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Makeup Hacks and Secrets to Save Your Time

Be sure to blot lightly after each reapplication to avoid a cakey look. You can use Maybelline lipstick in Pakistan, they have beautiful shades that go with every outfit.

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Makeup Hacks and Secrets to Save Your Time

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Makeup Hacks and Secrets to Save Your Time

  2. How to Use This Presentation We've got some insider tips and tricks to cut your makeup time in half while still looking fresh-faced and fabulous. Hey there, beauty guru! Who has time for an elaborate makeup routine these days? Between work, friends, family, and trying to squeeze in a workout, putting on a full face of makeup is probably low on your priority list. But that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice looking put together. We've got some insider tips and tricks to cut your makeup time in half while still looking fresh-faced and fabulous. Let’s get into it!

  3. Foundation Techniques to Achieve a Flawless Base • To get flawless-looking skin, you need to start with a smooth base. Here are some foundation techniques to help you achieve an airbrushed finish: • 1.      Apply primer. A primer helps fill in fine lines and pores, creating an even canvas for your foundation. Look for a primer suited for your skin type. For oily skin, use an oil-controlling primer. For dry skin, try a hydrating primer • 2.      Use a damp beauty sponge. A sponge helps blend your foundation seamlessly into your skin. Gently dab the foundation onto your face with the sponge instead of wiping it on. This provides more coverage while looking natural • 3.      Set with some powder. A light dusting of translucent or tinted powder helps set your foundation and prevents excess shine. Use a powder puff or fluffy powder brush to lightly sweep powder over your T-zone and any other oily areas

  4. Get the Perfect the Smokey Eye • Want to achieve a sultry smokey-eye look? Follow these tips to perfect it in minutes • ·         Start with an eyeshadow primer. Apply it all over your eyelid to provide a smooth base for the shadows to adhere to. This prevents creasing and keeps your look lasting longer • ·         Use a medium brown shade on your lid. Apply the brown shadow across your entire eyelid using a fluffy eyeshadow brush. Blend it out so there are no harsh lines. This provides depth and contour • ·         Add a charcoal shade to the outer corners. Use a smaller tapered brush to apply a dark charcoal shadow to the outer third of your eyelids. Blend into the brown shade so it looks seamless. This helps create a gradient effect from light to dark • ·         Line your eyes. Use a black eyeliner pencil or gel liner along your top and bottom lash lines. For extra drama, line along your waterline as well. Smudge and blend the liner with a brush for a softer look • ·         Line your eyes. Use a black eyeliner pencil or gel liner along your top and bottom lash lines. For extra drama, line along your waterline as well. Smudge and blend the liner with a brush for a softer look • Now get your brushes out and get smokey!

  5. Make Your Lipstick Last All Day • Before applying lipstick, exfoliate your lips to remove any dry and dead skin. You can make a simple sugar scrub by mixing sugar and coconut oil, or use a store-bought lip scrub. Gently massage it onto your lips and then wipe it away. Apply a lip balm or moisturizer and let it soak in for at least 5 minutes. Hydrated lips will hold onto lipstick much better.

  6. Use a Lip Liner • Apply a lip liner that matches your lipstick shade. Line your lips and then fill them in with the liner. The liner will act as a primer for your lipstick and prevent it from bleeding and feathering. Look for a liner with a creamy, long-lasting formula. • Apply a Base Coat • For even longer wear, apply a lipstick base coat or primer. These are clear formulas that fill in fine lines and create a smooth base for lipstick to adhere to. They often contain polymers and silicones to extend the wear time. Let the base coat dry for a minute before applying your lipstick.

  7. Add a main point Add a main point Add a main point Elaborate on what you want to discuss. Elaborate on what you want to discuss. Elaborate on what you want to discuss. • Blot and Reapply

  8. Have Shiny Face

  9. After applying your lipstick, blot your lips with a tissue to remove any excess. Then reapply another coat of lipstick. Blot and reapply again. This blotting and reapplication method helps the lipstick last longer by building up thin, even layers. Be sure to blot lightly after each reapplication to avoid a cakey look. You can use Maybelline lipstick in Pakistan, they have beautiful shades that go with every outfit. Happy Sjiny Face!

  10. Thank you!

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