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Homeopathy Australia

Serving as a well-known name, RC Homeopathy offers a wide range of online and offline homeopathic consultation and services in Sydney, Australia.<br><br>Managed under the expert guidance of founder Ramya Billa, we offer professional and up to date health care services.<br><br>Earlier established with a single vision to provide natural and safe healing treatments, we have now diversified our services that are well in alignment with the homeopathic industry standards.<br><br>Once you consult us, our well trained homeopathic practitioners will provide you with friendly support, inspiration and motivation throughout your treatment with us.<br><br>We specialize in the treatment of recurrent infections such as colds, tonsillitis, skin conditions, gynecology problems, sleep disorders, depression, asthma, gastrointestinal problems, arthritis, backaches, sinusitis, migraine, anxiety, allergies, nasal polyps, eye infections, adenoids, infertility, worm infestations, hair loss, ENT problems and many more.<br><br>RC Homeopathy founder MS Ramya is also a registered Practitioner of the Australian Register of Homeopaths (AROH) and a member of the Australian Homeopathic Association (AHA) in Sydney, Australia. She holds Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine from NTR University of Health Sciences and has a track record of treating hundreds of cases of varied diseases, ages, and severity.<br><br>MS Ramya provides consultation through phone or a video call. You will get a highly personalized treatment so that the treatment is highly effective.

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Homeopathy Australia

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  1. RC Homeopathy Homeopathy Sydney

  2. Hypopigmentation Treatment in Homeopathy R C H O M E O P A T H Y . C O m Loss of Pigmentation When skin doesn’t produce enough melanin, some of your skin patches may become lighter than the rest of your skin tone. These white patches may either be localized or dispersed throughout the body. Pigment melanin imparts your hair, eyes, and skin their color and is produced by melanocyte skin cells. This disruption in melanin production can be brought about by a variety of factors including your genetics and environmental conditions. Other reasons might include burns, infection or scarring. One can develop this skin disorder either from birth or later in life. People of any religion or race might suffer from loss of pigmentation. If not treated may lead to complications such as social embarrassment and increased risk of cancer. Holistic treatments such as homeopathy are very effective to treat this skin condition.  By tracing the underlying cause through a proper analysis, natural homeopathic medicines are prescribed.

  3. R C H O M E O P A T H Y . C O m Skin Conditions That Can Lead to Hypopigmentation Include Albinism: Albinism It is a rare genetic disorder which results due to a defect in the gene that affects melanin production. This causes reduced melanin and hence loss of color. As a result, your hair and skin turns white and eyes blue in color. Vitiligo: Vitiligo is also known as leucoderma. Though the exact cause of vitiligo is not known yet it may be caused due to autoimmune attack where the melanocyte cells get destroyed. The spots may occur anywhere over the body or only on specific areas. Leucoderma treatment in homeopathy considers the physical, emotion and mental health of the patient for providing all-round relief. Related:  Homeopathy for Vitiligo

  4. Pityriasis Alba This skin condition is related to eczema and occurs mostly in children. It involves white raised patches on the face that self heal themselves over time. Pityriasis Alba treatment in homeopathy help recovers from these patches through all natural remedies. Tineaversicolor: Caused due to fungal infection over the skin and is caused mainly in tropical and subtropical regions. People who sweat a lot or have oily skin are more prone to this condition Lichen sclerosis: White patches that enlarge, bleed and scar. Occurs mainly during menopause. Acquired Conditions That Can Lead to Hypopigmentation • Atopic dermatitis• Contact dermatitis• Healed blisters• Skin infections• Psoriasis• Scars and burns R C H O M E O P A T H Y . C O m

  5. Homeopathy for White Patches on Skin During your visit to a homeopath, he will study your family history, medical history,previous infections,  area covered, location and quantity of spots to detect thee underlying cause. Your homeopath might also look for moles, scars if any to access your overall skin condition. If it occurs as a result of burning or scarring, it heals itself in weeks or months and generally, no treatment is required. But if homeopath founds an underlying cause, timely treatment will help you recover through the annoying symptoms of hypopigmentation. In cases of albinism, there is no complete cure, but homeopathic medicines will help manage the symptoms and prevent further complications. Also Read: Homeopathy for Hyperpigmentation Vitiligo As during albinism and lichen sclerosus, the skin may become cancer prone, a homeopath will also suggest you necessary lifestyle changes to make your life much easier. Proper follow-ups will enable you to better manage  hypopigmentation. In case of genetic causes, though a homeopathic treatment may not completely heal but will help manage the symptoms. Homeopathy for hypopigmentation also considers the mental and emotional state  of the patient as it gives equal consideration to the  trauma one faces due to this skin condition. Homeopathic remedies optimize the melanin production so that repigmentation happens all naturally. R C H O M E O P A T H Y . C O m

  6. Homeopathic Medicines for Hypopigmentation Vitiligo • Arsenic album• Baryta Mur• Graphites• Natrum Mur• Nuxvomica Albinism • Tuberculenum• Carcinocin TineaVersicolor • Sulfur 30• Sepia• natrummur• Calcarea• Thuja• Phosphorus If you still have any doubt or concerns, please feel free to drop me a message at info@RChomeopathy.com.au and I will get back to you soon. Note: Do not self-medicate any of the remedies listed above . Consult a qualified homeopath R C H O M E O P A T H Y . C O m

  7. Contact Us R C H O M E O P A T H Y . C O m • 3 Antill Road, Edmondson Park, NSW 2174 • 46 Wall Park Ave, Seven Hills, NSW, 2147 • 53, Hampstead Rd, Homebush West, NSW 2140 • 34 East St, Five Dock, 2046 • (02) 9920 4006 • info@RChomeopathy.com.au • ramya@RChomeopathy.com.au • rchomeopathy@gmail.com • Gtalk : RChomeopathy • Skype: RChomeopathy

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