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DNS ( Domain Name System)

DNS ( Domain Name System). 網管 Intern. 主講人: 台大資工 吳謹豪 2012/05/29. 目錄. FQDN RR (Resource Record) ZONE TLDs Domain Name Space. FQDN. Fully Qualified Domain Name Host Name + Domain Name www.yahoo.com.tw dns.synnex.com.tw. FQDN. Fully Qualified Domain Name Host Name + Domain Name

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DNS ( Domain Name System)

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  1. DNS( Domain Name System) 網管Intern 主講人: 台大資工 吳謹豪 2012/05/29

  2. 目錄 • FQDN • RR (Resource Record) • ZONE • TLDs • Domain Name Space

  3. FQDN • Fully Qualified Domain Name • Host Name + Domain Name www.yahoo.com.tw dns.synnex.com.tw

  4. FQDN • Fully Qualified Domain Name • Host Name + Domain Name www.yahoo.com.tw wwwyahoo.com.tw dns.synnex.com.tw dnssynnex.com.tw

  5. RR (Resource Record) • 一個DNS資源記錄(RR,resource records)是DNS域名系統中的基本數據單元。每一條記錄由記錄類型(type),老化時長(TTL), 類型(class),以及其他類型相關的數據組成。 相同類型的資源記錄被定義成一個資源記錄集(RRset). • DNS資源記錄的格式由RFC 1035定義.

  6. RR (Resource Record • Domain Record SOA:Start Of Authority NS:Name Server MX:Mail Exchange • Host Record A:Address (IPv4) AAAA:Address (IPv6) CNAME:Alias PTR:Pointer

  7. SOA • 每個特定的網域名稱責任區域 (domain zone) 都必須定義一個 SOA (Start Of Authority,網域權限區的起始宣告) •  SOA 記錄裏,記載著關於該 域名權責區域的一些主要網域名稱伺服器 ( primary DNS server) 和其它相關的次要名稱伺服器( secondary DNS server) 之運作資訊。

  8. SOA example • nslookup • > fourleave.com.twServer: ns3.green.netAddress: • fourleave.com.twprimary name server = nsc.green.netresponsible mail addr = info.green.netserial = 2001082912refresh = 10800 (3 hours)retry = 3600 (1 hour)expire = 604800 (7 days)default TTL = 86400 (1 day)fourleave.com.tw nameserver = nsc.wyith.netfourleave.com.tw nameserver = ns4.wyith.netfourleave.com.tw nameserver = ns3.wyith.netfourleave.com.tw MX preference = 10, mail exchanger = mxc.green.netfourleave.com.tw nameserver = nsc.green.netfourleave.com.tw nameserver = ns4.green.netfourleave.com.tw nameserver = ns3.green.netnsc.green.net internet address = internet address = internet address = internet address = • 資料來源: • http://eservice.seed.net.tw/class/class45.html

  9. Zone

  10. TLDs • 最上方一定是 .(root) 這個 DNS 伺服器 例如 yahoo.com.tw. • 一般最上層領域名稱 (Generic TLDs, gTLD):例如 .com, .org, .gov等等 • 國碼最上層領域名稱 (Country code TLDs, ccTLD):例如 .tw, .uk, .jp, .cn等等

  11. Domain Name Space

  12. Recursive (遞迴式)Iterative (交談式)

  13. 介紹正、反解 • 從主機名稱查詢到 IP 的流程稱為:正解 • 從 IP 反解析到主機名稱的流程稱為:反解

  14. 實作開胃前菜 • Cmd • nslookup • set type=ns • xxxxxx.com.tw • server dns.xxxxxx.com.tw • ls xxxxxx.com.tw

  15. 如何安裝 • http://hi.baidu.com/zhangwf/blog/item/c8096b81620fd1dbbc3e1edb.html

  16. Setup DNS Server • Step 0: Network Config sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Auto lo iface lo inet loopback Auto eth0 Iface eth0 inet static address netmask +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart • Step 1: Install "bind9" and related packages sudo apt-get install bind9

  17. Step 2: Modify /etc/bind/named.conf.local • sudo vi /etc/bind/named.conf.local+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Add the following codes:#This is the zone definition. replace example.com with your domain namezone "iptv.com" {         type master;         file "/etc/bind/zones/iptv.com.db";         };# This is the zone definition for reverse DNS. replace 3.168.192 with your network address in reverse notation - e.g my network address is 192.168.3zone "10.8.10.in-addr.arpa" {      type master;      file "/etc/bind/zones/rev.10.8.10.in-addr.arpa";};+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  18. Step 3: Modify /etc/bind/named.conf.options • sudo vi /etc/bind/named.conf.options+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Search the following lines:// forwarders {//;// };Modify to following lines:# Replace the address below with the address of your provider's DNS serverforwarders {;};+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  19. Step 4: Create folder in /etc/bind/ • sudomkdir /etc/bind/zones • Step 5: Add files in /etc/bind/zones/ • sudo vi /etc/bind/zones/iptv.com.db

  20. Add the following blue fonts codes://Replace iptv.com with your domain name. Do not forget the. After the domain name! Also, replace livetv with the name of your DNS server iptv.com.      IN      SOA     livetv.iptv.com. admin.iptv.com. (// Do not modify the following lines! 2006081401                                                 28800                                                 3600                                                 604800                                                 38400)// Replace the following line as necessary:// livetv = DNS Server name// mta = mail server name// iptv.com = domain nameiptv.com.      IN      NS              livetv.iptv.com.iptv.com.      IN      MX     10       mta.iptv.com. • livetv             IN      A              IN      A              IN      A            IN      A                IN      A

  21. sudo vi /etc/bind/zones/rev.10.8.10.in-addr.arpa++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Add the following blue fonts codes://replace example.com with your domain name, livetv with your DNS server name.// The number before IN PTR iptv.com is the machine address of the DNS server. in my case, it's 1, as my IP address is IN SOA livetv.iptv.com. admin.iptv.com. (                        2006081401;                         28800;                         604800;                         604800;                         86400) •                       IN    NS     livetv.iptv.com.1                    IN    PTR    iptv.com • +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++PS: The red font content please doesn't add to you codes, may be it will happen error.

  22. 實做/驗證 • Public :

  23. Microsoft DNS server • http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/datacenter/how-do-i-install-and-configure-a-dns-server-in-windows-server-2008/327

  24. Cisco 文件 • DNS Best Practices, Network Protections, and Attack Identification • http://www.cisco.com/web/about/security/intelligence/dns-bcp.html

  25. http://blog.xuite.net/jyoutw/xtech/43469736

  26. Round Robin

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