elements are amalgamated with the human body to create three important energies or forces, called Doshas namely, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Although every human body constitutes these life- forces, the variation of each in the body is what makes us different from each other. Ayurveda suspects that the unbalancing of these doshas is what raises the disease in you. Ayurvedic treatment and kidney problems The ayurvedic specialist works by finding the flaws in the doshas to know the cause of kidney damage. As per Ayurveda, any type of kidney disease is caused by an obstruction in the channels of the body called srotas. For each organ or disease, there is a specified set of channels and the channel involved in renal damage is mutravaha srotas. They carry urine or waste in and out of the kidneys. If by chance, incoming channels get blocked, kidneys cannot pass out fluid or eliminate waste, resulting in shrinkage. And if the outgoing channels get disrupts, kidneys swell. There are so many herbs that are an important part of the ayurvedic treatment for kidney damage. They aid to clean these channels by resuscitating the harmed cells and tissues of the kidneys. The ayurvedic treatment can eliminate the need to rely on dialysis for fluid removal by facilitating urine production. When taking herbal medications you will notice your health refining. Apart from the herbs, spices, ayurvedic diuretics and laxatives are also used to get rid of extra waste and detoxify the body of harmful substances. The features of ayurvedic kidney treatment are: The ayurvedic treatments begin with determining the underlying cause of kidney damage and then customize medications according to the given situation of the patients. For instance, if patients have high blood pressure before kidney disease, the ayurvedic medications work on bringing down the hypertension level in order to heal damage to the kidneys. The herbal extracts in the medicines boost overall well being by resuscitating the faulty cells and tissues of the kidneys and the entire body. https://www.ayurvedickidneycare.com/kidney-disease/kidney-treatment-naturally 6/7
6/26/2019 Ayurvedic kidney treatment naturally cure of the kidney disease patients Ayurvedic medicines foster urine production naturally thus, the need for dialysis or organ transplant is eliminated and blood is cleansed of the waste without involving any surgical way. Further, herbal medications are far better in terms of time, money, and cost involved. With a few weeks of the treatment, you will notice your health improving and kidney function increasing, unlike dialysis or organ transplant which are cumbersome procedures. Ayurvedic kidney treatment naturally includes yoga, meditation, and a renal diet plan to boost the strength of the kidney in a completely natural way. Yoga is a crucial part of the ayurvedic treatment because it works to bring down the adverse levels of blood sugar and blood pressure. Karma Ayurveda is the leading ayurvedic kidney care hospital in Delhi, India dedicated to spreading the therapeutical effects of Ayurveda in everyday life. The ayurvedic treatment by Doctor Puneet Dhawan has bought changing experience in the lives of the patients. The ayurvedic treatment by Doctor Dhawan has allowed the patients to attain the confidence of living a healthy and disease-free life. The herbal medications are prepared to keep in mind the condition of the individual patient and the severity of the health problems! If you wish to know more about us, connect with Karma Ayurveda! https://www.ayurvedickidneycare.com/kidney-disease/kidney-treatment-naturally 7/7