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Science in Society. Steve Parker - DG Research Directorate L – Science, Economy and Society European Commission. Science in Society Background. Policy context Lisbon and Göteborg Strategies (knowledge-based society, sustainable development) : political priorities of the European Union.
Science in Society Steve Parker - DG Research Directorate L – Science, Economy and Society European Commission
Science in SocietyBackground • Policy context • Lisbon and Göteborg Strategies (knowledge-based society, sustainable development) : political priorities of the European Union. • The success of these strategies require the involvement and active participation of citizens in the creation, sharing and dissemination of knowledge. • (Increasing?) distance and distrust from society regarding science and research.
Work Programmes 2007 - 2010: Follow the action lines of the Science in SocietySpecific Programme adopted in 2006 Set out the actions to be undertaken during the year Progression in total budget: 2007: € 29.9 million (21.8 for the calls for proposals) 2008 : € 41 million (29.9 for the calls) 2009: € 34.5 million (31.8 for the calls) 2010: € 51.5 million (46.6 for the calls) Science in SocietyWork Programmes 2007 - 2010
2009 Work Programme presented a significant change in our approach. Prioritising more focused and structured actions with greater European added-value and impact. A more effective critical mass of projects involving a wide range of key actors This approach is developed further in 2010 and beyond New approach from 2009
Greater research component Pursuing broader public engagement in science and research – Mobilisation and Mutual Learning actions More focused work on ethics Engaging with and modernising universities Science Education: in-service teacher training Reinforcing links between science education and careers Gender and Research Science and the Arts Work Programme 2010
Science in Society 3 action lines: 3 action lines 7 activities +1 More dynamic GOVERNANCE of S&S relationship Role of univ 5.1.4 Place of S&T in society 5.1.1 Science system, codes, expertise 5.1.3 Broader engagement science issues 5.1.2 MML actions 5.1.0 Strengthening POTENTIAL broadening HORIZONS Gender and research 5.2.1 Young people and science education 5.2.2 Science & Society COMMUNICATE Two-way communication of science and the public, and role of the media 5.3.
Science in Society Work Programme 2010 – p6 SiS-2010 1.0-1 Mobilisation and mutual learning actions (1) - Each MML Action Plan will bring together a consortium of actors from different fields to cooperate on a common set of Science in Society Actions over a period of four years. - Transnational exchange of best practice & mutual learning - Consortium of actors from different at least 3 different disciplines: science academies, research institutions, universities, national or regional ministries, cities, CSOs, museums and science centres, media organisation etc.
Science in Society Work Programme 2010 SiS-2010 1.0-1 Mobilisation and mutual learning actions (2) • Proposals must define the type of SiS issues that will be addressed and the research fields to which they apply. • Examples in the call text of the issues that could be addressed and the type of activity that could be carried out. • Pay specific attention to the efficient management of the MML • Impacts include « improved mobilisation of research organisations and other actors, including civil society actors, to engage together on joint science in society actions »
Science in Society Work Programme 2010 SiS-2010 1.0-1 Mobilisation and mutual learning actions (3) - EUR16.5m available • - Coordination and Support action • Envisaged that a maximum of 4 proposals will be funded • The consortium must consist of at least 10 independent legal entities established in at least 10 different Member States • Proposers advised to consult previous projects on public engagement in research, including the GoverScience seminars
Science in Society 3 action lines: 3 action lines 7 activities +1 More dynamic GOVERNANCE of S&S relationship Role of univ 5.1.4 Place of S&T in society 5.1.1 Science system, codes, expertise 5.1.3 Broader engagement science issues 5.1.2 MML actions 5.1.0 Strengthening POTENTIAL broadening HORIZONS Gender and research 5.2.1 Young people and science education 5.2.2 Science & Society COMMUNICATE Two-way communication of science and the public, and role of the media 5.3.
Science in Society Work Programme 2010 – p9 • Activity 5.1.3. Strengthening and improving the European Science system • Area Encouraging the debate on information dissemination, including access to scientific results and the future of scientific publications, taking into account measures to Relationships between science, democracy and law • 2 Collaborative Research topics: • Topic The role of ethics under EU policy and law: the EU as a global actor • Topic 1121 The role of ethics under EU policy and law: EU policy in the making • Maximum EC contribution €1.5 million • Envisaged that 1 proposal per topic will be funded
Science in Society Work Programme 2010 – p 11 Activity 5.1.3 Strengthening and improving the European science system Area Encouraging the debate on information dissemination, including access to scientific results and the future of scientific publications, taking also into account measures to improve access by the public. Topic Assessing how research outputs at individual researcher level are evaluated and measured. Collaborative research in areas such as… • - analysing the peer review system and studying ways to improve / modify to allow for a more efficient, open system • Studying and proposing alternative ways to measure productivity and performance of researchers etc. • Maximum EC contribution €1.5 million • Envisaged that max. 3 proposals will be funded
Science in Society Work Programme 2010 – p13 Activity 5.1.4 The evolving role of universities Topic 1.4.2 The role of universities in the process towards a knowledge-based society. Aims at coordinating and supporting the institutional activities of research universities, their associations and networks…to advance in the implementation of key issues in the modernisation agenda - See topic text for examples of issues • At least 3 independent legal entities • Maximum duration of project is 2 years • Overall budget €2.5 million • Maximum EC contribution €0.6million • Envisaged that max. 5 proposals will be fundedNOTE EARLY DEADLINE – 2 DECEMBER 2009
Science in Society 3 action lines: 3 action lines 7 activities +1 More dynamic GOVERNANCE of S&S relationship Role of univ 5.1.4 Place of S&T in society 5.1.1 Science system, codes, expertise 5.1.3 Broader engagement science issues 5.1.2 MML actions 5.1.0 Strengthening POTENTIAL broadening HORIZONS Gender and research 5.2.1 Young people and science education 5.2.2 Science & Society COMMUNICATE Two-way communication of science and the public, and role of the media 5.3.
