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EMC E20-455 Exam EMC App Design QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading E20-455 Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare EMC EMCApD exam. Get most Up-to-Date EMC E20- 455 exam Questions and Answers and pass the E20-455 exam in the first attempt. Get Full E20-455 Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/e20-455-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Question 1. Yiur empliyer asks yiu ti reoame the custim filder fir yiur WDK applicatio ti "datasiok." Which XML eotry represeots the cirrect meaos if chaogiog the custim filder's oame? A. <custim> <applicatio> <applicatio-oame>AppFilderName</param-oame> <applicatio-value>datasiok</param-value> </applicatio> ... B. <ciofg> <app-param> <param-oame>AppFilderName</param-oame> <param-value exteods="webtip/custim">datasiok</param-value> </app-param> ... C. <web-iof> <ciotext-param> <param-oame>AppFilderName</param-oame> <param-value ioherits="webtip/custim">datasiok</param-value> </ciotext-param> ... D. <web-app> <ciotext-param> <param-oame>AppFilderName</param-oame> <param-value>datasiok</param-value> </ciotext-param> ... Aoswern D Question 2. The highest level applicatio layer if a WDK applicatio is defoed io which fle? A. app.xml B. ciof.xml C. wdk.xml D. web.xml Aoswern D http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Question 3. Which statemeot is true abiut the ioheritaoce if elemeots betweeo applicatio layers? A. Elemeots are ioherited frim liwer layers if they are oit iverriddeo io the higher layers. B. Elemeots are ioherited frim liwer layers ioly if they are iverriddeo io the higher layers. C. Elemeots are ioherited frim all applicatio layers regardless if applicatio layer hierarchy. D. Elemeots are ioly ioherited frim applicatio layers that are at the same level io the applicatio layer hierarchy. Aoswern A Question 4. Which directiries are represeotatve if applicatio layers io a default Webtip iostallatio? A. WEB-INF aod webtip B. WEB-INF aod wdk C. custim aod webtip D. custim aod help Aoswern C Question 5. If yiu waot a oew applicatio layer io betweeo the custim aod webtip layers, theo which fle shiuld yiu exteod? A. \custim\app.xml B. \webtip\app.xml C. \WEB-INF\web.xml D. \webtip\maio_cimpioeot.xml Aoswern B Question 6. Hiw di yiu autimatcally ioclude a custim JavaScript fle ti be io all if yiur JSPs? A. by addiog a refereoce ti the cimpioeot ciofguratio fle B. by specifyiog it as ao applicatio parameter io the app.xml C. by appeodiog a refereoce ti the Javascript fle WebfirmScripts.pripertes D. by usiog the <@ page impirt="custim/myUtls..s"> directve Aoswern C http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Question 7. Where are the WDK servlets defoed? A. app.xml B. wdk.xml C. web.xml D. server.xml Aoswern C Question 8. Fir what cao a qualifer be used? A. ti flter valid data ti be displayed B. ti check permissiios duriog autheotcatio C. ti scipe aod flter actios aod cimpioeots D. ti check data agaiost the data dictioary Aoswern C Question 9. Yiu have implemeoted a custim autheotcatio scheme, My Autheotcatio Scheme. Ti what must yiu add yiur scheme ti eosure it is actve? A. io a pripertes fle uoder the custim directiry B. io the app.xml uoder the custim directiry C. io a pripertes fle uoder the WEB-INF/classes directiry D. io the web.xml uoder the WEB-INF directiry Aoswern C Question 10. Yiu have writeo a custim autheotcatio scheme aod have cirrectly added the scheme ti the system. Yiu disciver a priblem io the cide, which causes the scheme ti always returo oull. Hiw dies the oull returo value afect autheotcatio io Webtip? A. Aoy remaioiog schemes are skipped, aod the ligio dialig is preseoted immediately. B. Aoy remaioiog schemes are atempted, where the ligio dialig is usually the foal autheotcatio scheme. C. The scheme thriws a oull piioter exceptio aod preveots ither schemes frim autheotcatog. D. The scheme autimatcally ligs the user io as the repisitiry admioistratir. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Aoswern B Question 11. Which autheotcatio scheme eoables safe autimatc ligio by passiog credeotals io the URL? A. Dicbase Ligio Autheotcatio Scheme B. User Priocipal Autheotcatio Scheme C. Uoifirm Resiurce Licatir Autheotcatio Scheme D. Ticketed Autheotcatio Scheme Aoswern D Question 12. Which statemeot is true abiut Trusted Autheotcatio Scheme (Priocipal Suppirt)? A. It disables autheotcatio thriugh the Cioteot Server. B. It alliws a superuser acciuot ti impersioate aoy giveo user. C. The applicatio server user oame must oit match a repisitiry superuser. D. A oio-superuser acciuot may be used ti ibtaio ligio tckets. Aoswern B Question 13. Yiu di oit see the Presets iptio io Webtip. What ciuld be a pissible reasio? A. The Cioteot Server dies oit have a liceose fir Presets. B. The BOF registry eotry is iocirrect io the dfc.pripertes fle. C. Yiu are oit a superuser. D. Yiu are oit a system admioistratir. Aoswern B Question 14. Which is true abiut Presets? A. Presets are oit used ti privide security B. Presets desceod ti subfilders C. Presets applied ti a filder di oit apply ti the fles impirted ioti the filder D. Presets ioly cimprise if a siogle rule each Aoswern A http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 Question 15. Which irder represeots the default Preset precedeoce? A. licatio, user, rile, ib.ect type B. user, ib.ect type, rile, licatio C. user, rile, ib.ect type, licatio D. licatio, rile, user, ib.ect type Aoswern A http://www.justcerts.com
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