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Jeong Dageum UST 2009/11/04

Jeong Dageum UST 2009/11/04. <Fish taxa >. <Observation and Theory>. Rapid cladogenetic Speciation. Genomic Expansion. Gene duplication Polyploidization. southdakotapolitics.blogs.com/. southdakotapolitics.blogs.com/. <Question>. <General relationship>. Poorly characterized ?.

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Jeong Dageum UST 2009/11/04

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  1. JeongDageum UST 2009/11/04

  2. <Fish taxa> <Observation and Theory> Rapid cladogenetic Speciation Genomic Expansion Gene duplication Polyploidization southdakotapolitics.blogs.com/ southdakotapolitics.blogs.com/

  3. <Question> <General relationship> Poorly characterized ? Patterns of evolutionary radiation Genome size

  4. <Solution and Results> Empirical correlations Genome size (C-value) Species richness 461 genera Positive correlations

  5. Genomic architecture may play a role in species proliferations

  6. Introduction • Material and methods • Results • Discussion • (a) Qualifications • (b) Genome dynamics and cladogenesis

  7. Introduction [Observation] Large-scale genomic expansion Whole-genome duplication events In early vertebrate evolution Ex) Teleost fishes, salmonids, catastomids, acipenserids, cyprinids…. [Hypothesis] Genomic enlargements -> key factor of enable to drive diversification Little comparative work has tested for the hypothesized correlations [Test study]

  8. Introduction[hypothesis] Genomic architecture Several mechanism ( Duplicated loci) - Evolve new functions - Evolve new structural, catalytic, or regulator roles Become mutationally silenced Reciprocal silencing of complimentary duplicate genes * Repetitive transposable elements -> Alter Gene expression patterns -> Alter genomic profiles Genomic Divergence & expansions Speciation rates

  9. Introduction Among vertebrates Ray-finned fishes Genome size -Relatively high variation Mammals, birds, reptiles Genome size - Relatively small variation Puffer fish- 0.39 pg of DNA per cell (Fugurubripes) ~ Armoured catfish - 4.4 pg DNA per cell (Corydorasaeneus) Examine empirical relationships between genome dynamics and radiations

  10. Material and methods Haploid genome sizes (pg DNA ) C-values within each genus Extant species for each genus Least squares regression Correlation coefficents(r) Significance (p) All 461 geera as independent observations w/o regard to their phylogeneticassocations • To correct for phylogeny, • - use supertree(independent contrasts) • for Actinopterygii • Measure species richness (macroCAIC) • http://www.bio.ic.ac.uk/evolve/software/macrocaic/

  11. Results 0.39pg/cell(pufferfish genus Chelonodon) to 3.57 pg/cell(sturgeon genus Acipenser) Showing a roughly normal distribution around a mean of 1.19 pg/cell i149.photobucket.com mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives

  12. Results Positive Correlation Phylogenetically Uncorrected Positive Correlation Phylogenetically corrected C-value: picograms DNA per haploid cell

  13. Discussion Super order Super order

  14. Discussion

  15. Discussion Correction by independent contrast

  16. Discussion

  17. Discussion Ray finned fishes - Evolutionarily labile in DNA content - Apparently expanding and contracting rather quickly Via Extensive duplications and losses of genetic material.

  18. Discussion Often-hypothesized link <<<<<<< Genome dynamics Speciations <Confounding variables> Qualifications - noise

  19. Discussion • (a) Qualifications Noise 1. Differential extinction rate focusing on genera 2. Taxonomic biases (ex: genomic enlargements-> split into more genera) 3. Exception of information on branch lengths or evolutionary time scale

  20. Discussion • (b) Genome dynamics and cladogenesis Changes in genome size - > increased probabilities of cladogensis - alteration of gene expression patterns - reciprocal silencing of redundant duplications Speciation: A multifaceted phenomenon Genomic dynamism: includes many ecological and behavioural considerations -> but this significant association -> quite surprising.

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