Science in Society Work Programme 2010 – p16 Activity 5.2.1. Gender and Research Area Strengthening the role of women in scientific research and in scientific decision-making bodies Topic Implementing structural change in research organisations/ universities • Project: A group of several research organisations / universities is expected to cooperate on common actions in order to implement the best systemic organisational approaches to increase the participation and career advancement of women researchers. • Duration of project between 3 and 5 years • Overall budget €4.5 million • EC contribution up to 70% of total eligible costs • Envisaged that max. 2 proposals will be funded
Science in Society Work Programme 2010 – p18 Activity 5.2.1. Gender and Research Area Mainstreaming gender in Community research policy and programmes Topic Women in Science: Euro-Mediterranean cooperation - Better understanding of the situation of women in the Mediterranean. How do the Mediterranean countries address the issue of women in science? - Description, data collection and comparative analysis of the Mediterranean partner countries on a list of topics defined in the work programme. At least 4 legal entities (2 + 2) • Overall budget €2.0 million • Envisaged that max. 1 proposal will be funded
Science in Society 3 action lines: 3 action lines 7 activities +1 More dynamic GOVERNANCE of S&S relationship Role of univ 5.1.4 Place of S&T in society 5.1.1 Science system, codes, expertise 5.1.3 Broader engagement science issues 5.1.2 MML actions 5.1.0 Strengthening POTENTIAL broadening HORIZONS Gender and research 5.2.1 Young people and science education 5.2.2 Science & Society COMMUNICATE Two-way communication of science and the public, and role of the media 5.3.
Science in Society Work Programme 2010 – p20 Activity 5.2.2. Young people and science Area Supporting formal and informal science education… Topic Innovative methods in science education: teacher training on inquiry based teaching methods… Support for actions to promote widespread use of problem and inquiry-based science teaching techniques in primary and secondary schools…actions intended to complement school science curricula and should particularly focus on teacher training activities and the promotion of European teachers’ networks…open to the participation of entities seeking to gain experience… At least 10 legal entities from 10 different countries • Minimum requested EC contribution: €2.0 million • Minimum duration of 3 years; Envisaged max. 3 proposals funded; Independent evaluation
Science in Society Work Programme 2010 – p22 Activity 5.2.2. Young people and science Area Reinforcing links between science education and science careers Topic Links between science education and S&T careers in the private sector through partnership industry /education - Industry’s role in promoting better awarenessof the diversity of careers and opportunities on offer to young people who have academic qualifications in science, maths and technology. - Action plan implemented through pilot projects: e.g. face to face meetings, outreach activities, dissemination & awareness Involving participation of a range of actors (from 10 countries); at least 3 legal entities • Maximim EC contribution: 50% of total eligible costs; €4.0m available
Science in Society Work Programme 2010 – p24 Activity 5.2.2. Young people and science Area Research and coordination actions on new methods in science education Topic Science curricula and their objectives: balancing needs between training for future scientists and broader societal needs - Research project: compare and contrast the objectives being pursued in science curricula in different countries.- Impact: to stimulate a debate among policy makers on the purpose of school science and maths education and whether thsi purpose is being addressed in practice through school curricula. Only one project will be fundedMaximum EC contribution of €1.5m
Science in Society 3 action lines: 3 action lines 7 activities +1 More dynamic GOVERNANCE of S&S relationship Role of univ 5.1.4 Place of S&T in society 5.1.1 Science system, codes, expertise 5.1.3 Broader engagement science issues 5.1.2 MML actions 5.1.0 Strengthening POTENTIAL broadening HORIZONS Gender and research 5.2.1 Young people and science education 5.2.2 Science & Society COMMUNICATE Two-way communication of science and the public, and role of the media 5.3.
Science in Society Work Programme 2010 – p25 Topic Science and the Arts: and experimental approach - Aim is to mobilise key actors in joint activities that link science and/or technology and/or mathematics with artistic expression in order to simultaneously highlight the creative aspects as well as the underlying scientific, mathematical ort technological principles and the scientific advances. • Topic text gives examples of activities • -target populations must be clearly identified • multidisciplinary consortium (art and science) Activities must take place in at least 10 countries; minimum 3 legal entities Envisaged max. 2 projects will be funded EC budget €2.5m
Science in Society Work Programme 2010 • Key dates for the 2010 Calls Call publication: 30 July 2009 http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/dc/index.cfm Register early in the EPSS! Information Day in Brussels 2 October 2009 http://www.eurosis-project.eu/index.php/news/2-news/60-brokerage-event-in-brussels • Deadline: 21 January 2010 (Universities – 2 December !) • Evaluation: March 2010 • Contracts signed: from September 2010
Science in Society More information: • Relevant websites: • SCIENCE IN SOCIETYPORTAL http://ec.europa.eu/research/science-society/home_en.cfm • SCIENCE AND SOCIETY in FP7 – CORDIS WEBSITE http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/capacities/science-society_en.html • Find previous projects and partners – useful for locating prospective partners http://ec.europa.eu/research/science-society/index.cfm?fuseaction=public.topic&id=66 EVALUATORS, please (re)-register at:https://cordis.europa.eu/emmfp7/index.cfm?fuseaction=wel.welcome