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Welcome to Worship! The 6 th Sunday of Easter. Please join us for Holy Communion!. Welcome to the Lutheran Church of our Saviour!
Welcome to Worship! The 6th Sunday of Easter
Please join us for Holy Communion! Welcome to the Lutheran Church of our Saviour! We will be celebrating Holy Communion this morning. You need not be Lutheran nor a member of this congregation. All are invited to join us at God’s Table. Gluten-free bread and grape-juice are also available.
“A Strange Poolside Miracle” “God will not leave us stranded by the pool, crippled by our own sin and inability to get ourselves to the source of healing and life. Instead, God comes to us ... God brings healing to us daily through the power of the Holy Spirit, and the saving ministry of his Son, Jesus.” From today’s sermon: “A Strange Poolside Miracle”
Today’s Psalm Our Psalm for today is Psalm 67 found on the screen or on page 338 and following in your hymnal. We will be singing the Psalm responsively by whole verse.
In Loving Memory The flowers on the altar this morning have been placed by Elaine Ruhl, to the glory of God and in loving memory of her husband Ken.
Youth Group Bottle Drive! Start saving those refundable bottles! Our youth will be holding a fund-raising bottle drive the week after the May long weekend. If you would like your refundables picked up at your home, please sign up in the narthex. Original artwork by RachealProwd
Synod Scholarship, Murray Scholarship& Spencer-Barche Trust Fund Forms for these scholarships are found on the Eastern Synod website (www.easternsynod.org), or at the church office. Funds are available to those who are pursuing post-secondary education. Deadline for completed applications is May 14, 2013.
Coming this summer ...Set the World on Fire! A group of 14 (11 youth, 3 leaders) will be attending the Eastern Synod Youth Gathering this coming summer at Camp Edgewood. Watch for more news and updates, and please support our youth in their fund-raising!
Our Georgian Bay Conference has invited the founder of “the Back to Church Sunday” initiative, Michael Harvey, to come and share with us ways we can renew our communities of faith. Come and join us for an evening of fun and faith! Sunday, May 5th at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church in Hanover 7 – 9 PM Cost $10.00 per person Refreshments and Fellowship afterwards! Please speak with Pastor Christie if you’d like to attend!
Plant & Bake Sale & BBQ Saturday, May 18th 8:30-1:00 The Health Ctte is looking for donations of plants – perennial, house plants, flower arrangements, gently used garden tools, gardening books, as well as cakes, muffins, pies, etc., for the bake table. Please speak with Gloria Pfeffer or Diana Lenk for more information.
The Choir of LCOS is happy to present: The Bright Side of Life Sunday, May 26th, 3pm at LCOS. Ticket Price: no charge, but a free-will donation to assist the work of the church would be appreciated.
Joint Anglican / Lutheran Outdoor Worship & Picnic When:Sunday, June 9th at 10:30 am. Where: Kelso Beach (St. Thomas’ Anglican in the event of rain) What:Outdoor worship & potluck picnic with St. Thomas’ & St. George’s Anglican Churches What to bring: lawn chairs, cold main course and dessert (in coolers, please!), dishes & cutlery. Baseball challenge: following lunch! Bring your running shoes, ball gloves or pom-poms for cheering!