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Terminus: A Linux Learning Game

Terminus: A Linux Learning Game. Shawn Conrad EECS, BS 2012, Meng 2013. Michele Pratusevich EECS, BS 2013. Terminal to Terminus. Gamification. Exploration. Demystification. Safe practice. terminusgame.mit.edu. MIT-specific terminal commands!.

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Terminus: A Linux Learning Game

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Terminus: A Linux Learning Game Shawn ConradEECS, BS 2012, Meng 2013 Michele PratusevichEECS, BS 2013

  2. Terminal to Terminus Gamification Exploration Demystification Safe practice

  3. terminusgame.mit.edu MIT-specific terminal commands!

  4. Do this in the game to enter the AthenaCluster tellme combo Get past obstacles mv, cp, less An OldMan you ask for help man pages Re-open browser → remember your progress!Exploration → your own pace!

  5. Static JavaScript Graphics integration Tab completion Open-source, MIT mirror Easy to add new modules

  6. Terminal to Terminus Gamification Terminus: A Linux Learning Game Terminus: A Linux Learning Game Exploration Demystification Safe practice

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