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Copyright Registration in Delhi

Copyright registration in Delhi protects copyright from infringement. Copyright registration provides legal protection that ensures that no one else can use copyright in any way without the permission of the owner.<br>https://www.registrationmitra.com/copyright/

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Copyright Registration in Delhi

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  2. COPYRIGHT REGISTRATION IN DELHI Copyright is a right given by the law to creators of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works and cinematograph films and sound recordings. In fact, it is a bundle of rights including, inter alia, rights communication to the public, adaptation and translation of the work. producers of of reproduction,

  3. OUR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INCLUDES Drafting and filing of application Assignment, Licensing and transfer work Amendments in pending or registered application Appearance before the registrar in respect to objection proceedings Filing oppositions and infringement Defending or filing counter statements in respect to oppositions raised Post registration services protection against

  4. REGISTER FOR THE COPYRIGHT OF YOUR ORIGINAL WORK FROM REGISTRATION MITRA We are one of the most trusted firms for providing copyright registration in Delhi. Copyright registration grants the owner of the work a right that no one else can copy his work without his permission.

  5. Contact us www.linkedin.com/comp any/71172786/admin www.facebook.com/RegMitra www.instagram.com/reg_mitra Website Phone Number www.registrationmitra.com 9617-002-000

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