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Pastors always face challenges, but with Christ’s help they can succeed. With so many deciding to quit and others discouraged, it may be that many pastors are not being persistent and patient in asking for the Lord’s help. Consider this evidence: Eighty percent of pastors said they spend less than fifteen minutes a day in prayer (as reported in 2002 by Maranatha Life, “Statistics About Pastors,” located at www.maranathalife.com/lifeline/stats.htm), and according to Dr. Krejcir’ssurveys, 70 percent reported that the only time they spend studying the Word is when they are preparing their sermons. With only 20 percent of pastors spending significant time in daily prayer, is it any wonder those who don’t pray much have such a distorted view of how to lead their congregations? As a pastor, I can relate to this. When I spend little time praying, I see the church through clouded eyes. My vision narrows and the church looks different to me: I have little compassion for hurting people; I start feeling overwhelmed; and, like Elijah, I begin to think I am the only one doing anything for the Kingdom of God. Do not misunderstand what I am saying. www.reallifestoriesbooks.com
I love the Prison Ministry Resources and I love God’s people: But when you are spiritually, emotionally, and physically depleted, it is easier to quit than to fix what needs fixing. It is not long before you find yourself on a slippery slope downward, and you justify your actions by measuring what you are doing outwardly rather then by what the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures tell you. www.reallifestoriesbooks.com
www.reallifestoriesbooks.com It is hard for me to imagine being called of God to do ministry and waking up one day no longer having a passion or desire to continue on.Iam convinced that I do not have to be part of these statistics. Having a passion for ministry, loving the ministry, and enjoying the blessings of the ministry can be a reality. Pastors need to reassess their calls to serve, repent before God of their lack of prayer, stay on their faces until they have a genuine encounter with the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to anoint their eyes with eye salve so they can see again (Revelation 3:18), and understand the Biblical principle for ministry in the local church by realizing that the real measure of ministry is being a witness and making disciples. That was the commission of Jesus to the church. That is what the early church was all about.
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