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8 Symptoms Depicting You Have Iodine Deficiency

The deficiency of iodine can lead to severe body-related issues. Unfortunately, up to a third of people worldwide may be exhibiting iodine deficiency symptoms where iodine intake is low.<br><br>

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8 Symptoms Depicting You Have Iodine Deficiency

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  1. 8 Symptoms Depicting You Have Iodine Deficiency

  2. Importance of Iodine • Iodine is one of the most essential minerals needed to survive through our daily chores found in seafood. • The deficiency of iodine can lead to severe body-related issues. • Upto a third of people worldwide may be exhibiting iodine deficiency symptoms where iodine intake is low. • The thyroid gland in your body uses this iodine to produce thyroid hormone. • This hormone is responsible to conduct vital functions including repairing your damaged cells and keeping your metabolism up and running. • Vegetarians and pregnant women are susceptible to iodine deficiency. • People who live in South and Southeast Asia and European countries as the soil there have very less proportion of iodine.

  3. 8 symptoms of iodine deficiency: • Weight gain • Sudden and unexpected weight gain is common symptom of iodine deficiency. • Due to iodine deficiency, there is a lack of thyroid hormone. • This lack leads to the storage of calories in the body in the form of fat which in turn increases the weight of the body. • Please be mindful as weight gain is not always a sign of iodine deficiency.

  4. 8 symptoms of iodine deficiency: 2. Feeling fatigued all the time • A person having hypothyroidism feels fatigued most of the time. • This is because due to lack of iodine the metabolic rate reduces so no enough energy to perform routine functions. • Less energy does not let your muscles lift heavy objects easily. • It makes you feel weak most of the time.

  5. 8 symptoms of iodine deficiency: 3. Hair Loss • Thyroid hormones are responsible for the renewal of hair follicles. • When there is iodine deficiency, there is a stoppage of regeneration of hair follicles and over time this leads to lesser hair. 4. Flaky Dry Skin • Having dry flaky skin is a symptom of iodine deficiency. • Thyroid hormones are responsible for the regeneration of cells. • Your skin cell stops to regenerate and there will be a layer of dead skin cells in your body. • This will make your overall skin look dry and dull. • There is a lack of sweat which also results in your skin getting dry and flaky.

  6. 8 symptoms of iodine deficiency: 5. Feeling Cold • Iodine deficiency is often accompanied by a sensation of being cold. • Lower levels of thyroid hormones mean a lower rate of metabolism. • Lower metabolism leads to the lesser generation of energy/heat in your body which can make you feel cold all the time. 6. Irregular periods • Irregular periods and heavy bleeding is a symptom of iodine deficiency. • Women having iodine deficiency suffer from an irregular cycle. • Low thyroid hormone disrupts the hormones that regulate a menstruation cycle.

  7. 8 symptoms of iodine deficiency: 6. Memory Issues • One of the symptoms of iodine deficiency is that it hampers your learning skills. • Thyroid hormones which are linked to iodine are responsible for the growth and development of brain cells. • It lowers the production of your thyroid hormone which in turn affects the development of your brain cells. • Hippocampus which is related to the storage of long-term memory in the human brain, is smaller in people who have an iodine deficiency. 7. Slow Heart Rate • Your heart rate is affected by the level of iodine in your body. • If you have iodine deficiency then it may cause your heart to beat slower than normal leading to dizziness. • A person with a very low iodine level can also faint easily which is alarming.

  8. The Takeaway • Symptoms of iodine deficiency are at times deadly and so it is advisable to consult your doctor immediately. • Mild iodine deficiency can be dealt with by taking precautions at home whereas in other cases proper medication is needed. • Please get yourself checked as soon as you witness any symptoms of iodine deficiency.

  9. Thank You Click here for more information

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