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CJS/SOC 345. Conflict Resolution. Terminology. What is Conflict? What is Disagreement? How are they similar and how are they different? Can you have disagreement without conflict? Can you have conflict without disagreement?. Definitions.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CJS/SOC 345 Conflict Resolution

  2. Terminology • What is Conflict? • What is Disagreement? • How are they similar and how are they different? • Can you have disagreement without conflict? • Can you have conflict without disagreement?

  3. Definitions • Disagreement – 1. the act, state or fact of disagreeing, 2. lack of agreement, diversity, unlikeness, 3. difference of opinion, dissent, 4. quarrel, dissension, argument • Disagree – 1. to fail to agree, differ, 2. to differ in opinion, dissent, 3. to quarrel

  4. Definitions • Conflict – 1. to come into collision or disagreement; be contradictory, at variance, or in opposition; clash, 2. to fight or contend, do battle, 3. a fight, battle or struggle, esp. a prolonged struggle; strife, 4. controversy, quarrel, 5. discord of action, feeling or effect; antagonism or opposition, as of interests or principles

  5. Instructor • Cliff Donn (Cliff to you) • R 415 • donn@lemoyne.edu • Office Hours • Monday 10:00-11:00 • Tuesday 9:00-9:45, 4:00-4:30 • Thursday 9:00–9:45

  6. Requirements • Read Syllabus • Check home page including links to papers and presentations, journals, evaluation, etc. • Then we’ll discuss exactly what we are going to do and how much each activity will count

  7. Attendance • Need to come every day • Don’t call me or send an e-mail if you can’t make it to class one day • Need to come on time!

  8. Rules for Conduct of Class • No Valley Girl Speech in CJS/Soc 345! • Note cell phone policy • Don’t leave during class

  9. Next Time • We’ll be seeing a movie • Snacks

  10. Introduction Continued Class 3

  11. Administrative • Are you keeping up with the reading? • Quizzes • Questions about other assignments?

  12. Administrative Journal assignments • Start – Note on syllabus when they start • Entire class each time • Make sure you look on the web page for a detailed description of the assignment • There are some examples of good ones and poor ones on the web page

  13. “Twelve Angry Men” • Obviously there was disagreement • Was there conflict? • What were the sources of the conflict? • How were the conflicts resolved? • Can these techniques be used in other settings? Explain

  14. Next Time • Origins and Nature of Conflict

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