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RC4VETs - Erasmus KA202 - Idea and principal characteristics

RC4VETs - Erasmus KA202 - Idea and principal characteristics

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RC4VETs - Erasmus KA202 - Idea and principal characteristics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RC4VETs Real Challenges forVET Students

  2. RC4VETs tocreatepracticalchallenges forthestudentsina competitiveenvironment, whichdominatesinthe professionalworldandto integratethesechallenges intotheworkofourteachers andeducationalcenters. Project idea RC4VETs aims to eliminate the GAP that exists between the theoretical and practical knowledge received during the training and studies

  3. RC4VETs 161870€ Financial 24months Duration Some data Transnationalmeetings 4 LearningTrainingand TeachingActivities 128partic. Partners 6

  4. RC4VETs Ideaindeep Themainidea oftheproject couldworkor beexportedto other Erasmus+ programmes. Themainresult willbeareporton theresolutionof eachchallenge. Theresolutionof thechallenges willproduce openand available documentations andmaterials Students & teacherstosolve (during5months) thechallengeare goingtobe groupedin multidisciplinary andinternational teams. Everypartner findsalocal companythat couldbeable todesigna challengeand mentorit. Thisreportwillbe preparedina collaborativeand transnational mannerbyall participants.

  5. RC4VETs willbethestudents ofsixvocational trainingproviders from: Spain Bulgaria Greece Slovenia Portugal Italy target groupsof RC4VETs

  6. RC4VETs PublicVocationalTrainingInstitute (secondaryandtertiarylevel) PublicVocationalTrainingInstitute (post-secondarylevel) Non-profitorganizationactiveinthefieldsof adulteducationandbusinesscounselling VocationalEducationTrainingProvider No-profitorganizationestablishedtopromote transnationalmobilityintheareasofeducationand vocationaltraining. ChamberofCommerceandIndustry

  7. Studiesoffered RC4VETs Thepartnershipoffersstudies (ISCED3and4levels) amongothersfor: IT Commerce Business Administration Tourism Others...

  8. RC4VETsExampleof Exampleof Exampleofchallange challange challange ArestaurantlocatedinPortugalneeds todesignanewbusinessplan Commerce Restaurant

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