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The art of grant writing is not rocket science but certainly a developed skill.There are many measures of success for grant writers and not all of the measures of success revolve around success in winning the funding.
Grant Writing - A Personal Definition of Success for Grant Writers
Grant Writing - A Personal Definition of Success for Grant Writers The art of grant writing is not rocket science but certainly a developed skill. There are many measures of success for grant writers and not all of the measures of success revolve around success in winning the funding. In this article I will discuss the different levels of success and what a quality grant writer should hope to achieve after writing a grant submission.
Grant Writing - A Personal Definition of Success for Grant Writers • Personal Satisfaction • One measure of success for the grant writer is personal satisfaction. This might seem strange but a grant writer or a quality grant writer at that should know if the grant submission they have just prepared is a quality job they can be proud of. • Every job a grant writer prepares obviously should be a quality job and a driven grant writer will ensure they write submissions of the highest quality every time and take pride in their skill and professionalism. • So personal satisfaction for a job well done should be a key driver for grant writers who want to succeed in the grant writing world.
Grant Writing - A Personal Definition of Success for Grant Writers • Quality Document • Another measure of success and satisfaction should be the production of a quality document as we touched on above. • Many grant submissions require detailed and complex responses and this requires the grant writer to think outside the box, think strategically and to craft responses that address every bit of every question or every criteria.
Grant Writing - A Personal Definition of Success for Grant Writers • Quality Document • Being a great wordsmith will help but there are many great wordsmith’s who don’t have an attention to detail and don’t fully understand how to write grant submissions which will be successful in attracting funding. • A grant writer who produces high quality documents will obviously be successful in winning funding more often than not and they will take pride in the quality and content of their work.
Grant Writing - A Personal Definition of Success for Grant Writers • Satisfied client/organization • A successful grant writer will achieve satisfaction if the organization they are writing for or the client is happy with the quality of work prepared. • To me this is vitally important in my business – we must meet or exceed the client’s expectations. If the client thinks gee I could have written that myself – I need to be asking my Consultants how/why? There is no way any of our clients no matter how experienced they are in the grant writing world should be able to write as well as us, be as strategic as us and be as focused on attention to detail as we are.
Grant Writing - A Personal Definition of Success for Grant Writers • Satisfied client/organization • I want our clients to be wowed by what we do and think gee there is no way I could have written or prepared that! • So yes a happy client or organization that loves the work you have completed is very satisfying and gives the grant writer a very warm feeling indeed.
Grant Writing - A Personal Definition of Success for Grant Writers • Funding approved • Obviously the ultimate satisfaction is the success of the grant submission in winning funding. Eventually success will be measured on results. • So grant writing comes down to dollars and cents – is the cost of chasing grants relative to the results and does the organization achieve a great “return on investment” with successful grants. • The sad reality though is that great grant submissions, great projects and great organizations can miss out on funding through no fault of the quality of the submission however if you have a quality grant writer eventually this quality.
Grant Writing - A Personal Definition of Success for Grant Writers Contact us at Red Tape Busters - http://www.redtapebusters.com/ should you require more information about this article or if you require specialist grant or tender writing experience to help your organization or business win grant funding or achieve successes with tenders.
Grant Writing - A Personal Definition of Success for Grant Writers • Funding approved • Grant writing can be very very rewarding and success can come in many forms to the grant writer. • If you write quality documents then the rest will look after itself over time – no doubt at all about that!
Grant Writing - A Personal Definition of Success for Grant Writers • We are specialists in providing the following services:- • Lobbying • Tender Writing • Grant Writing • Resumes/Job Applications • Organisational/Business Development
Grant Writing - A Personal Definition of Success for Grant Writers Please also “friend” or “like” us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RedTapeBustersShaneBowering, follow us on Twitter – Red Tape Busters or check us out on YouTube just search for Red Tape Busters.
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