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Learn about fundamental probability theory and Chi-Square analysis. Discover how to assess data goodness and hypothesis testing using Chi-Square tests. Understand null and alternative hypotheses and their significance in statistical analysis.
DASAR-DASAR TEORI KEMUNGKINAN • Kemungkinan : k(x) = x (x + y) ket : K = kemungkinanuntukmendapatkan x (x + y) = jumlahkeseluruhan Contoh : Kemungkinanmendapatangka 6 padasebuahdadu yang dilemparkanadalah : K(angka 6) = angka 6 = 1 jumlahsisi 6
2.Kemungkinan terjadinyaduaperistiwaataulebih, yang masing-masingberdirisendiri k(x+y)= k(x) x k(y) Contoh : Kemungkinanmendapatgambarpadaduauanglogamsaatdilakukantossecarabersamaan : = K(gambar) = ½; K(angka) = ½ K(gambar + angka) = ½ x ½ = ¼
3.Kemungkinan terjadinyaduaperistiwaataulebih, yang salingmempengaruhi k(x atau y)= k(x) + k(y) Contoh : Kemungkinanmendapatkanduagambaratauduaangka, padasaatmelakukantosduauanglogamsecarabersama-sama : K(gambar) = ½; K(angka) = ½ K(2 gambar) = ½ x ½ = ¼ ; K(2 angka) = ½ x ½ = ¼ K(2 gambaratau 2 angka) = ¼ + ¼ = ½
PENGGUNAAN RUMUS BINOMIUM (a + b)n untukmencarikemungkinan dimana a dan b : kejadianterpisah n : banyaknyapercobaan
Contoh 1 : Berapakemungkinanmendapatkan 1 gambardan 2 angkapadasaatmelakukantosdengan 3 uanglogambersama-sama? Jawab : 3 uanglogam n=3 a = kemungkinangambar ( ½) b = kemungkinanangka (1/2) (a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2 b + 3 ab2 + b3 Sehingga : (K 1 gambar, 2 angka) = 3 ab2 = 3 (1/2)(1/2)2 = 3/8
Jawab : 3 uang logam n=3 a = kemungkinan gambar ( ½) b = kemungkinan angka (1/2) (a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2 b + 3 ab2 + b3 Sehingga : (K 1 gambar, 2 angka) = 3 ab2 = 3 (1/2)(1/2)2 = 3/8
Ataudenganrumus lain : Keterangan : n= jumlahperistiwaseluruhnya p= kemungkinanterjadinyasalahsatuperistiwa q= kemungkinanterjadinyaperistiwa yang lain s= kemungkinanterjadinya p t= kemungkinanterjadinya q != faktorial
n= 3 p= peluang gambar (1/2) q= peluang angka (1/2) s= peluang 1 gambar t= peluang 2 angka 6 = 3 16 8
CHI SQUARE ANALYSIS Ms. Gaynor Honors Genetics
The Chi-Square Test ( Test Χ2) Chi square adalahujinyata (goodness of fit) untukmembandingkanataumenguji data percobaan yang diperolehdenganhasil yang diharapkanberdasarkanhipotesasecarateoritis
CHI SQUARE ANALYSIS • The chi square analysis allows you to use statistics to determine if your data is “good” or not • Is your data “good” enough to accept your hypothesis? • allows us to test for deviations of observed frequencies from expected frequencies
The following formula is used • You need 2 different hypotheses: • 1. NULL Hypothesis • Data are occurring by chance and it is all RANDOM!There is NO preference between the groups of data. • 2. Alternative Hypothesis • Data are occurring by someoutlside force. It is NOT by chance and it is NOT RANDOM! There is preference between the groups of data.
This statistical test is compared to a theoretical probability distribution • These probability (p) values are on the Chi Square distribution table HOW DO YOU USE THIS TABLE PROPERLY? you need to determine the degrees of freedom • Degrees of freedom is the # of groups (categories) in your data minus one (1) • If the level of significance read from the table is less than .05 or 5% then your hypothesis is accepted and the data is useful…the data is NOT due to randomness!
Two Types of Hypotheses:1. NULL HYPOTHESIS • states that there is no substantial statistical deviation between observed and expected data. • a hypothesis of no difference (or no effect) is called a null hypothesis symbolized H0 • In other words, the results are totally random and occurred by chance alone. There is NO preference. • The null hypothesis states that the two variables are independent, or that there is NO relationship to one another.
Null Hypothesis Example • A scientist studying bees and butterflies. • Her hypothesis was that a single bee visiting a flower will pollinate with a higher efficiency than a single butterfly, which will help produce a greater number of seeds in the flower bean pod. • We will call this hypothesis H1 or an alternate hypothesis because it is an alternative to the null hypothesis. • What is the null hypothesis? • H0: There is no difference between bees and butterflies in the number of seeds produced by the flowers they pollinate.
