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Vermicompost Use In Greenhouse Production: Nutrient Management And Disease Suppression. Allison L H Jack Dr . Eric B. Nelson’s Laboratory Group Long Island Ag Forum 1-14-10. Overview. What is vermicompost? Nutrient management Disease suppression Conclusions and future directions.
Vermicompost Use In Greenhouse Production: Nutrient Management And Disease Suppression Allison L H Jack Dr. Eric B. Nelson’s Laboratory Group Long Island Ag Forum 1-14-10
Overview • What is vermicompost? • Nutrient management • Disease suppression • Conclusions and future directions
vermicompost $ Liability Asset Vermicompost and sustainable agriculture Excess manure: Synthetic inputs: $ Dairy operation Vegetable/ fruit grower $ Environmental problem Environmental problem
Thermophilic compost Vermicompost Usually follows a hot composting step Worm beds (indoor) Windrows (outdoor) Entire process: ~70 days • Static aerated (indoor) • Windrows (outdoor) • 6-9 months curing • Relies primarily on action of microbes
Earthworms “farm” microbes INPUT Decomposed more available nutrients microbes Organic matter OUTPUT cast [Swift 1979]
The soil ‘sleeping beauty paradox’ [Lavelle et al. 1995, Brown et al. 2000]
Properties of end products • Equivalent total N • Vermicompost can have up to 2 x NO3- (plant available) ~700 mg kg-1 • Unique plant-associated microbial communities • Vermicompost is re-wettable and a finer texture • Vermicompost can have more highly humified organic matter
Factors affecting growth media performance • Nutrient levels • Plant availability – slow release • Electrical conductivity [EC] (salts) • Water holding capacity – drainage • Phytotoxicity – germination • pH • ‘Wetability’
Organic tomato trials [Jack, Sooksa-Nguan, Culman, Rangarajan, Thies in press]
Soluble nutrients can leach 20% Vermicompost & fish emulsion 20% Vermicompost
Mixtures of amendments • Out of 21 media tested, hog and dairy manure vermicomposts at 20% with a mixture of blood meal, green sand and rock phosphate performed the best with tomato [Leonard & Rangarajan 2007] • May make nutrients in synthetic fertilizers more plant available [Mattson in progress] z Early yield calculated by combining yield from first three (2004) or first two (2005) harvests. y Means in the same year followed by the same letter are not significantly different at p<0.05.
Cabbage trials • Organic materials rely on microbial activity to mineralize nutrients and make them plant available - results are temperature sensitive Control 10% VC & BM Blood meal 10% VC [Rangarajan, Leonard & Jack, ongoing]
Vermicompost is added to tops of plug trays, aerated vermicompost extract is piped directly into overhead irrigation 2008
Expensive equipment ($20,000) No shelf life Additives needed Cheap equipment ($250) Long shelf life No additives needed Non-aerated compost extract Aerated compost extract 100 gallon tub Timer Sump pump (circulates 2x a day) sump [ElzingaHoeksema Nurseries, MI]
Vermicomposts can protect plants from disease • Multiple cases documented in scientific literature • But, suppression depends on: • Amendment rate • Type of feedstock • Temperature • Presence of synthetic fertilizers • Potting media substrate
It works…sometimes • Scientists don’t understand enough of how it works to predict if a compost will be suppressive or not • This is a major barrier to effective us of these materials for disease management • Cornell Soil Health program has developed soil testing that takes a more holistic approach i.e. beyond N-P-K
What do we know? • Single organism biological control is well understood in specific cases • Suppression of disease by a complex community of microbes is much more complicated!
Example: Pythium spp. (damping off) Post-emergence damping off [www.ipmimages.org]
P. aphanidermatum germinating sporangium sporangium direct asexual zoosporangium zoospores indirect DISEASE vegetative hyphae Germinating oospore oogonium sexual antheridium oospore oogonium [modified from Matthews 1931]
Mechanisms of biocontrol • Single organism: • Antibiosis • Competition for nutrients • Parasitism • Induced systemic resistance
Zwittermicin A (antibiotic) Bacillus subtilis “Kodiak TM” Antibiosis Pythium zoospore Root surface [Shang et al. 1999]
Linoleic acid Pythium sporangium Enterobacter cloacae Competition for nutrients Seed exudates Cucumber seed Linoleic acid Pythium sporangium [van Dijk and Nelson 2000]
Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR) [Chen et al. 2000] Pseudomonas corrugata Pythium sporangium
Parasitism www.nysaes.cornell.edu/ent/biocontrol/pathogens/trichoderma
Multiple organism biocontrol • Often associated with high microbial biomass and activity • Unclear which organisms are involved and how they interact with each other • Goal: • Understand how disease suppression works in a single system so we can make the practice more effective
Liquid vermicompost extract Solid vermicompost • Soil drench applied when irrigating • Can provide comparative levels of suppression with 2000 x less compost • Can be freeze dried and reconstituted • Simple feedstock + process control = more consistent product • OMRI listed • Potting media amendment • 5-20% depending on crop
The Spermosphere cucumber seed Pythium zoospore Seed exudates
7d a 8h 7d a b 7d 8h 7d a b 7d 7d Non-inoculated a Pythium inoculation Shoot height (mm) 0 30 60 90 120 150 Sand Suppressive compost Seed Microbes [Chen & Nelson 2008] 7d
Conclusions • Vermicomposts are: • a valuable component in organic potting media for nutrient management • cultural practice for suppressing disease • Scientific understanding is not at a level where we can make predictions for specific composts • Consider collaborating with regional researchers to further develop these practices
Acknowledgements Nelson Lab: Mary Ann Karp Eric Carr Monica Minson Ellen Crocker Sarah Arnold Dave Moody Financial support: Department of Plant Pathology and Plant Microbe Biology USDA BARD Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines New York Farm Viability Institute NYSTAR Center for Advanced Technology & USDA SBIR Phase I & II (with Worm Power) Organic Farming Research Foundation Organic Crop Improvement Association Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship My committee: Eric Nelson (PPPMB) Anthony Hay (MICRO) AnuRangarajan (HORT) Kathie Hodge (PPPMB) Scott Peters (EDUC) Industry collaborator: Tom Herlihy Worm Power Kent Loeffler – photo credits SBIR Program