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Data for Student Success and Regional Data Initiative Overview September 2010

Data for Student Success and Regional Data Initiative Overview September 2010. “It is about focusing on building a culture of quality data through professional development and web based dynamic inquiries for school improvement.”. Outcomes. Why should I use this?

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Data for Student Success and Regional Data Initiative Overview September 2010

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  1. Data for Student Success andRegional Data Initiative OverviewSeptember 2010 “It is about focusing on building a culture of quality data through professional development and web based dynamic inquiries for school improvement.”

  2. Outcomes • Why should I use this? • Understand Data for Student Success • Understand Regional Data Initiative • How do I do this appropriately? • Understand the Professional Development modules and their basic content and use • Where do I look for more info? • Awareness of Data 4SS Inquiry Tools and Local Data warehouse availability • Who can help me plan and implement?

  3. Understand Data for Student Success

  4. Understand Data for Student Success • Federal Title II Part D of the NCLB Act of 2001 Enhancing Education through Technology Grant awarded through CEPI • Awarded $1.5M to Calhoun ISD in partnership with Macomb ISD and Shiawassee RESD; January 1, 2007 • Awarded to Calhoun ISD again in • 2008 (1.5M) • 2009 (1.5M) • 2010 (750K)

  5. Goals of Data for Student Success • Build and bring to scale a program that helps schools develop cultures of quality data in which there are consistent and sustained efforts to: • Identify critical questions whose answers would benefit school districts in decision making to inform instruction • Provide inquiries designed around the critical questions • Provide focused professional development on data-based decision making • Provide a scaffold of support for the Continuous Needs Assessment and High Priority Schools

  6. Collaboration: Why? • “Schools that explore data and take action collaboratively provide the most fertile soil in which a culture of improvement can take root and flourish.” "The Collaborative Advantage." Educational Leadership Dec/Jan (2009)

  7. Who should collaborate? • Curriculum • Technology • Special Education • Principals • Superintendent • School Improvement Team • Leadership Team

  8. Understand the Professional Development Modules and their basic content and use

  9. Professional Development is Critical • There are four modules designed around school improvement and data • Expanded to ten modules that included culture • Professional Development is the key to understanding how to use data for student success

  10. Using Data to Improve Student Achievement Modules • Using State Data to Identify School Improvement Goals • Using School Data to Clarify and Address the Problem  • Examining Student Work to Inform Instruction • Using Classroom Data to Monitor Student Progress For more detailed information please go to www.data4ss.org

  11. Understand the Professional Development modules and their basic content and use • Each professional development module will utilize the following tools: • In depth focus questions to help determine outcomes • PowerPoint presentations to guide the workshop • Worksheets for participants • Facilitation guides

  12. Understand the Professional Development modules and their basic content and use • There are 10 Modules that are tool-independent • They can be used with local warehouses and the Data 4SS Inquiry tool • All professional development resources provide a scaffold • To model the data analysis process • To give districts ownership of their data • What are the 10 modules?

  13. Understand the Professional Development modules and their basic content and use • Three modules: Using State, School and Classroom Data Professional Development Modules for informing School Improvement Process • Overall Achievement and Demographic data • Identify Sub-group learning issues • Determine strategies/interventions for education and learning • Data Warehouse assists in monitoring growth

  14. Understand the Professional Development modules and their basic content and use • Two modules: Use Assessments and Examining Student Work Modules to • Refine data – MEAP (grade 3 – 9) Grade Level Content Expectations or MME (grade 11) Standard of greatest concern • Data Warehouse assists in monitoring progress using classroom assessments and common assessments in order to focus on learning

  15. Understand the Professional Development modules and their basic content and use • Creating Conditions for Professional Learning Module • Focuses on what needs to be in place for professional learning to occur • Leadership in Building a Culture of Quality Data • Identifies the role of the district and building leader in building a culture of quality data • Writing • Help teams focus on writing process

  16. Understand the Professional Development modules and their basic content and use • Beyond Achievement Data • Moving beyond achievement data into achievement related data: Attendance, Discipline, Referrals, Parent Involvement, Homework and Course Enrollment. • Data Conferencing • This module focuses on understanding the what, how and why of a data conference which is used to foster collaboration and conversation around curriculum and data

  17. Understand the Professional Development modules and their basic content and use • New Modules coming fall 2010: • Reading Grades 3-5 • Mathematics

  18. www.data4ss.org

  19. Understand Inquiry Tool and Professional Development Module Usage • Professional Development Modules • All 57 ISDs were trained through ‘Launch’ events and given the opportunity to write an ‘action plan’ how they would empower their local school districts to build a culture of quality data using the PD modules and inquiry tool. • All 57 ISDs have submitted and have or are in the process of implementing their Action Plans

  20. Understand Inquiry Tool and Professional Development Module Usage • In their Action Plan, Bay Arenac said: • “D4SS is a critical tool for school improvement teams in Michigan……We have created this proposal with the focus on training a high number of teacher leaders and administrators in order to increase the chances of sustainability over time, over leadership changes and placement changes that are sure to occur.”

