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Discover the fascinating dynamics of predation, parasitism, and mutualism in marine ecosystems. Explore how individual interactions shape population effects and community structures. Learn about predator-prey relationships, escape behaviors, and optimal predator models. Delve into the complexity of parasitic life cycles and the benefits of mutualistic relationships. Understand the impact of disease on marine populations and the construction of population models. Gain insights into ecological principles in marine biology.
3 Ecological and Evolutionary Principles Notes for Marine Biology: Function, Biodiversity, Ecology by Jeffrey S. Levinton
Ecological hierarchy • Population-level processes • Individual interactions
The Ecological Hierarchy • Biosphere • Ecosystem • Community • Population • Individual
Ecological Processes - Population Level • Competition • Predation • Parasitism • Disturbance • Facilitation • Larval dispersal (unique to ocean)
Interactions Between Individuals • +- Territoriality • +- Predation • + - Parasitism • ++ Mutualism • + 0 Commensalism
Predation POPULATION EFFECTS - prey population collapse, occasional predator-prey cycles Predation effects reduced when (a) Prey population has rapid recovery rate (b) Predators limited by other factors (e.g., octopus by den sites) (c) Escapes from predation: (1) escape behavior, (2) cryptic color, form, (3) chemical (warning coloration) or mechanical defense (fixed or inducible), (4) refuge habitat, (5) refuge time (nocturnal, feeding at time of low tide when predators are away)
Predation Example: Stationary Predator Anthopleura xanthogrammica
flatfish Crypsis: Decorator crab
Instructor: here is a recommended link to use for class http://video.google.com/videosearchq=mimic+octopus&hl=en&emb=0&aq=f# Thaumoctopus mimicus mimic octopus
Aposematic (warning coloration) Instructor: here is a recommended link to use for class http://www.rzuser.uni-heidelberg.de/~bu6/flat0415.jpg Pseudoceros bifurcus (flatworm in Phillipines) has tetrodotoxin (blocks Na channel)
Escape Behavior Scallop Lima hians Spisula escaping starfish
Inducible defenses bryozoan spines - nudibranch. +predator - predator Barnacle Chthamalus anisopoma Why just a plastic response?
Optimal Predator Models • Diet breadth - rule: food scarce, increase breadth • Time spent in a patch - rule: greater the distance between patches, spend more time in a given patch • Size selection - maximize energy intake, usually leads to selection for intermediate size
Energy reward of a mussel as function of size Shore crab Carcinus maenas feeding upon the mussel Mytilus edulis. Optimal Prey Size: Maximize intake - Function of time and prey size Preference of crab for different mussel sizes
Parasitism • Parasites evolve to reduce damage to host • Commonly involve complex life cycles with more than one host • Parasites may invade specific tissues, such as reproductive tissue of the host
Complex life cycle found in a trematode parasite living in several marine animal hosts
Invasion of the parasitic rhizocephalan barnacle Sacculina into the body of a crab Planktonic larva of parasitic barnacle (attaches to 1st antenna of crab
Mutualism:Cleaner wrasse removes ectoparasites from a number of species of fish that visit localized “cleaning stations” on a coral reef. Fish (b) is a mimic species that actually attacks fish that would normally be a “client” of the cleaner wrasse.
Commensalism Commensal crab and fish live in this burrow of Urechis caupo
Effects of Disease • Destruction of important species, e.g., shellfish disease attacks • Removal of ecologically important species (example: removal of key grazer) • Interaction with other factors such as climate change
Construction of a Population Model dN/dT = f (N,M,R,I,E) N = population size M = mortality R = reproduction I = immigration E = emigration M is a function of physical environment, competition, predation, etc. R function of physical environment, resources (e.g., food)
Example of Population Model Barnacles: What parameters matter the most? dN/dT = f (N, I, M) I is larval settlement M a function of larval-adult interactions, overgrowth, predation Note R doesn't matter if planktonic larvae mainly go elsewhere
Mortality pattern expected for a species with a planktonic larva. Note higher mortality rate of larval stage.
Modes of Population Change Exponential Growth Logistic growth Random change
Small-scale Spatial Distribution of Individuals Random Uniform Aggregated…
Aggregations on larger scales…. Metapopulation • Definition: A group of interconnected subpopulations • Sources and Sinks