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Benefits of Marijuana

Benefits of Marijuana. By Devante Bennett-Lee. Marijuana can have health benefits. Some think it is bad for your but there are some benefits. Marijuana can have the same results as some other prescription drugs but not have the same side effects. As an Alternative….

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Benefits of Marijuana

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Benefits of Marijuana By Devante Bennett-Lee

  2. Marijuana can have health benefits • Some think it is bad for your but there are some benefits. • Marijuana can have the same results as some other prescription drugs but not have the same side effects.

  3. As an Alternative… • Marijuana can be safer alternative to other prescription drugs without the heavy side effects.

  4. Brain Tumors • A study at Complutense University has showed that marijuana can be effective against brain tumors as use of marijuana shrunken the tumor.

  5. Torette’s Syndrome • Marijuana can be an effective treatment for Torette’s Syndrome as it relaxes those who have and gives less of an urge to tic.

  6. ADD/ADAD • Marijuana is also effective for people who have ADHD but without the side effects of ritalin.

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