  21. Understand Inquiry Tool and Professional Development Module Usage • Manistee indicated in their Action Plan: • “Working with the teacher leaders and administrators … will help develop capacity in the ISD to provide a foundation of support. Working with the general population of teachers (el, ms, hs), including our high priority school, through our integrated sessions (ISD-wide PD days and using data to improve student achievement/data-driven decision making workshops, etc.) will further increase and sustain use.”

  22. Understand Inquiry Tool and Professional Development Module Usage • Statewide System of Support Schools –from initial Data Driven Decision Making Training evaluation (Title I Accountability Grant): • 93% indicated Data 4SS resources would moderately or extremely support them in their school improvement efforts

  23. Understand Inquiry Tool and Professional Development Module Usage • Participant from a Title 1 Accountability Grant Data Driven Decision Making Training stated: • “Excellent training! Thank You for this very, very valuable information in such a user-friendly manner. I know that this will make a difference in our schools to teachers as they continue to gather and interpret their data. It will support our school improvement efforts greatly.”

  24. Regional Data Initiative PurposeImproving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives • Purpose: provide Michigan teachers with real-time access to student data at the classroom level • Funded: eight proposals that best use the programs that are currently in place • Provides: every educator in Michigan with an opportunity to differentiate and individualize instruction • Builds on: professional development for using data to inform instruction and how to individualize instruction (Universal Design for Learning)

  25. Regional Data Initiative • ISDs collaborating on the use of data tools for school improvement • Data 4SS PD Modules are required to be used • Focus is on using both state and local assessment data to inform teaching and learning • All 57 ISDs participating

  26. How do Data4SS Inquiries and local data warehousing tools work together? • Together they provide the ability to triangulate data from multiple sources – using multiple measures • Both provide non-negotiable state data • Data4SS is based on enrollment at time of MEAP • Local warehouse is based on live/current enrollment • Local warehouse provides analysis of district required assessments • Local warehouse provides analysis of classroom performance data • Local warehouse provides frequent systematic monitoring for growth to avoid unexpected results

  27. Link to Special Education • SIDR/REED Team’s responsibility is to work collaboratively to continue the analysis of data and determine a systematic plan for addressing the student’s specific needs. • Statewide Assessment results • Data analysis in statewide assessments including comparison of individual to grade, district, and state averages in area of concern.

  28. Awareness of Data 4SS Inquiry Tool and Local Warehouse Availability

  29. Dynamic Inquiry Tool • Inquiries based on essential questions, aligned with the school improvement process, that allow for drill down into student data

  30. Dynamic Inquiry Tools • MEAP • Proficiency • Students Near Proficiency • Comparative Item Analysis • Cohort Proficiency • Admin Review • MME • Proficiency • Students Near Proficiency • Standard Analysis • MI-Access • Proficiency • Students Near Proficiency • Continuous Needs Assessment Report • Annual Education Report • Student History • ELPA (coming soon)

  31. MEAP Proficiency - All Students

  32. Cohort Proficiency Inquiry “What is the evidence of one year’s growth for one year of instruction?” (this is one of the tools to support the new requirements)

  33. Comparative Item Analysis Inquiry “How did student performance within a district or building or ISD compare to the State?” • The comparative item analysis inquiry also answers the following question: “How did we do in comparison to the state on items/GLCE in a strand?” • Will help to identify curriculum and teaching areas that may need adjustment

  34. Also able to mine by other data such as Students with Disabilities

  35. Link to Local Warehouse Example:8th Grade Math MEAP compared to 9th Grade Algebra GradeNext Question: What area of 8th grade math curriculum needs to be reviewed?

  36. Understand Security of Data

  37. Data Security: Resources • Maintaining Confidentiality Activities on Data for Student Success web site outline best practices and provide resources for addressing data security. www.data4ss.org

  38. Why? FERPA/HIPPA • Family Educational Records and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Access Act (HIPAA) • Confidentiality and protection of student’s data, including educational record and directory information

  39. What is an Education Record? • “The term “education records” is defined as all records, files, documents and other materials containing information directly related to a student; and maintained by the education agency or institution, or by a person acting for such agency or institution (34 CFR § 99.3). This includes all records regardless of medium, including, but not limited to, handwriting, videotape or audiotape, electronic or computer files, film, print, microfilm, and microfiche.” Forum Guide to the Privacy of Student Information: A Resource for Schools

  40. Data for Student SuccessKey Contact Information • Your ISD/RESA • General • www.data4ss.org • contact@data4ss.org • Mary Gehrig, Assistant Superintendent, Calhoun ISD • gehrigm@calhounisd.org • Mike Oswalt, Assistant Superintendent, Calhoun ISD • oswaltm@calhounisd.org • Becky Rocho, Assistant Superintendent, Calhoun ISD • rochob@calhounisd.org • Maureen Slamer – Data 4SS PD Director, Calhoun ISD • slamerm@calhounisd.org • Tim Hall – School Data Specialist, Calhoun ISD • hallt@calhounisd.org

  41. ISD/RESA Contact for Regional Data Initiative and Data 4SS • www.data4ss.org • Click on the ‘Contact Us’ tab • Curriculum and Technical Contacts are listed for each ISD/RESA

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