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Hong Kong…?. 공식명칭 : 홍콩 특별행정구 (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) 인구 : 6,992,000 명 면적 : 1,104 km 2 정체 · 의회형태 : 중국 특별행정구 , 단원제 국가원수 / 정부수반 : 중국 주석 공식언어 : 중국어 · 영어 화폐단위 : 홍콩달러 (Hong Kong dollar/HK$).
Hong Kong…? 공식명칭 : 홍콩 특별행정구(Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) 인구 : 6,992,000 명 면적 : 1,104 km2 정체·의회형태 : 중국 특별행정구, 단원제 국가원수/정부수반 : 중국 주석 공식언어 : 중국어·영어 화폐단위 : 홍콩달러(Hong Kong dollar/HK$) Official Name: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) Population: 6,992,000 people Area: 1,104 km2 Form of congestion, Congress: China Special Administrative Region, the unicameral Heads of State / Head of Government: Chinese president Official languages: Chinese, English Currency: Hong Kong dollars (Hong Kong dollar / HK $)
Hong Kong Airport 면적 : 1248만㎡ 활주로 : 3,800mx60m 2개 수용 능력 : 시간당 54회 계류장 크기 : 88대 수용
● area: 1255 hectares ● open port: 07.06. 1998 ● landing strip: 2개 (3800X60m, 3800X60m) ● landing strip handling ability flight : hourly 54편 ● moorings at the same time period ability : 88대 ● passenser terminal each year handling ability : 4500thousand ● 66개 flightregular freight service
one of the worlds largest airports Among the most ambitious construction projects of modern times reclamation program
The interior of Terminal 1 at night-time Check-in counters at Terminal 1
Terminal 1, 2 North Satellite Concourse Midfield Concourse
It is characterised by a lightweight roof, free of service installations; natural lighting; and the integration beneath the main concourse of baggage handling, environmental services and transportation. With its uncluttered spaces, bathed in light, it forms a spectacular gateway to the city. Equally important to the clarity of the space is the accentuation of natural orientation points both within the building and beyond: departing passengers are aware of the land and the water, and can see the aircraft.
The direction of the vaults remains constant throughout the building, regardless of the divergent directions that the prongs take, so that the roof itself becomes an aid to navigation. Departing passengers pass through the East Hall, the largest single airport retail space in the world.