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How To Stop Cyber Security Threats?

Nowadays, every business owner is spending on security in order to protect his business data from cybercriminals. Nearly, 81% of cyber-attacks occur to small and medium-sized businesses and 97% of these attacks are preventable with the help of cybersecurity services. To get more information, visit https://www.reasonsecurity.com/reason-for-businesses

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How To Stop Cyber Security Threats?

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  1. How To Stop CyberSecurity Threats? WWW.REASONSECURITY.COM


  3. Small businesses arguablyhave the most to lose from being hit with a damagingcyber-attack. INTRODUCTION A recent report revealed that businesses with less than 500 employees lose on average$2.5 million perattack.

  4. PHISHINGATTACKS Thebiggest,mostdamagingandmostwidespreadthreat facing small businesses are phishingattacks. Phishingaccountsfor90%ofallbreachesthat organizationsface. They’vegrown65%overthelastyear,andtheyaccount forover$12billioninbusinesslosses.

  5. MALWAREATTACKS Malwareisthesecondbigthreatfacingsmallbusinesses. Malware usually comes from malicious website downloads,spamemailsorfromconnectingtoother infected machines ordevices. Businesscanpreventmalwareattacksbyhavingstrong technological defences inplace.

  6. RANSOMWARE Ransomwareisoneofthemostcommoncyber-attacks, hitting thousands ofbusinesses every year. In 2018, 71% of ransomware attacks targeted small businesses,withanaverageransomdemandof$116,000. Thiswillhelptostopransomwareattacksfrombeingable to effectively encryptdata.

  7. Another big threat facingsmall businesses is employeesusing weak or easily guessed passwords. WEAKPASSWORDS An average of 19% of enterprise professionals use easilyguessed passwords or share passwords across accounts according to a recentreport.

  8. Aninsiderthreatisarisktoan organization that is caused by the actions of employees, former employees, business contractors orassociates. INSIDERTHREATS Its a growing problem andcan put employees andcustomers at risk, or cause the company financialdamage.

  9. CONCLUSION There are various threats that are faced bysmall businesses at the moment.The best way for businesses to protect themselves against these threats is to have a comprehensive set of security tools in place, andto utilize Security Awareness Training to ensure that users are aware of security threats and how to preventthem.

  10. Contactdetails REASON CYBERSECURITYLTD. info@reasonsecurity.com www.reasonsecurity.com


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