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A ball valve is a valve with a spherical disc, the part of the valve which controls the flow, pressure control in gas distribution systems and pressure reduction in connection with gas storage.

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  2. Introduction to Ball valves: A ball valve is a valve with a spherical disc, the part of the valve which controls the flow, pressure control in gas distribution systems and pressure reduction in connection with gas storage. A ball valve manufacturers generally uses several metals for the ball while the seats are made from materials like Teflon, Neoprene etc.

  3. Types: • There are three basic types of ball valves: • Reduced port, • Full port and • Venturiport. • Typically, they are used for air lines, process lines, gas lines, pigging lines etc. The design and cost are the deciding factors in the type to be used.

  4. Industrial Uses: • Ball valves are utilized in a number of industrial sectors, and are designed in full accordance with the industry specific standards, to ensure smooth flow of the operations. • They are more commonly used in the engineering machinery procedures, as well as in other industries.

  5. Chemical and Petrochemical Industry: • They ensure efficiency and safety in the chemical sector, where handling of dangerous chemicals and gases is quite a tricky business. • Due to highly corrosive chemicals coupled with continuous handling of different forms of gases, vapours and liquids, throughout various processes, the valve manufacturers and valve suppliers need to meet a constant demand for a high-quality ball valve throughout every process.

  6. Oil & Gas Industry: • The oil and gas industry has presented the valve suppliers and the manufacturing personnel with difficult and demanding operating conditions that has translated into an ever increasing need for tougher, longer-lasting, better performing valves. • Valve service environments and operating conditions within the oil and gas industry are unique and extreme.

  7. Conclusion:  • ValvulasFevisa, is known for ex stock valves, we are the Valve Stockist in Dubai. We could provide a complete range of solutions are very few in number.

  8. -Conclusion:  • UL FM approved valves and WRAS approved valves are the general industrial norms for the valves that our company has acquired approvals. • We as a ball valve suppliers ensure that there is a proper adhering of the industry and company specific standards as well as give a full commitment to the requirement of the customers.

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