Two Types of Hypotheses:2. ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS • states that there IS a substantial statistical deviation between observed and expected data. • a hypothesis of difference (or effect) is called a alternative hypothesis symbolized H1 • In other words, the results are affected by an outside force and are NOT random and did NOT occur by chance alone. There is a preference.
2 Types of Chi Square Problems • Non-genetic • Null Hypothesis: • Data is due to chance and is completely random. There is no preference between the groups/categories. • Alternative Hypothesis • Data is NOT due to chance and there IS a preference between the groups/categories. Data is not random. • Genetic • Null Hypothesis: • Data is due to chance and is random due to independent assortment being random. Punnett square ratios are expected. • If there are 2+ genes involved in the experiment…There is no gene linkage affecting independent assortment & segregation. Punnett square ratios are expected. • Alternative Hypothesis • Data is due NOT to chance and is NOT random. Punnett square ratios are NOT expected. • If there are 2+ genes …There IS gene linkage affecting independent assortment & segregation
Let’s look at a fruit fly cross and their phenotypes x Black body, eyeless (bbee) Wild type (BBEE) F1: all wild type (BbEe)
F1 x F1 5610 1881 Wild type Eyeless, Wild type 622 1896 Black body, eyeless Black body, Wild type
Analysis of the results • Once the numbers are in, you have to determine the expected value of this cross. • This is your hypothesis called the null hypothesis (no gene linkage is occuring). • What are the expected outcomes of this cross? F1 Cross: BbEe x BbEe • 9/16 should be wild type (normal body, wildtype eyes) • 3/16 should be normal body eyeless • 3/16 should be black body wild eyes • 1/16 should be black body eyeless.
The following formula is used • If your null hypothesis is supported by data • you are claiming that mating is random as well as segregation and independent assortment. • If your null hypothesis is not supported by data • you are seeing that the deviation (difference) between observed and expected is very far apart something non-random must be occurring…GENE LINKAGE!!!
Now Conduct the Analysis: To compute the hypothesis value take 10009/16 = 626 (a.k.a- 1/16 of total offspring)
Now Conduct the Analysis: Remember: To compute the hypothesis value take 10009/16 = 626
Using the chi square formula compute the chi square value (χ2) for this cross: • Calculate (o-e)2/ e for EACH phenotype • (5610 - 5630)2/ 5630 = .07 • (1881 - 1877)2/ 1877 = .01 • (1896 - 1877 )2/ 1877 = .20 • (622 - 626) 2/ 626 = .02 • Sum all numbers to get your chi square value • 2 = .30 • Determine how many degrees of freedom are in your experiment • 4 (phenotype) groups– 1 = 3
I Have my Chi Square Value (X2)….What next? • Figure out which hypothesis is accepted: • your NULL hypothesis= 9:3:3:1 ratio is seen due to non-linkage genetics (independent assortment/ segregation is occuring) • The alternative hypothesis = any change from the expected is due to SOME OUTSIDE FORCE! • IT IS NOT RANDOM! THE GENES ARE LINKED! • To figure which hypothesis is accepted, you need to use the CHI SQUARE TABLE, which list CRITICAL VALUES!
Remember…our chi square value was X2 = 0.30 • This value is useful b/c we can obtain the probability that the data occurs (and the probability that the data are an error)
CHI SQUARE TABLE CHI-SQUARE DISTRIBUTION TABLE In biological applications, a probability 5% is usually adopted as the standard conventional criteria for probability to have statistical significance is 0.001-0.05
When reporting chi square data use the following formula sentence…. With ? degrees of freedom, my chi square value is ? , which gives me a p value between ?__% and ?__%, I therefore (accept or reject) my null hypothesis.
Contoh : * Tanamankapri (Pisumsativum) berbungamerahdisilangkandengan yang berbungaputih. Warnabungamerahdominanterhadapwarnabungaputih. Padapopulasi F2 diperoleh 290 tanamanberbungamerahdan 110 tanamanberbungaputih Apakah data hasilpersilangantersebutsesuaidenganrasio 3 : 1 (merahdominansempurnaterhadapputih?)
hipotesis : DominanSempurna Skemapersilangan: Parent :x F1 : F2 : 3 : 1
Jawab : • Hipotesis dominan sempurna 3:1 • Perhitungan Χ2adalah :
Χ2 = 1,20 lihat di Tabel Kemungkinan* dengan derajat bebas (dB) = jumlah kelas-1, soal diatas dB=2-1=1 nilai 1,20 terletak antara 20% dan 30% • Nilai kemungkinan > 5% sehingga hipotesis persilangan diatas adalah Dominan Sempurna (rasio 3:1) sesuai Hukum Mendel