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Call Ray Stefanski Plumbing Company at 410-284-7430 for all your plumbing needs!A local plumber in Baltimore with more than 28 years in the business.
Ray StefanskiPlumbing andDrainCleaning LocalPlumbingCompany Need alocal plumbingcompanyin theBaltimoremetro area?RayStefanski Plumbingand Drain Cleaninghas over 31years ofresidential plumbingexperience andcan handle allyour plumbing needs from a leakyfaucet to fixingagas leak, orreplacingawatermain. WeservicetheBaltimoreCityand Countyarea aswell as AnneArundel, Carroll, Harford and Howard County. Familyowned and operated, RayStefanski appreciatesyourbusiness and offerscompetitive prices bythejob, not bythe hour. Ourservicetechs areknowledgeable, on time and keep our trucks stockedwith most parts soyou arenot inconvenienced. Some ofthe serviceswe provide are; waterheaterreplacement, leakyfaucets and runningtoilets repaired or replaced sump pumps that will keepyour basement freeof flooding, draincleaningand bathroom remodeling. Call Raytodayand take advantageof ourmoneysaving coupon. You can count onalocalplumbingcompanyat RayStefanski Plumbing & Drain Cleaning,Inc. forallyour plumbingneeds.InBaltimore, Dundalk or Essex, call us todayat410-284-7430 for yourFREE estimate.LICENSED &INSURED, #32A BCo.-#5650 MD,#37493 MHIC.