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Richard M. Rosenfeld, MD, MPH

Formulation of Strategy and Framework for Action IOM Workshop on Standards for Systematic Reviews and Clinical Practice Guidelines. Richard M. Rosenfeld, MD, MPH.

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Richard M. Rosenfeld, MD, MPH

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  1. Formulation of Strategyand Framework for ActionIOM Workshop on Standards for SystematicReviews and Clinical Practice Guidelines Richard M. Rosenfeld, MD, MPH Professor and Chairman of Otolaryngology, SUNY DownstateChair, Steering Group, G-I-N North AmericaChair, Guideline Development Task Force, AAO-HNS

  2. American Academy of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) Guidelines as Springboards for Quality Improvement BestMethods + BestEvidence + BestConsensus Best Practice

  3. www.g-i-n.net

  4. Guidelines International Network G-I-N’s mission is to lead, strengthen, and supportcollaboration and work within the guideline development, adaptation, and implementation community • Providing a network and partnerships for guideline organizations, implementers, end-users, researchers, students, and other stakeholders • Assisting members in reducing duplication of effort and improving evidence-based guideline development, adaptation, dissemination, and implementation • Promoting best practice through opportunities for learning and building capacity, establishing high quality standards of guideline development, adaptation, dissemination, and implementation Three principal aims:

  5. Founded 200285 organizations79 individuals43 countriesGrowing fastWebsiteNewsletter What is the Guidelines International Network? Network Activities Library Annual conference 7,000+ entriesGuidelinesSystematic reviewsEvidence reportsClearing reportsMethodologyImplementation toolsHealth topics collectionLiterature updates

  6. Founded 200285 organizations79 individuals43 countriesGrowing fastWebsiteNewsletter What is the Guidelines International Network? Network Activities Library 7,000+ entriesGuidelinesSystematic reviewsEvidence reportsClearing reportsMethodologyImplementation toolsHealth topics collectionLiterature updates Annual conference Working groupsAdaptationImplementationEvidence-tablesPerformance measures CommunitiesG-I-N PublicAllied healthEmergency careNorth America

  7. G-I-N North America Guidelines International NetworkNorth American Community • Provide a network for guideline users, developers, and other stakeholders to form partnerships and discuss regional guideline issues • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of evidence-based guideline development, adaptation, dissemination, and implementation • Organize and promote regional events and an annual satellite conference that is non-competitive with the G-I-N annual conference • Enhance and promote relationships between G-I-N and the North American guideline community • Coordinate guideline activities with other health quality initiatives richrosenfeld@msn.com

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