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By : Juanita Suarez Caypa. What is Contract Manufacturing ?. Is contractual arragement by a company with foreign organizations to perfom services and tasks on his behalf. Advantages. Quicker acces to markets. Labor Cost Advantages. Savings via taxation.
By: Juanita Suarez Caypa
What is Contract Manufacturing ? Is contractual arragementby a companywithforeignorganizationstoperfomservices and tasksonhisbehalf.
Advantages Quickeraccestomarkets Labor CostAdvantages Savingsviataxation LowerPolitical and economicrisk
Disadvantages EnvironmentalProtection Risk of futurecompetition Issues of quality and productionstandards
Contract Manufacturing-Anoverview- The intermediary entry modes to a foreign markets Advantageous in situation where firm possess competitive advantage Unable to exploit it at home country.
Examples In any case thistype of marketentrymode as theterm denotes focusesprimarilyonproduction and not marketing
Video • TheSimpsons – India Outsourcing • http://www.metatube.com/es/videos/10420/The-Simpsons-India-Outsourcing/
Sources • "Contract manufacturing." TheUK'sBestEssay, Dissertation & CourseworkWritingServices. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. <http://www.ukessays.co.uk/essays/business/contract-manufacturing.php>. • Services, CorporateComputer, and Inc.. "IT Outsourcing: TheReasons, Risks and Rewards." CorporateComputerServices - ComputerSupportFor Small Business. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. <http://www.corpcomputerservices.com/articles/outsourcing-reasons>. • "What is Outsourcing?,Definition of Outsourcing,Introduction of Outsourcing."JSP Tutorials,EJBTutorial,JDBCTutorials,Free Java ServletsTutorials, WAP Tutorials, Spring Framework Tutorials, J2EE Tutorials, BioInformaticsTutorials, Java Server Faces Tutorials, JbossTutorials, HibernateTutorials, XML and MySQLTutorials. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. <http://www.roseindia.net/services/outsourcing/what-is-outsourcing.shtml>.