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Town of Dewey Beach

Town of Dewey Beach. Financial Summary Ten Months Ended January 31 , 2011. Operating Overview-Budget vs. Actual. Budget. Actual. Ten Months Ended January 31, 2011 Total Income $ 2,197,377 Total Expenses 2,108,196 Net Income $ 89,181.

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Town of Dewey Beach

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Town of Dewey Beach Financial Summary TenMonths Ended January 31, 2011

  2. Operating Overview-Budget vs. Actual Budget Actual TenMonths Ended January31, 2011 Total Income $ 2,197,377 Total Expenses 2,108,196 Net Income $ 89,181 TenMonths Ended January31, 2011 Total Income $2,364,076 Total Expenses2,093,771 Net Income $ 270,305

  3. Operating Income-Budget vs. Actual Budget Actual TenMonths Ended January31, 2011 Income Transfer Tax $ 308,226 Accommodation 333,903 Business Licenses 136,166 Parking Permits 520,637 Parking Fines 283,229 Other Revenue 615,216 Operating Income$ 2,197,377 TenMonths Ended January31, 2011 Income Transfer Tax $ 249,896 Accommodation 315,000 Business Licenses 223,701 Parking Permits 519,000 Parking Fines 456,789 Other Revenue 599,690 Operating Income$2,364,076

  4. Operating Expenses-Budget vs. Actual Budget Actual TenMonths Ended January 31, 2011 Expenses Administrative $ 620,882 Police 674,613 Streets & Highways 79,426 Alderman Court 34,229 Lifeguards 306,291 Code Enforcement 58,783 Life Saving Station 7,777 Seasonal Police 326,195 Total Expenses $ 2,108,196 Ten Months Ended January31, 2011 Expenses Administrative $ 547,626 Police 710,415 Streets &Highways 99,159 Alderman Court 52,815 Lifeguards 293,859 Code Enforcement 61,244 Life Saving Station 9,370 Seasonal Police 319,283 Total Expenses $ 2,093,771

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