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Aldo Alvarez Risco aalvarezdigemid.minsa.gob.pe

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Aldo Alvarez Risco aalvarezdigemid.minsa.gob.pe

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    2. Aldo Alvarez Risco aalvarez@digemid.minsa.gob.pe



    16. Clasificacin de las actividades de la Prctica Farmacutica

    19. 1) El Farmacutico en el equipo de salud.

    20. A. Asegurar la terapia y los resultados apropiados. B. Dispensacin de medicamentos y dispositivos. C. Promocin de la salud y prevencin de la enfermedad. D. Administracin del sistema de salud

    21. A. Asegurar la terapia y los resultados apropiados. A.1 Asegurar una Farmacoterapia apropiada. A.2 Asegurar la comprensin y adherencia del paciente a su plan teraputico. A.3 Monitoreo y reporte de resultados.

    22. B. Dispensacin de medicamentos y dispositivos B.1 Procesar la prescripcin de medicamentos. B.2 Preparar productos farmacuticos. B.3 Proveer el medicamento o dispositivo.

    23. C. Promocin de la salud y prevencin de la enfermedad C.1 Proveer servicios clnicos preventivos. C.2 Vigilancia y reporte de aspectos relacionados a la salud pblica. C.3 Promover el uso seguro de los medicamentos en la sociedad.

    24. D. Administracin del sistema de salud D.1 Direccin de la prctica profesional. D.2 Gestin de los medicamentos a travs del sistema de salud. D.3 Gestin del uso de medicamentos en el sistema de salud. D.4 Participacin en actividades de investigacin. D.5 Dedicacin a la colaboracin interdisciplinaria.

    25. Atencin Farmacutica en el Sistema de Salud This table differentiates medical care, nursing care, and pharmaceutical care in terms of focus, knowledge required and primary responsibilities. This table does not suggest that there in NO overlap in some of these responsibilities in some cases. However, it does emphasize the unique, primary responsibilities of each practitioner. This table differentiates medical care, nursing care, and pharmaceutical care in terms of focus, knowledge required and primary responsibilities. This table does not suggest that there in NO overlap in some of these responsibilities in some cases. However, it does emphasize the unique, primary responsibilities of each practitioner.

    26. Traditionally, pharmacy has described practices based on the physical location (community pharmacist, retail pharmacist, hospital pharmacist, long term care pharmacist). Some have tried to make a distinction using degrees as the differentiator (B.S. Vs Pharm.D.) Some have tried to describe their practices by activities (pharmacokinetics consultant, IV admixture pharmacist, DUR pharmacist)Traditionally, pharmacy has described practices based on the physical location (community pharmacist, retail pharmacist, hospital pharmacist, long term care pharmacist). Some have tried to make a distinction using degrees as the differentiator (B.S. Vs Pharm.D.) Some have tried to describe their practices by activities (pharmacokinetics consultant, IV admixture pharmacist, DUR pharmacist)

    27. This is the basic structure of the Pharmacotherapy Workup. In order for a practitioner to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of a patients drug therapy, the practitioner must understand and assess the INDICATION for the drug therapy, the PRODUCT being used, the DOSAGE regimen actually being taken by the patient and what the OUTCOME(S) were (positive and/or negative). The philosophy of pharmaceutical care practice calls for the practitioner to accept the responsibility for the outcomes of drug therapy. In order to accomplish this, these basic elements of the Pharmacotherapy Workup must be closely examined by the practitioner. This occurs during the assessment step of the patient care process.This is the basic structure of the Pharmacotherapy Workup. In order for a practitioner to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of a patients drug therapy, the practitioner must understand and assess the INDICATION for the drug therapy, the PRODUCT being used, the DOSAGE regimen actually being taken by the patient and what the OUTCOME(S) were (positive and/or negative). The philosophy of pharmaceutical care practice calls for the practitioner to accept the responsibility for the outcomes of drug therapy. In order to accomplish this, these basic elements of the Pharmacotherapy Workup must be closely examined by the practitioner. This occurs during the assessment step of the patient care process.

    30. Para ser miembros efectivos en el equipo de salud, los Farmacuticos necesitan habilidades y actitudes para asumir muchas funciones distintas. El concepto de 7 estrellas fue introducido por la OMS y tomado por la FIP en el 2000 en su declaracin de polticas en las Buenas Prcticas de Educacin Farmacutica para cubrir roles:

    31. 1) Proveedor de cuidados farmacuticos. 2) Agente de decisin 3) Lider 4) Estudioso de por vida 5) Comunicador 6) Maestro 7) Administrador

    32. La OMS / FIP proponen la estrella nmero 8 INVESTIGADOR

    33. An overview of the 3 levels at which drug use in managed. At the system level we have policies and regulations and legislation to try to do what is best for the society. Controlled substance legislation is an example of managing drug use at this level. At the institutional level we conduct system-wide drug use reviews and create formularies in an attempt to influence drug use. Pharmaceutical care practitioners will become the responsible party for managing drug use on a patient-by-patient basis. This is the level at which medication decisions are made, so the influence on outcome is greatest at this level.An overview of the 3 levels at which drug use in managed. At the system level we have policies and regulations and legislation to try to do what is best for the society. Controlled substance legislation is an example of managing drug use at this level. At the institutional level we conduct system-wide drug use reviews and create formularies in an attempt to influence drug use. Pharmaceutical care practitioners will become the responsible party for managing drug use on a patient-by-patient basis. This is the level at which medication decisions are made, so the influence on outcome is greatest at this level.

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