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PTTE 434 - Introduction Quality Assurance, Organization & Management. Jim Wixson, CVS, CMfgE wix@srv.net (home) james.r.wixson@boeing.com (work) 425-385-8028 (home) 425-294-6947 (work) 208-520-2296 (cell). Texts.
PTTE 434 - IntroductionQuality Assurance,Organization & Management Jim Wixson, CVS, CMfgE wix@srv.net (home) james.r.wixson@boeing.com (work) 425-385-8028 (home) 425-294-6947 (work) 208-520-2296 (cell)
Texts • Quality Planning and Analysis from Product Development Through Use4TH edition, Frank Gryna Jr. • Lean Thinking : Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation 2nd Edition, Revised and Updated by James Womack (Author), Daniel Jones (Author) • The Six Sigma Revolution: How General Electric and Others Turned Process Into Profits, George Eckes(Note – this is recommended reading only, no longer a required text for this course.) • Value Engineering for the Practitioner – J. Jerry Kaufman (Recommended)
Course Objectives • Learn some of the history of quality assurance and why it is important. • Learn about the various quality “movements.” • Learn how to sell quality assurance to top management. • Study and apply various quality improvement techniques, in particular, Lean, Six Sigma. and Value Engineering,
Methods of Instruction • It is the philosophy of this instructor that the best learning occurs in a relaxed environment well populated with enjoyable, intellectual challenges encountered and addressed in an interactive manner. • It is hoped that the WebCT environment will met these objectives. • In view of the non-traditional nature of many of our students, classes are intense, but homework expectations are minimized. • Assignments will be designed so that they can be accomplished in small groups. On-line collaboration is encouraged. • Grades will be determined on the basis of participation and accomplishment, together with a mini-project, quizzes, midterm and a final exam.
Homework • Students will be expected to have a firm grasp of the homework problems found in the back of each reading assignment. • The primary focus of the homework problems will be to discuss them in our weekly on-line chat sessions. • Most of the assigned homework problems will be worked in class and can be worked on in small groups. • Then, the problem solutions will be discussed on-line. • Please feel free to email me at wix@srv.net if you have any questions.
Class Project • Students will be expected to complete a class project that utilizes at least 5 of the principles taught in a cohesive way that will lead to an end result, conclusions and recommendations for improvement. • This will be a group project. (If Possible) • An economic analysis and justification of the recommendations to include the NPV and IRR of the recommendations will be required for extra credit (200 pts).
Academic Honesty • In this class, much of our work will be completed by your group and presented by members selected by your group. • I expect that each member of the group will pull their own weight and contribute to the group assignments. • I will also assign homework assignments out of our text. These may be worked on either individually, or in your group. • I believe that better results are gained from group discussion and interaction. We will discuss the homework in class and I would like each member of the group, or team to have an opportunity to present the solutions, or conclusions to the homework problems. • Individual work is expected on all quizzes, midterm, and final exams. This will be the only time I expect individual work. In these cases the rules and expectations dealing with Academic Dishonesty as outlined in the Student Affairs Policy Chapter 2 will apply.
Grading • 1. Attendance and Participation - 200 pts • 2. Quizzes - 700 pts • 3. Homework - 400 pts • 4. Midterm - 200 pts • 5. Project - 300 pts • 6. Final Exam - 200 pts • Total points possible - 2,000 pts • Extra Credit - Economic Justification of project results to include a discounted cashflow analysis that calculates the net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) of the project. - 200 points possible
Grading • A 1,800 pts or better (90% or better) • B 1,600 - 1,799 pts (80% to 89.9%) • C 1,400 - 1,599 pts (70% to 79.9%) • D 1,200 - 1,399 pts (60% TO 69.9%) • F < 1,200 pts
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