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Modeling and Analysis of State-of-the-art VM-based Cloud Management Platforms

Modeling and Analysis of State-of-the-art VM-based Cloud Management Platforms. Saif U. K. Malik, Samee U. Khan, Senior Member, IEEE, Surdarshan K. Srinivansan , Member, IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING (2013) 報告 者 : 計 財 15 100071018 韋自 鴻 計 財 15 100071020 楊佑濬. Introduction.

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Modeling and Analysis of State-of-the-art VM-based Cloud Management Platforms

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  1. Modeling and Analysis of State-of-the-art VM-based Cloud Management Platforms Saif U. K. Malik, Samee U. Khan, Senior Member, IEEE, Surdarshan K. Srinivansan, Member, IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING (2013) 報告者: 計財15100071018韋自鴻 計財15100071020楊佑濬

  2. Introduction

  3. What is Cloud Computing?

  4. Cloud Computing structure Application Social Computing, Enterprise, ISV,… User Level User-Level Middleware Programming language Web 2.0 介面, Mashups, Workflows, … Control QosNeqotiation, Ddmission Control, Pricing, SLA Management, Metering… Core Middleware Virtualization VM, VM management and Deployment System Level

  5. 現有的雲端運算服務 • Windows • Google • Amazon • Yahoo • ......

  6. Type of Cloud Computing Industry

  7. Features of cloud computing Virtualization Large scale High reliability pay-as-you-go High Scalability High versatility Low Cost

  8. Cloud Computing Industry IaaS Infrastructure as a Service • Delivers computer infrastructure such as virtualization, storage, and networking that offers incremental scalability. • infrastructure stack: • Full OS access • Firewalls • Routers • Load balancing

  9. Cloud Computing Industry IaaS Examples • Flexiscale • AWS: EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud)

  10. Cloud Computing Industry PaaS IaaS Platform as a Service • Provide a platform for system administrators and developers to build, test and deploy custom applications • Expensive cost management system Popular services • Storage • Database • Scalability

  11. Cloud Computing Industry PaaS IaaS Examples • Google App Engine • AWS: S3 (Simple Storage Service) • Microsoft Azure

  12. Cloud Computing Industry SaaS PaaS IaaS Software as a Service Do not manage hardware and software Simple operation (browser) Pay per use Instant Scalability Security Reliability

  13. Cloud Computing Industry SaaS PaaS IaaS Examples • Google Docs • CRM • Financial Planning • Human Resources • Word processing • Salesforce.com

  14. Comparison table

  15. Open Source IaaS • the most widely used open source hypervisors in the recent IaaS providers: • (a) Xen • (b) KVM • three open source state-of-the-art VM-based cloud management platforms : • (a) Eucalyptus • (b) Open Nebula • (c) Nimbus

  16. Eucalyptus • The less level of customization that makes it appropriate for a private company, where one needs a cloud for own use and wants to avoid mistakes from the users. • The best feature is compatible with Amazon EC2.

  17. Open Nebula • the highest level of customizability that allow users to switch almost every component from the underlying Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) to the frontend. • Open Nebula is suitable in an experimental environment, where one wants to explore every component and crack new results from the computational perspective.

  18. Nimbus • Nimbus also provides a high level of customization. • However, the major portion of customization in Nimbus is available to the administrator. • Nimbus is more suitable for an environment, where one is less interested in technical details of the systems, but requires a broad level of customization, such as cooperative scientific communities.

  19. Modeling and Analysis of the systems • In this study, we made an effort to diminish the level of abstraction through detailed modeling and formal analysis of the platforms being discussed. • We have used High Level Petri Nets (HLPN) and Z language for the modeling and analysis of the systems.

  20. High Level Petri Nets (HLPN) • HLPN is used to: (a) simulate the systems and (b) provide mathematical representation, to analyze the behavior and structural properties of the system. • The model of the systems will help analyze: • (1) the interconnection of the components and processes . • (2) the fine-grain details of the flow of information amongst the processes. • (3) how the information is processed.

  21. Z3 solver • First, we performed the automated verification of the models by Checking technique using Satisfiability Modulo Theories Library (SMTLib) and Z3 solver. • Then, Z3 solver is used to check either the model satisfies the properties or not. • Second, to verify the feasibility of the models as the number of VMs scales and verify the correctness. • The results generated reveals that the models are working correctly.

  22. Modeling and Analysis of VM-based Cloud Management Platforms

  23. Eucalyptus Architecture

  24. HLPN of Eucalyptus

  25. Conclusion for Eucalyptus • Supports corporate enterprise computing setting • The administration space is separated from the user space. • Easy to deploy on top of the existing resource. • Suitable for experimentation because of having modular design open source in nature. • Users are only allowed to use the system through web interface

  26. Open Nebula Architecture

  27. HLPN of Open Nebula

  28. Conclusion for Open Nebula • The level of customization available of Open Nebula is suitable for researchers who wish to combine cloud system with other technologies. • The centralized nature makes administration easier • Higher level of customization makes it ideal for research • Users need to have some technical expertise • Users can make a mistake while providing config for a VM

  29. Nimbus Architecture

  30. HLPN of Nimbus

  31. Conclusion for Nimbus • Provides different resources leases to different users as a mean of scheduling • The flexibility and customization available to perform experiment • Workspace tools can operate with Xen hypervisor and as well as KVM.

  32. Verification of Models Using SMT-Lib and Z3 Solver

  33. Kripke structure and Computational Tree


  35. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK • In future, we will analyze, model, and verify some other cloud management platforms, such as OpenStack, oVirt, and ECP. • Moreover, we will also perform a detailed feasibility analysis of the aforesaid platforms under different SLA constraints.

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